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Posts posted by londonthai

  1. from today's article from bangkok post titled "Second man faces charges over Rajabhakti and lese majeste"

    an important piece of info, which is missing from the nation, which explains arrests:

    "The chart at the centre of the case allegedly involves the royal institution indirectly because it includes references to Suriyan “Mor Yong” Sucharitpolwong — the well-known fortune teller charged with lese majeste who recently died in military custody. The infographic also allegedly implicates Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and his wife".

    so the focal point in the affair is mor yong and his murder in the prison.

    now, he is not a royal, not related to them and hadn't got even a title and decorations bestowed on him by the king.

    is he the unnamed "the talisman seller", which appears in every article about the park curruption?

    the chart is also the first source about an involvment of prayuth's family. That's explains why the junta is so crossed about

  2. it's understandable, that with 10 detected in thailand isis terrorists still at large, air crews and airport security are extra vigilant.

    The story about the 4 overstayers, with a context of isis threat, was just a deflection and cover up, that thai security services are not up to their job and are only warning, and not catching, terror suspects.

    in the bangkok post there are mentioned 2 women and 1 man being temporarily detained and investigated. So there was more than a phone conversation between the couple, but rather an undercover operation - looks like the guy was followed through the aiport and cought on exiting it, after seeing of those 2 ladies.

    at the suwarnabhumi airport it's possible to get a visitor pass, which allows you enter airside and see your family to the gate. That's very uncommon in the world, because it does increases security risk, for example each visitor carrying parts of the gun.

  3. on a related topic, which makes the russian warning to thailand more grounded:

    Islamic State can make fake Syrian passports: U.S. report


    there is a likelihood that the thai immigration and thai consulate in damascus weren't aware of it.

    there are still some 15 syrian passport holders who entered thailand in october and whose visas would expire at the end of month. That's on them should be investigation done, not the other ones

  4. I enjoyed a visit to this park and was happy to get some pictures of the statues.

    My biggest concern was the massive area of cement where we were standing.

    It is too bad that there was only cement and not large areas of grass and maybe some bushes

    to help keep the area cooler. I was visiting in the middle of the day about 1PM, and the

    heat was horrible.

    a contradictory observation.

    what about any of the 300k baht palm trees and landscaping, mentioned in the fb graphic shared by thousands on fb?

  5. In European newspapers is written: Click "LIKE" is prison in Thailand.

    See link Dutch newspaper: http://www.telegraaf.nl/buitenland/24860624/__Klik_op__like___direct_de_cel_in__.html

    Just another loss of face !!!

    BTW: I saw the PM's speech in Paris a week ago. He was the only one that had a speech not in French or English but in Thai. As there were NO Thai translators everyone moved out to get some lunch. There were about 10 people left over. I thought that I saw 5 of them sleeping because of their jet-lag. The other one's were talking and/or making jokes. It would have been a complete embarrassment if it was me standing there talking to world leaders that just left the building..

    would you post a link to a video oreven photograph? i have tried to find, no results

  6. "Thailand’s most senior police investigator into human trafficking is seeking political asylum in Australia, saying he fears for his life because influential figures in the Thai government, military and police are implicated in trafficking and want him killed."


  7. as today, the 10th of december, is a constitution day holiday, so many have thouth, that tomorrow will be a public holiday as well and a long weekend to rest.

    suddenly, the last tuesday the 8.12 the gabinet changed their earlier pledge and announced, that it will be a working day


    I would think, that some bikers were counting on friday as a holiday and now won't be able to participate in it due to work

  8. so bring back 1997 constitution - but, no, there must be a new one, because that one was too democratic.

    wasn't it The Nation, which instigated the last 2 military coups (and many previous ones), to abolish any remains of people's constitution?

    the 1997 was not very democratic as it gave the PM way too much power and too less checks and balances.

    And different than the 2006 constitution it was made in the backroom from some self serving politician without any referendum.

    So calling it people's constitution is just marketing.

    But the 1997 would make a good draft, just fixing the issues it has. Or take any constitution that worked well in other country and use it. Writing a new constitution again and again with more and more mistakes inside is plain stupid.

    Copy the US or Swiss or the German Grundgesetz, adjust it for Thailand (Monarchy).

    "The Constitution was highly praised for the participative process involved in its drafting, its enshrinement of human rights, and its significant advances in political reform.[8] It was viewed as successful in fostering democratic development and increasing political stability.[44] Its measures to politically empower and protect citizens were also praised.[45] The January 2001 House elections, the first House elections contested under the 1997 Constitution, were called the most open, corruption-free election in Thai history.[11] Political parties were effectively strengthened, and the effective number of parties in the legislature fell.[46] Most criticism was based on the perspective that the Constitution was too effective in some of its reforms. One of the members of the Drafting Committee, Amorn Chantarasomboon, claimed that an overly strong and stable government brought on a "tyranny of the majority" and a "parliamentary dictatorship."[47] Following House elections in April 2006, the Election Commissioners were jailed and the election results overturned by the Constitutional Court."


    as to 2006 constitution, it was written by a military junta, to serve their own interests, including amnesty for their wrongdoings.

    and about 2006 constitution:

    "The 2006 Interim Constitution specified the terms and conditions for the drafting of a permanent constitution. The drafting committee consisted of drafters both directly and indirectly appointed by the CNS junta. The draft was subject to a public referendum, but under the terms of the 2006 Constitution, the CNS would be allowed to promulgate any constitution of their choosing if the draft failed the referendum. The draft was criticized by the Thai Rak Thai party and supported by the Democrat party. Criticism of the draft was banned. The CNS attempted to link loyalty to the King with support for the draft, and ran a campaign with the slogan "Love the King. Care about the King. Vote in a referendum. Accept the 2007 draft charter."[57][58] The draft was approved by 59.3% of the voters on 19 August 2007, with 55.6% of qualified voters voting.

    Under the 2007 Constitution, only half of the Senate was elected; the other half was appointed. The executive branch was weakened, and half as many MPs were needed to propose a no-confidence vote compared to the 1997 Constitution. The judiciary was strengthened and high-ranking judges became part of the appointment committees for the Senate, the Election Commission, and virtually all other independent agencies, causing critics to label The 2007 Constituton as "The Absolute Rule of Judges.""


  9. in the park there are as well park and fundation offices, where all the documents are suppose to be kept.

    it's the local businesses, and politicians, who benefited most from the building works and from corruption surrounding it.

    So, certainly, they have a hidden agenda, to stop anybody asking questions and pointing to the matter. I do understand them, as they might have to return money, be charged under lese majeste and imprisoned. Already 17 people, mostly army and police officers, have warrants on them in this case.

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