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Everything posted by Jenkins9039

  1. Looks like my motorbike rider on an adjacent island.
  2. Completely untrue. At her death, if she wills you the land, you have 1 yr to dispose of it.
  3. No upstanding woman in Thailand would enter into a long-term relationship, without marriage... Avg Bar Girl (or like might), but it's peer pressure from village, family etc, marriage is expected..
  4. Under Thai Law, you will sign a waiver for the land. Having said that, under Thai law the following occurs: She Dies - has you as the benefiter in the will : you get the rights and have to transfer it within 1 yr (from you to a corp/thai), ok as long as the extended family don't contest as that will take it over a year and they get it. You divorce - under Thai law you get 50% of all accumulated assets since marriage in the case of a divorce, as long as there isn't children. Pretty simple right.
  5. Unfortunately all the insurance companies we've spoken to seem to insure based on the size of the property. Thanks for the tip on AA Insurance, will scout them out.
  6. Hi, seems the local insurance companies go on size and a standard value ratio. Any recommended insurance(s) for higher end real estate or asset insurance? Have a vacation home on the beach - 30mTHB+ Have a main home just below a mountain -20m THB Would like to have insurance that covers structure (especially beach property for Natural Destruction) and for the main home heavily orientated towards goods as we have a significant amount of art etc.
  7. Have a data centre sitting doing nothing gathering dust. Make sure you are committed lol.
  8. On generic sunny days -> 5,000kw system (14 x 400w panels) Will be adding additional 7 550w panels on other side of the house to fill the void in the morning and evening. Also have 300l solar water heater system.
  9. You can open accounts in Cambodia? Interesting.
  10. Only applies to people that didn't establish operational entities overseas and matured the funds for the next tax year as a tax free dividend/income.
  11. Have to 'collectively' unionise and sue the state, create rights and processes. It's what all the migrants, immigrants etc did in Europe, and the US, but foreigners do not do in Thailand.
  12. It's a bank Lithuania https://help.revolut.com/business/help/more/general/is-revolut-a-bank/ Revolut Business is a bank in some regions we operate in, including the EEA (European Economic Area). Revolut Bank UAB holds a full banking license in Lithuania, allowing us to offer cross-border banking services to our business customers in the EEA. But Revolut Business is not a bank everywhere yet, including in the UK. Revolut Business continues to work towards securing a UK Banking Licence. In the meantime, we offer our UK Customers e-money services, and hold our customer's deposits securely in a third-party licenced bank. Read more about how we safegaurd customer deposits here. We'll communicate any future changes and updates well in advance to all our customers. Note Revolut does CRS, Wise currently does not (hence you know the difference between bank and EMI).
  13. I did, and during the KYC call, i provided it again, they still rang my 95 yr old grandmother lol
  14. perhaps, reading online seems to be a common theme, problem is they have your email, phone number, address, etc but never get in touch with you. It's 2.2k so not really bothered but to some it will be a dramatic financial hardship. I'd advise anyone holding a UK account to consider moving it to somewhere else.
  15. I became aware my account (santander) was frozen in May 2023 after transferring 2.2k in to pay for funeral expenses in the UK. Apparently this was done in Nov 2022. I rang, and it was to update my records in the system. This morning i logged into the account on the off-chance the funds deposited in May were 'free' and the accounts have ceased to exist with a message _0023. I haven't really used Santander in 13 yrs, just kept it open for events such as described. No clue what's happened to the funds, no communication and I understand this is the norm these days. My only advice is keep funds in-case of something similar happening to those less established with other accounts (elsewhere) or all eggs in one basket.
  16. Gold & Real Estate since 2013 Gold -4% annualised Real Estate - 2.5% annualised
  17. NDX expectations by march 2025 (21,000-23,000). Due to Re-fi cycle debasing currency further, and tech out-performing.
  18. NDX average annualised 6% above debasement since 2013 (tech offsets demographics collapse).
  19. S&P against US Balance Sheet (since 2013). S&P500 has performed basically neutral towards currency debasement (number go up, spending power remains consistent). Gold is -4% year on year Real Estate -2.5% year on year.
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