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Everything posted by Jenkins9039

  1. Pretty much summed up my life. Downside = Get fat.
  2. Was 3 days late last week... got reminded to do it on time in future.
  3. USA has bases, FBI, etc operating world wide and including in Thailand, a listening post in Chiang Mai even. Don't see the harm with Chinese police operating within Thailand, considering Thailand has become a honeypot for China focused crime.
  4. Don't you read the news? https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-immigration-crackdown-results-in-188-arrests-in-one-year-90149.php
  5. Not likely, they arrest, and send to the nearby tourist police centre (outside of the airport if Phuket), which results in charges, send to a cell, sent to court, then sent to Bangkok for deportation. Having a flight booked out of the country is irrelevant. They do this for fiscally hurting the individual, it sets an example.
  6. Don't waste time booking him a flight, they will send him to court, then detention, spend 4 months there before expelling... Shop him in for the commission (think you get rewards for that now). It's people like him that makes it harder for the rest of us.
  7. *Transnational Crime*. Has a new meaning.. this is petty crime at best (1 pill, illegal border trespassing in aisa).
  8. Unsure if this has been answered. I understand the implications of the new tax system (personal) but there hasn't been any clarity on the direct/indirect impact on a '180 day + resident' who owns equity or is a director in a overseas (offshore) company. Does anyone know if the offshore company will now be brought under Thailand for taxation reasons opposed to continuing to enjoy its 0% tax overseas on revenues/profits. I understand if the company pay's me a salary/dividends these will now be taxed from 2024 onwards... when or whereby remitted.
  9. I've been inside the CID office Bangkok, and have observed personally intepol access from a Thai police terminal. Mine was a ongoing multiple charged criminal indictment against a farang. He fled via a natural border, and a lot of money, they were showing me the recent information as they'd had added him to interpol as a dangerous individual. So yeah, the Thai authorities (specifically CID, Tourist Police) have direct access to Intepol systems
  10. True, and kids have bank accounts... and kids don't have to pay tax, and kids can gift to you.
  11. Seems his crime was carrying on after a law was introduced. Since October 2012, the revised Swiss Law on Encouraging Sports and Physical Activity (Sports Law) specifies that importation of doping substances is classified as a criminal act irrespective of whether the person importing the substances is a licensed athlete (Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, 2012).
  12. They do, my visa has a intepol check for example (Elite). But that only helps if there's an outstanding warrant, most cases are sealed, and that information isn't disclosed until indictments hit.
  13. When did this come in with SCB? - I was there yesterday getting a new card, and had no issues... also informed my credit card would be sent to my home address, no changes.
  14. Any recommendations on organisation/products? (HKT) Likely need between 2m-3m height (above ground). Looking as a solution that may become permanent (hoping to pick up neighbouring land later) would ideally work out cheaper than building fixed beam / brick walls. What is the rough costs(s) per linear meter Thanks.
  15. On a serious note. Under British Law, and likely Australian Law, a British, and likely a Australian can only recognise that King Charles is their King and ONLY King, and likewise can only 'Fight For'. Comes under some treason law [Don't ask me which because it was years ago it came up]. Still in-force in the UK. Exhibit: https://www.perthilj.com/blog/2019/2/20/are-british-subjects-subjects-of-the-queen-in-australian-constitutional-law Why on earth don't you just pay so he can avoid it? It's like 50,000 THB. If you can't do that, send him there only speaking English, he doesn't know Thai.... they'd soon send him back. If he is volunteering, he is aware the Thai military degrade their 'grunts' (drinking each others cum, piss etc), to break the spirit, for servitude? Exhibit: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/naval-officer-suspended-for-allegedly-forcing-conscripts-to-drink-diluted-semen/
  16. Russia and China are nearby, makes sense Thailand does business with.
  17. Because the corporate success is based on the premise that in future there will be demand for products/services. If you haven't noticed, all the baby boomers are retiring and liquidating their investment portolios which does two things. They stop spending rampantly They knock down the value of the stocks which stops the corporations from leveraging for debt (inflated prices = higher corporate debt capabilities). Governments have to debase the currencies, due to the 12-18 Trillion Refi Cycle this year and next coming. Corporate have to Refinance at higher rates, or are already zombie companies. Corporate debt was non-risky between 2016-2021, today it's Russian Roulette, demographics don't support growth in the economy in the west and a lot of money is coming off the table that underpins the entire corporate sector's 'paper-wealth position'. If you want to actually learn about macro economics, finance suggest you stump up a couple of k a year and pay for realvision.com
  18. Don't do this, Corporate Debt, Government Debt result in loss of entire capital if corporate debt, and Gov debt is debasement of the currency. 76 yrs old, you'd be lucky to live another 10 yrs (well past life expectancy as it is... lets be honest...) so just enjoy the years remaining without any risk taking.
  19. One thing you should fix, is this, spread that around across multiple major banks (Kasikorn, SCB, Bangkok Bank) -> Gov only protect upto 1m THB per bank.
  20. If it leads to a us-backed-coup, perhaps we won't have the new tax law introduced.
  21. Yes, I know of 1 but it's OTC don't deal with figures below a certain amount as they have KYC/AML costs.... Mind it would be nice to learn of some private OTC's, are you looking to buy or sell?
  22. I believe roughly 1m THB since covid.
  23. Thai's should watch this: It's their future.
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