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Everything posted by Jenkins9039

  1. Originally got email(s) and post in the mail for transactions i carried out on Satang shortly after doing. Account verified and my Thai address provided for KYC when set up years ago. All of a sudden getting email(s) with PDF(s) that have the same transactions with my old UK address (over a decade ago). Anyone know what's going on? seems they are reissuing the PDF's with my native country on for transactions completed previously where they originally sent with my Thai address etc on.
  2. Yes, already has, Future Forward was pretty much aligned with Western interests too much so there was push back, new guy is but also practical... so back to middle with alignment towards the west but open arms to the east.
  3. Harder? - just use the bank app, can send about 2m THB a day per account.
  4. Oops wouldn't want to be you... going by what the russian is looking at in the news today.
  5. Had them going down the road kicking doors down (joking) looking for Chinese a few months ago.
  6. Good point, theres a international rules based process for extradition, it appears Thailand is following the UAE process of simply deporting people (into a plane with handcuffs on) .
  7. Brits don't pay taxes when residing outside of the UK, only capital gains on property, or tax on income in the UK, last time i checked.
  8. Are not yet participating? - where did you see that, i thought it started Jan 2023 and for the year of 2022?
  9. Likely a SAR being filed.
  10. You are American? If so likely a US Thing.
  11. If he had a visa, how was he hiding? Oh and every long-term visa (1yr) should have a international criminal background check, like we do with the elite visas, setting aside there's been a. few criminals with elite visas, at the time they would have been issued it would have been verified not the case under interpol. This way we can truly clean up the country of oiks.
  12. Hardly, the Army are aligned with China traditionally or no allegiance - friends of everyone. Future forward are aligned with the US, the new PM is distinctly aligned with the US.
  13. Thats The old money - cross border technique POS for Cash - 7-15% usually....
  14. MetaMask and type the private key in... [import wallet: https://medium.com/publicaio/how-import-a-wallet-to-your-metamask-account-dcaba25e558d ] Note if you have a lot of money on this paperwallet, not worth the risk... Manyways such as keyloggers, malware to steal your keys etc.
  15. Which means more sunlight = more energy production.
  16. In Europe - Yes. In Thailand - No, its frowned upon, having said that, quite normal around your home.
  17. VPN's don't hide <deleted>, there was a US V XXXX case recently and the VPN provider had passed all the information over.
  18. I have utility bills for a home in Europe that i haven't visited since pre-covid... Utility bills mean very little... Residence certificate should be the norm (for tax and proof of living etc in said country, and house).
  19. This surely needs to go through the court system. If they've paid taxes and legally registered then the state has over exerted its self and the justice system will reign it in.
  20. Go and find some one that was unlucky enough to have their wife die before them and ask the process... i've outlined the process based on 13 yrs in Thailand and the discussions i've had with friends being here 20-30 yrs.
  21. Looks like my motorbike rider on an adjacent island.
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