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Everything posted by Dart12

  1. A sign that they only care if you follow orders, not actually a matter of health
  2. "Does Not Have Covid". should be the only requirement upon flight.
  3. Come t They pay the hospitals and clinics large sums for diagnosing it as covid related. $37,000 per. No wonder everything is covid. CDC states that only 5% of all deaths are FROM covid.
  4. That' would be solved by not sending everyone that sniffles to a two week sentence. However, that's not going to happen when their profits from doing so are 14,200,000,000 since beginning of year.
  5. So wait, he got the black plague, Got no treatment, And survived? What are the odds??? Miracle. Praise Buddha. This system is just a money grab putting every person in a non treating , camp. 10,365,000,000 baht collected this year for mandatory payment regardless if you just got sniffles for a day. Nice payday. Of course locking them all up makes then allows for headlines like hospitals full making it sound dire Just a different version of the West's money grabs since Thailand missed that first train
  6. Why not go all in and say 1st place best if you just gonna make stuff up ????
  7. Unfortunately yes. But wait, It gets better. In 14 days they take your passport and tell you to come back again the next open day. 3 trips. 3 lines. Efficiency!
  8. So, what you are saying is , you don't care if vaccines work or not...only that people are required to get a passport? Results mean nothing is what this is saying.
  9. He was most likely not going to make it, taking the vax or not, due to his age and health *missing a word
  10. Age plus health defects was most not going to make it vax or no. ????
  11. roughly 1 year ago when the big 4 tech giants decided that the only thing that should be on their platforms are the opinions of the platform themselves. Or you could go with a few years after smart phones connected with social media. Before that you had a lot of things in life that brought people together...now with the echo chambers and divisive story lines being put out by media and governments, you have people at each others throats (online). Most wouldn't say boo in person. Tyson said it best:
  12. No. I actually read the article. Took 1 minute. Try it sometime.
  13. at `12% ish current population vaccination levels mid september, I doubt Oct will be the start of this policy.
  14. One SOP, One System Redundancy is even written into the name lol.
  15. Locked up population with no driving plus no tourists = less accidents (with or without alcohol)
  16. Any one else notice that only 1000 of the 13000 deaths were from covid alone? The rest had other severe health problems...
  17. If you are using the data they shared to try and prove taking the vax will save you... I'm not sure you understand basic algebra problems then? This data would actually mean that vaccinated are having a higher rate of death than the control group since only 10% of people are vaccinated and 90% are not.
  18. The whole set up is to now have you always have to ask permission to have your basic freedoms, which can be revoked instantly...if we, as citizens, allow them to gain that control.
  19. Ahhh, the buy your freedom social credit play being rolled out. goong to add much more to that app soon if people don’t realize you already own that right.
  20. Disgusting to read how many are gleeful or wish others death here every time they hear another person dies if it is anecdotal to their opinion.
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