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Everything posted by Muzzique

  1. All depends on the doll https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c2qqxqgp9yno They've done Pot, Next try casinos, then it will be onto Cyberbrothels I'm sure. Looks like Blade runner wasn't far wrong on the view of the future.
  2. All depends on the doll https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c2qqxqgp9yno They've done Pot, Next try casinos, then it will be onto Cyberbrothels I'm sure. Looks like Blade runner wasn't far wrong on the view of the future.
  3. 'Laughing Gas Officer? Not me. I just like whipped cream'
  4. Of course. Thailand and UAE are like 2 peas in a pod. One is a country full of rich oil sheiks with luxury hotels and entertainment. With 2 major airline hubs with the best airlines in the World based there. Where you are welcomed with a big smile and warm handshake as you leave the plane. Where thieves have their hands cut off. The other is a second rate has been tourist location that has been drained of investment. Hub to a slightly above average airline with a slow and painful Airport immigration process. Where everyone will try to scam you from the moment you leave the plane. Where thieves end up running the country.
  5. Not the sharpest tool in the box. Great disguise, a pink hoodie, and using his own bike as a getaway vehicle which he left parked outside the shop. Reminds me of the guy who set up the illegal IPTV streaming service using an offshore account linked to an untraceable nominee director offshore company then ordered loads of AV equipment for his house and had frequent Pizzas delivered there addressed to himself using its Paypal. As Einstein said. "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
  6. I assume they all want to be a politicians in the future. Getting in practise now.
  7. Why does that worry you? Are you planning to return from the grave later to check the bill? I'm sure she will do what she feels is best and respect your wishes and if she doesn't? We'll you don't really have much say after you are gone.
  8. And they missed off Blackpool and Skegness
  9. They missed out ..... so please redirect the brown envelopes appropriately.
  10. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/boredom-in-switzerland-leads-to-an-elephant-refuge-in-thailand/47207918 Probably from renting out the group of former American soldiers he employs. Why does a Swiss guy who used to work in 'security' want to employ former US soldiers to help him run an Elephant sanctuary? Especially when his landlord is a former Thai Army Pilot One can only wonder his true source of income. Sound more like the A team than the E Team here But he is connected. A friend of a friend. Watch the brush start to sweep it under the carpet. https://thainewsroom.com/2024/03/04/senior-phuket-policeman-just-a-friend-of-a-friend-of-swiss-man-facing-charges/
  11. Great idea, especially the ones who drink when they are not supposed to, use the services of bar girls, use ATMs to bypass the banking system, drive too fast, moan about everything, work the visa system, wear bad fashion, and sport tangas way beyond the 25yr old age ceiling Leave the country to the single foreigner left after the purge.
  12. That a great combination of words that bear no relation to each other. The first and last are opposites of each other and the one in the middle is simply impossible to do unless you turn off the internet for everyone. Great plan and well thought out rhetoric
  13. Isn't it ironic that the bottom of the barrel you are already scraping always seems to have a false floor where you can scrape much deeper when it comes to Thailand.
  14. There are way better places to live, where you are treated like a god, welcomed with open arms and respected by all. Thailand brings to mind the words Flog, Dead and Horse I live in another place where is perpetual summer, y is so so cheap, where the locals bend over backwards to help me and the visa system is designed to welcome us to come and spend our cash with them. Should have moved on long ago mate. Don't ask me where I am, you go look for yourselves like I did. Im keeping my place secret.
  15. What a disingenuous argument.. You can't pull a roll of facts together that simply have the word 'Foreigner' attached then link them together in a nonsensical justification of something that is nothing to do with most of the subjects. The fact is, Thailand lets criminals and undesirables in, then moans that all foreigners are to blame for everything. It's the idiots they let in, not all the foreigners to blame here. The immigration control is what is at fault. They let these morons enter and then extend their visas. In a metaphorical way, simply ticking a box saying 'I am not a criminal' is not much of a vetting process Fault where fault lies please.
  16. There's quite a few folks in these places that resemble farm animals. No need to go out of species here if he likes that rural on all fours approach. Just close his eyes and think of Dobbin. 🐴
  17. Its a double edged sword I'm afraid. They can't go round quoting Farmers Weekly, or some other unknown magazine they pay to advertise in, ranking them the best either. NOTE Farmer Weekly does not rank airports. They probably rank Manure though, so I felt it appropriate to use that as a pretend source for ranking Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang Airports where, if their senior management were ranked as Manure, they would be in the top 3 at least..
  18. I'm not sure holding hands will solve this. But it will look good when you get the immigration desk. Very friendly.
  19. Speak for yourself Mine don't
  20. An oxymoron if ever I heard one Anyway, last time I heard he is elected by the people so they should stop bleating like goats and just get on with their work. I hope he gets in and the constant witch hunt to block the peoples choice of president will be beaten Then he should exact vengeance on all those people who tried to find every avenue to take him down on his journey back to the top seat As you sow, so shall you reap.
  21. And the eskimos in the flat below haven't plugged an extension cord in somewhere
  22. OMG the heads of the Thai police are corrupt? We'll be finding out that bears sh*t in the woods next It can't be true
  23. I have the body of a God. Unfortunately its more like the chinese buddah and I can confirm, nakedness is often next to me. Normally about 4 times a week So you can tell whoever brought you up, they were right
  24. Does it matter what I think? That's their own business.
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