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Everything posted by Dart12

  1. Here's an actual job listing site and salaries offered for various jobs and career positions in Pattaya https://www.pattayajobcentre.com/
  2. the store is called supercheap that sells the drugs? I am much too far to visit. But prices here for that box is 750
  3. I mistook amount you taking. Following someone else's protocol they shared here that helped them was. taking 3 daily and 5mg finasteride every other day. I do not know his weight, which plays a part in dosage . I"m not sure, but I think it requires long term usage for full effects.
  4. If your pee is still hurting, you more than likely have scarred your urethra is my guess. Vocin 500 is good, it is mid tier, 2nd generation levofloxcin. Should be able to get 5 for 250 or less. do 5 days, if still have bladder pain, add an additional 5 day per my doctor. If I were you, based on your symptoms, I would have gotten general test for your woman and both taken the STD shot. 7 days of doxy plux levofloxacin. I like you have only my sexual partner , but kept getting it. Turns out she had it, even though first doctor said she did not. So I took her to my doc and it came to that she had bacteria. And be careful with the doxazosin...that should be SLOWLY to the level you are taking right off the bat. You can cause yourself a lot of problems if you don't build your bodies tolerance to that drug. Goodluck.
  5. Everybody has to raise prices this year due to the faux shutdown of 2 years with the planned inflation. However, yes I'm a little miffed at all the places raising 50% on anything because it's a round number. Ie i get chicken and it was 10 baht per piece and now it's 15. Nothing on it's own, but I order 20 a time. Realistically they could all do pretty good and make additional profit raising just 20% imo. Oh well. It's what the governments wanted. We are stuck with it now. and oh. Yeah, you almost have to find a good massuesse, not place*. they all give them differently and the same shop you can have multiple different experiences. *this does not include teh blind shops you are talking about. I will have to check one of those out one time.
  6. Saying you are annoyed with something specific doesn't mean you are trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It simply means something irks him. We are human. We all have our own pet peeves.
  7. I wish that was helpful for the one's that ambush us on the motorbike turning corners...where they fly out of bushes. Always gives me a startle, even knowing where it might be coming. Sometimes forget about it completely. Sometimes they nip my rider. I don't understand why the condo management don't clear them out down there. I am in a a little section of 2 soi with one connector at the back. So a long U up to the main street. and connector that they roam is very short. I really don't understand why they wouldn't push these dogs out if I was running the condo's.
  8. @ubonjoe or @DrJack54 do you know a way I can check without going to immigration? *I've never reported online or had to do a report myself before
  9. "How to make $7000 in 48 hours while partying In Pattaya, with no money down, no experience, and no work." I think this is a course sold somewhere
  10. I"m surprised they did not out the bar. Guessing envelope kept that big fact from going public by owner?
  11. It's great that they saved these kids. That should be the focus. However, you are right, that is how political leaders do damage control thru media manipulation for sure: create or focus on another situation that pulls the spotlight away from what they don't want dwelled on. Although I don't know how much better this looks for the city.
  12. who cares? or are you buying meth lab materials? But putting your cards into your Thai bank app and Apple wallet are also great back ups and time savers. Apple wallet has been a godsend since my banks cannot seem to be able to ship cards out this way. Do I use my home country cards much here? No. But I do like to have access to them. Now, am I with the governments who are trying to eliminate cash? HE LL NO. That's the end of freedom in my book. But having both options is great. ...or in this case, 4 options: cash, card, app, and card inphone/app
  13. Ok. AFter 40 days I finally have my passport and visa back in my hands. However, She did not attach the 90 day report form. How can I find out officially if she did the reporting or not?
  14. I'd say more like 50% of the time. Just make sure you ask up front so you can calculate it into your monthly expenses ahead of the time. When I first came to thailand I was paying X, then I moved to a double size condo and my electric went down. Made no sense until I learned about this.
  15. Yes. Always ask this before renting. That easily adds 3-4000 in a monthly payment.
  16. I have since been shown a picture of a visa. Claimed Flash did not pick up on Sunday. then 6 more days of silence when asked if it's been mailed daily Yesterday she says it's been mailed. Now silence when I ask for tracking number. Soooo.... I guess you can call this progress. But it cost me a month in new queues at license bureau, a half day or more in travel to get new appointment, and a few thousand baht extra. Add in that this leaves me vulnerable to getting pulled over for the next month with the new, higher fines of 2000 per infraction. I wish I could charge all that to her for her incompetence. (BTW...I overnight mailed her my passport sept 2 for a sept 16 visa renewal date so I would be WAY ahead of my sept 27 appointment). Sometimes you just gotta Wusah in life and shrug it off.
  17. I don't think his handlers let him out to do anything anymore. Like him or not like him and the party... He's not coherent in the head anymore.
  18. Ask the seller . I buy thru the store ALOT on Lazada and they answer questions quickly and their english is very very good so there is never really any issues with comprehension of a question. All you can do is test on your phone for actual speed. Going to matter about your area for how well the carrier does. Where I am DTAC works as sold. But I may be doing some traveling soon. what carriers are know for best total coverage of thailand? (major areas). I'm not heading to any Isaan.
  19. Might have gone from bad to worse in terms of tyranical governments, no? Don't get a Canadian bank account Han!
  20. Daily sunlight on your bare skin is actually extremely healthy for you. You want/need about 20 minutes of your bare skin in the sun daily, best if soaked in midday between hours of 8 and noon to get healthy natural vitamin D production for your body. The sun helps our bodies produce and absorb Vitamin D. Vitamin D is beneficial for your immune system, bone health, and mood. Vitamin D also helps speed up metabolism and increases metabolism. Getting sun in the morning also helps stabilize your circadian rhythm which improves your sleep quality and energy. At night the dark triggers our brains produce melatonin which is needed for sleep and recovery. During the day the sunlight triggers our brains to produce serotonin which is needed for energy and vitality. Getting into the sun in the morning tells our brain that it’s day time and that it’s time to start producing serotonin. The Serotonin produced from sun exposure also helps improve our moods and may even help with mild depression. Studies have also shown that sun exposure improves brain function. Can you get vitamin D through clothes? NO. This is not true, as the only way to trigger the chemical reaction that results in vitamin D production is for sunlight to reach your skin directly. Wearing clothes, or even sunscreen for that matter, blocks the sun's UV rays and limits vitamin D production. 5 Other Benefits The sun's light kills bacteria. Sunlight reduces your blood pressure. ... Limited Sun exposure reduces cancer risk. ... The sun strengthens your bones. ... Sunlight improves your sleep quality. Like all things though. Moderation is the key and not going all George Hamilton and becoming leather face.
  21. Maybe I'm not picturing these parks you mention correctly based on everyone elses opinion. But pools, beaches and parks get a pass by me, especially exercising. Around town no. But, there are unwritten rules... everybody has an expiration date or have let themselves go too far. Have mercy on us. I also see the famous "make my shirt into a belly shirt/bra" by the Thai men. Usually overweight. I don't understand that fashion statement.
  22. private seller always gonna give you a better deal or find a steal than a business who knows exactly the market place and is set to make maximum profit for themselves (which is what they should do).
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