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Posts posted by londonthai

  1. This story is a lie. I have never said that "Phua Thai had hired the motorbike taxis" to join the Red Shirts. The drivers who supported the movement did it because of their own ideology, belief in democracy, and hate for double standard and inequality. The Nation should be ashamed of calling itself a newspaper. They do not report news, they fabricate them.

    New name, same ol' troll. Banned again?

    Those guys didn't believe in democracy, or even know what the heck it is. They wanted freebies, goodies. We all know that, who are you trying to fool? Just yourself?

    Know what is so funny? The newspaper you moan you about is the one you take the time to pick up and read. If it were so bad, you wouldn't read it, right?

    Claudio has posted almost the same text on his facebook, so he is not an imposter.

    The motorbike drivers, claudio and forum members who you call "trolls" do have the democratic right to have political opinions and express them freely. And you are trying to stiffle that right

  2. His statement is just posturing for gross incompetence and/or cover up by malaysian authority at the beginning of investigation into disapearance of mh370.

    Looks, like thailand played it's role in obstructing the investigation by not revealing crucial data from their military radars in the south. Thailand gave this info only about 10 days after the disapearance

    • Like 1
  3. This story is a lie. I have never said that "Phua Thai had hired the motorbike taxis" to join the Red Shirts. The drivers who supported the movement did it because of their own ideology, belief in democracy, and hate for double standard and inequality. The Nation should be ashamed of calling itself a newspaper. They do not report news, they fabricate them.

    You have the right for a correction and an apology from the nation.

    You might consider contacting bangkok post and other newspapers with a story, how the nation manipulates articles. It's not free press in thailand, the state censorship getting stronger, but somebody will speak up.

    I bet that shortly "not the nation" online newspapaer will pick up on it, as international journalists.

    As i have suspected the nation article stinks yellow propaganda

    • Like 1
  4. There was already an arrest warrant for one of the shooters who was on the same lorry as the victim for a long time, but the murderer disappeared.

    Less than a week ago the victim's mother appealed for the progress in the investigation (there is a short topic on this forum, can be found by searching for 'suthin').

    Now Thawatchai was aprehended, together with his helper, and started to talk which politician has ordered and paid them.

    So far it looks like infighting within the protesting mob, so the name of the politician likely to be suthep. His name appeared already before in connection with this murder.

    This infighting sheds a light on some 30 other murdered and 700 wounded during the mob protests. They were victims of the plot to overthrow the government and a military coup to introduce peace, order and reform of the electoral law. In military terms it's called "collateral damege". Suthep admitted some 3 weeks ago that such plot existed since 2010, when is was clear, that the reds will win yet another election.

  5. So who, where and why those motorcicle drivers were transporting and why reds were paying for this service? Protests were at the major intersections, with wide roads as well as public transport.

    Only in the last days before crackdown army was trying to block the main stage, but the protest did spread in the whole area.

    And if the drivers played a big role, why only over 4 years after anybody starts talking about it?

  6. After the protests started last November, my Thai partner followed events closely on social media and it was quite shocking what was going on. When I checked Bangkok Post, many stories had a slant put on them which favoured the government and some of more outrageous actions by police + government supporters were omitted completely.

    When I read about Thai press complaining about their 'freedom' it just makes me laugh. They don't deserve it until they do the job journalists are supposed to do : stand up for the truth.

    what she has followed on social media was more biased, than what you seen in bangkok post, which was openly pro mob from the very beginning.

    rather search the news on the net by yourself. Unfortunately, all mass media is censored in thailand. I would rather rely on the international ones.

  7. Not sure I understand the math...

    "There are 15 rice warehouses in Sukhothai, containing 2,542,010 sacks, or 2,542 tonnes."

    is this a warehouse or a retail shop? 2,542 tonnes = 2,542,000 kgs... in 2,542,010 bags of 1Kg??

    How can you trust such bad reporting when they can't even understand basic arithmetic...


    bags are minimum 50kg. I have seen on pictures also mega-bags, around 500kg
  8. Perhaps some of the West's reactions to the coup is ignorance on how corrupt Thailand has become. And maybe it's ignorance how it has effected individuals, and seems to be sanctioned by recent Thai governments. Or maybe it is inconceivable that recent governments can and did so much damage to its own country and people for their own personal gains. Or maybe many in the West can not fathom that a military coup seems to be "the only way" to right this deplorable situation know as Thailand's way of being self serving (corrupt) to those who are influential and powerful at the expense of the poor/illiterate/uneducated and weak?

    come on, the military coup for the interest of poor and not the rich elite, who want's more control over the workers?

    it's the poor, who elected their government, that's why it had to go

    • Like 1
  9. This is based on bangkok shutdown campaign and boycott of thai junta by the international community. It's a paytime now.

    I would like to know, on what place bangkok landed?

    The reds played their part as well.
    Yes, they were sticking to the democratic principle, but that's not the reason, that tourists, and businessmen, are boycotting thailand.

    The recent developments with visa restrictions will push away some tourists, which would not bother with tourist visas

  10. So far there was no any plans to develop don muang. In fact, there were long debates whether it should be a passenger airport at all, only for cargo, special and emergency flights or, the most, charter.

    Airorce pushed their interests through, got the government to reopen it.

    The fact is, now this port is very close to the sprawling city, noice and air polution has a big impact on locals. Near dubling it's capacity from 18 to 30mln will recreate problems, for which don muan was closed down 8 years ago.

  11. I have already replied why i don't believe in those figures

    I do not believe in those figures, they are all made up - which undermines the whole campaign. Or lies, lies, lies as public relations exercise

    Of course you don't....like most Red sympathisers, you don't want to hear or see good results. Have you got any information that contradicts the claims ??

    I don't bother, but you can scroll down the daily news on this forum and count numbers.

    Those 300, 400, 1000, 4000, 20 or even 222 look like made up numbers. Even if the exact numbers are unknown, the should be "around" or 'below', 'over' next to those figures.

    Some other posters also spotted, that those figures are taken from the sky.

    To know, whether quoted results are good or bad, you have to compare them with the previous months, otherwise it's a propaganda exercise

  12. A month ago prayuth says there would be redevelopment of bangkok airports. Now his commision suspends suvanna indefinitety. That's for the benefit don muang, which is owneed by airforce.

    Shurly suwanna needs urgent development, as it's lacking capability. Don muang was just redone after the floods and not many passengers use it

    I think its possible that the headline is misleading (again). It implies that the big J have arbitrarily cancelled the planned extension. But the subsequent verbiage suggests that a new plan is required because the old one is not "transparent", which implies it is riddled with opportunities for corruption.

    Or it could be that the big J are indeed canceling it, but doing it nicely by requesting a new plan.

    Who really knows these days....and who really knew in the old days. TIT after all.

    The second article, posted 3h after the original one explain it all - don muan is going to be developed, and swampy is scraped for a few years.

    As an airforce airport there is a bigger chance of corruption than any othe airport, that's exactly why it was chosen

  13. I do not believe in those figures, they are all made up - which undermines the whole campaign. Or lies, lies, lies as public relations exercise

    Of course you don't....like most Red sympathisers, you don't want to hear or see good results. Have you got any information that contradicts the claims ??

    I don't bother, but you can scroll down the daily news on this forum and count numbers.

    Those 300, 400, 1000, 4000, 20 or even 222 look like made up numbers. Even if the exact numbers are unknown, the should be "around" or 'below', 'over' next to those figures.

    Some other posters also spotted, that those figures are taken from the sky.

    To know, whether quoted results are good or bad, you have to compare them with the previous months, otherwise it's a propaganda exercise

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