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Everything posted by Jenkins9039

  1. How does that work alongside the Elite Visa, and also in respect of leaving external of Thailand to mature?
  2. Perhaps others had similar. Actually resolved, they are now updating all records for all users and sending their information, wallets, transactions to their home countries tax agency under CRS, FAFT, TravelRule (backdating).
  3. Not sure i follow you. I pay for 4 nannies, 2 teachers... that's private... that means i am putting my kids future as utmost importance, at sub 1 yr old, they generally don't have much to do. In future they go to school in Singapore, Switzerland, and then the US, banking funds allows that. So again not sure how you equate your statement. As for the EU, Canary islands, the European Union is collapsing, the Bank of Germany is broke, Germany is the back bone of Europe, you understand what happens when the train falls of the track for society at large? The UK is bankrupt likewise... Not exactly an ideal place to 'settle to', and its a 'privileged idea where one thinks moving to Europe = better life, you can bring the best aspects of Western society to you without having to deal with the bad aspects. So perhaps actually 'read', 'process', 'formulate a response' based on what i've written opposed to your own biasm.
  4. Not really relevant to what I am asking information on.
  5. Yeah, flying them to Dubai/etc etc would be unfeasible (financially, logistically and practically). I am specificlly asking about Laos / Cambodia as it's seamless for what i want. BUT people appear fixated on 'imagination'. Still haven't had a response in line with my questions. 90% about wealth (not brought up) 5% about shagging 5% about mozies Intellect really on show here.
  6. I'm using it as a tax bounce, 5 months in. with little impact towards the babies, as for being sucked dry, its doubtful. For one i wouldn't be handling money in the country except living/property.
  7. Bit different to the experience i last had in Geneva when closing my account. The nannies, is the 'most important' aspect - hence laid out. clearly, continuously, because i keep being pointed to what i don't want. In fact i don't believe i've even had any form of advice on the locations.
  8. Quite simply put for the fifth time. The babies have nannies already, they have familiarity, they also have teachers, they have familiarity. It doesn't make sense committing to Caymans/Dubai for 5 months and factoring in the 3 weeks on 1 week off, the visas, moving the entire household to Dubai/Caymans (whereever) you need local. That leaves Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos. I've given explicit reasons why Singapore/Malaysia are off the table, couldn't stand Vietnam, and suggestions privately were to look to Laos/Cambodia for the free-flowing border. Everything else is covered above. Otherwise TAX benefit (5 months x 2 locations - 1 being Thailand) + 2 months elsewhere.
  9. Beginning to think people A) can't read, B) interpret based on their own mind bias. 1) Financial advisors usually consists of similar individuals in similar circumstances, discussing what they are doing. Financial advisor professional would say return to Caymans/Bahamas, but that's not practical for the stated reasons (babies). 2) Private banks (bankers) no longer have such a personalised involvement with their clients after years of targeted attacks and fines for their clients for tax evasion etc. 3) I live in Thailand, comparably to Switzerland (my home in Europe) it's a <deleted>hole, having said that it has its charms, and i am content with them, i don't socialise too much either so don't really take in a lot of the drawbacks, mainly i do building (a new home, renovation a existing home to keep my mind busy) meaning being 'at home is ideal', that leaves shopping - i imagine Laos/Cambodia has malls or international delivery (amazon etc), so Laos/Cambodia is no different to Thailand to suit my purposes. 4) I never stated x was rich (FYI thats a General Population word to describe a idealised view of x, technically speaking you should be using the word 'wealthy'., this is not relevant, what i stated is i have a liquidation period coming up and want to manage the tax impact better, that means reducing tax impact thus, moving to a specific country for x days and bouncing. As this will be annually for the period 2025-2030 potentially, and importantly at the stage the babies are at i'd like to have as little impact on the system we have in place, which means for a few years we need a base with free-flowing borders. Buying is always better than renting, even if you loose the money the period of comfort is easier to digest the non-comfort aspects. As for the Babies, they are sub 1 the education they have currently is a early school, and activities, outside of that private tuition (better than schooling traditionally speaking) hence the need for free-flow movement.
  10. Laos doesn't look too shabby, came across this :
  11. I am educated on the subject. I as a British National do not pay tax in the UK unless I am either a resident or earn in the UK. I as a non Thai Citizen, but resident, therefore move to a country during the tax year (2025 for example) for less than 183 days inside Thailand, 183 days inside 2nd country, and less than 3 months in a third set of countries, alongside utilising a 3rd location to redeem my investments, and allow to mature for the tax year can then move the funds into Thailand at my leisure tax free. Normally i'd do this in Dubai (1 yr) or Caribbean. With children this is off the table, therefore looking local. Singapore and Malaysia throw obstacles different from Dubai/Carib but more so for staffing, defeating the part of the reason for not moving to Dubai etc. Therefore that leaves border based countries for the 5.x months where the staffing can come and go freely (quickly) and where the babies don't have to travel so much. Therefore that leaves Laos, Cambodia, Burma. Burma ruled out for war (though i have friends mixing time between Bangkok and Yangon). Cambodia / Laos left. I know of someone who lives in Laos, and operates a business similar to mine (investments) he seems happy, Cambodia i've no clue. If we could stick to the core questions it would be appreciated.
  12. I lived in Dubai, it's not ideal for the kids with their nannies, the nannies need to be able to go back and forth without having too many issues... that means neighbouring states for the year . Singapore and Malaysia are ruled out due to the strict enforcement, Cambodia and Laos came up from some of my financial connections due to a number of reasons. Then it comes to practicability. We shop, we eat, eating could just bring in a chef, shopping can dart back and forth or send for, lifestyle is mainly food.
  13. Airlift if something serious to singapore, same as current.
  14. I don't want to pay the tax from the dividence, i am not thai, my own country doesn't tax unless resident, meaning i decide based on my residence decisions on whether to pay tax when i draw down a investment.
  15. A) Thaland as a resident doesn't charge tax based on income overseas and not remitted to the following tax year. B) When residing overseas as a non resident, and non citizen outside of the 183 days and only residing inside thailand for less than 183 days and remitting the following tax year, there is no tax. So Yes.
  16. Cambodia, follows 183 day tax rule, thailand follows territorial tax rule. It's a tax play, i take Div every 5 yrs or so, the sum is rather large, and I usually reside in Dubai/Caribbean, with babies thats not practical aside from the travelling and moving a entire household, theres the nannies (4) and teachers (2). Malaysia would / Singapore would be ideal but you then hit the issue of the nannies/teachers etc and would have to lay off and replace for when in those countries, Cambodia, Laos would factor them in as part of the family unit and they would continue to be paid in Thailand whilst in Cambodia/Laos and have ease of moving back and forth and access to funds. Nannies have 3 weeks on, 1 week off. Flying them back and forth from Dubai/Carib is not practical. Babies (2) also like familiarity.
  17. Kids <1 yr old, don't enter proper education for a few years. Kids will go private boarding at appropriate age.. Currently they have private, private teachers (for babies) alongside various external teaching (pool, learning school etc) Cambodia/Laos because of tax, proximity, and free-flowing immigration (staff - household can move back and forth with ease and WP's not a problem like Malaysia/Singapore, or the requirement to hire locals). Why Cambodia/Laos, tax, <500k$ in property is a drop in the ocean for the savings. It's 5.5 months in a year, 5.5 months Thailand, 2 months travelling.
  18. Unsure where it is a stupid dream. https://www.realestate.com.kh/buy/andoung-khmer/4-bed-4-bath-villa-234046/ 500k for such
  19. I'd bring the teachers in (free-flow immigration) being there for 5 months a year not over.
  20. Never been, whats Isaan like?
  21. Coming up to redemption of some investments in 24 onwards which means need to factor in a tax domicile. Usually would reside in Dubai/Carib but with kids not ideal. Looking at the tax side Cambodia/Laos would be ideal (or Singapore/Malaysia) however not ideal with the free-flowing borders (entire household - nannies, teachers etc) for babies/kids Thought about Cambodia/Laos, but never been (i am the sort to just do). Whats it like? Property Real Estate prices (locations also) ? (4-6 bedroom pool style villa land) ownership structure? Lifestyle? etc Idea from my front is 5 mons there, 5 months Thai, 2 months holidays, easy enough to travel with the kids etc.
  22. Financial institution. 'every thing on your account, all transactions'.
  23. Been informed they automatically report from next month going back for the year 2023. In addition 'everything' is bundled and reported, not just the CRS requirements (easy route to zip up your account and send), they are also not asking residency (tax) but just automatic exchange with your citizenship nation.
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