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Posts posted by londonthai

  1. I have already replied why i don't believe in those figures

    I do not believe in those figures, they are all made up - which undermines the whole campaign. Or lies, lies, lies as public relations exercise

    Of course you don't....like most Red sympathisers, you don't want to hear or see good results. Have you got any information that contradicts the claims ??

    I don't bother, but you can scroll down the daily news on this forum and count numbers.

    Those 300, 400, 1000, 4000, 20 or even 222 look like made up numbers. Even if the exact numbers are unknown, the should be "around" or 'below', 'over' next to those figures.

    Some other posters also spotted, that those figures are taken from the sky.

    To know, whether quoted results are good or bad, you have to compare them with the previous months, otherwise it's a propaganda exercise

  2. A month ago prayuth says there would be redevelopment of bangkok airports. Now his commision suspends suvanna indefinitety. That's for the benefit don muang, which is owneed by airforce.

    Shurly suwanna needs urgent development, as it's lacking capability. Don muang was just redone after the floods and not many passengers use it

    I think its possible that the headline is misleading (again). It implies that the big J have arbitrarily cancelled the planned extension. But the subsequent verbiage suggests that a new plan is required because the old one is not "transparent", which implies it is riddled with opportunities for corruption.

    Or it could be that the big J are indeed canceling it, but doing it nicely by requesting a new plan.

    Who really knows these days....and who really knew in the old days. TIT after all.

    The second article, posted 3h after the original one explain it all - don muan is going to be developed, and swampy is scraped for a few years.

    As an airforce airport there is a bigger chance of corruption than any othe airport, that's exactly why it was chosen

  3. I do not believe in those figures, they are all made up - which undermines the whole campaign. Or lies, lies, lies as public relations exercise

    Of course you don't....like most Red sympathisers, you don't want to hear or see good results. Have you got any information that contradicts the claims ??

    I don't bother, but you can scroll down the daily news on this forum and count numbers.

    Those 300, 400, 1000, 4000, 20 or even 222 look like made up numbers. Even if the exact numbers are unknown, the should be "around" or 'below', 'over' next to those figures.

    Some other posters also spotted, that those figures are taken from the sky.

    To know, whether quoted results are good or bad, you have to compare them with the previous months, otherwise it's a propaganda exercise

  4. today's statement from Charupong Ruangsuwan:

    "Greeting to all freedom-loving Thai friends,

    The very best weapons of ordinary, unarmed Thai people during the junta’s repression, is your sincerity and your love for justice and human dignity of all Thais.

    Since the very first days of the military coup, the junta has attempted to fabricate many stories in order to destroy the faith in freedom and democracy of our Thai friends who’ve stood up against the repression. Most recently, the junta has pressed false “war weapon” charges against one of the founding members of our Free Thai organisation, Jakrapob Penkair. They have done so without any evidence.

    This dirty tactic is no different from the one that the junta used against the students in the past. On October 6, 1976 at Thammasat University, they used fabricated war weapons “seizures” as their justification for massacring peaceful protesters. The passage of time revealed the truth and proved that these stories were fabricated deceits created to crush the people who were opposed to the military junta.

    At the moment the dignity of the country and of Thai people has fallen to an unprecedented low level. This dignity has been stolen by the junta, who are attempting to shut our eyes and ears to the truth and prevent us from being aware of our collective struggle against them. In addition the junta regime is desperate to prevent Thai people from knowing of the pressure the international community is placing upon them. The junta has shut-down TV stations and community radio stations and is attempting to control the remaining news content by stationing its soldiers at media broadcasters and outlets to ensure that only pro-junta news is produced. It has summoned and intimidated journalists, academics and even ordinary Thai citizens who use social media, in order to curtail freedoms of the press and to control dissemination of information.

    Thais who love and want to protect freedom - and who do so without resorting to force of arms - are committed to telling the truth no matter what the profession, age, or gender of the persons involved. People should expose and utterly reject the junta’s prison of deceit, a creation designed only to subjugate the people.

    We ask our supporters and any other persons drawn to the democratic ideals of the Free Thais’ movement to distribute information from our social media networks to their neighbours, friends, family members, brothers and sisters and even international organisations. We must make the truth echo loudly, so that those with a free conscience are reminded that the junta can’t just buy our friendship and love for the truth so cheaply, and thereby use such tactics to further persecute us.

    My beloved Thai friends, we will continue working together to create a framework of ideas that can help take the country forwards towards democracy. Every Sunday, for the sake of freedom and humanity for all Thai people, we will distribute a Free Thais newsletter in order to tell the truth and fight against the deceit of the junta. And when the time comes, we will walk together, standing-tall with straight backs, filled with pride and belief in the equality of all humans, once again.

    With faith in the power of democracy and of the people,

    Charupong Ruangsuwan

    Secretary-General of Free Thai organisation.


    The Organisation of Free Thais for Human Rights and Democracy"

  5. there is an arrest warrant for one of deceased pall, there is video evidence.

    however, the suspect is hiding, presumably with help from his employer, mr suthep.

    now, with the changed political situation, there is a small chance, that he will be found, as this case would expose the whole conspiracy behind the mob and the outcome of their protest

  6. here is about the hero of this article http://www.tsroadmap.com/physical/vaginoplasty/thep-vechavisit.html

    he is a medical doctor, surgeon, specialising in vaginoplasty. He came to protest in his clinic's uniform, with a logo and name.

    however, he hasn't got qualifications:

    "According to media sources, Thep Vechavisit "has no license to practice." However, he told the Sydney Morning Herald he "is a registered Thai doctor who did a two-month course in cosmetic surgery through New York University."

    A note to plasticsurgery.or.th in January 2006 confirmed that Thep Vechavisit is NOT a national board certified plastic surgeon in Thailand.

    He also has divulged information about prospective patients to the press (see below), raising questions about his ability to keep patient records confidential."

    there might be better anti-american/anti-western thais than a fake surgeon

    • Like 2
  7. I will try their equipment, but not training. I don't mind second hand, if they will have.

    I have already found some thai teachers, with perfect english, who for same fee/or a little more, would teach unlimited hours, until one can confidently fly. Also they are located close to my home, so will be able to join for group flying.

  8. "He said that Mr Chakrapob was already facing an arrest warrant on lese majeste charge but attempt to have him extradited from abroad to face trial in Thailand was not possible because there is no lese majeste law in countries where the fugitive have taken refuge."

    That narrow it down to every other country in the world then wai.gif

    "That narrow it down to every other country in the world then wai.gif :

    NO! The following countries also have lese majeste laws: Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Morocco, Kuwait, Jordan and Malaysia.



    having lese majeste law in europe is more for lough than anything else:

    "Denmark: There are no historical records of §115 having ever been used, but in March 2011, Greenpeace activists who unfurled a banner at a dinner at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference were charged under this section.[8] They received minor sentences for other crimes, but were acquitted of the charge relating to the monarch.

    Netherlands: In October 2007, a 47-year-old man was sentenced to 1 week imprisonment and fined 400 [11] for, amongst other things, lese-majesty in the Netherlands when he called Queen Beatrix a "whore" and told a police officer that he would have anal sex with her because "she would like it".


    Spain: The Spanish satirical magazine El Jueves was fined for violation of Spain's lese-majesty laws after publishing an issue with a caricature of the Prince of Asturias and his wife engaging in sexual intercourse on the cover in 2007

  9. seach wikileaks for Thailands Moment of Truth, Andrew MacGregor Marshall

    Like that is going to be in the least bit unbiased and truthful, he is as full of crap as any of the other red sheeple ! If he has a legitimate source, please cite it...

    yes, his source is an ambassador of usa in bangkok sending his secret correspondence to washington. And an ambassador heard it directly from pad and democrats
  10. Statement today by Jakrapob Penkair of the Free Thai movement https://www.facebook.com/pages/จักรภพ-เพ็ญแข-Jakrapob-Penkair/560398830659767 :

    The charges levelled against me today by Thailands illegitimate coup regime reveal, once again, the desperation of the Generals and the Establishment they represent. The false claim that I am behind some kind of armed element is not only a fiction but yet another example of the injudiciousness of the fraudulent Thai junta.

    Let me be clear - there is simply no evidence whatsoever to connect me to the juntas seizure of arms and I would challenge them to produce such evidence. Of course, even the seizure of said arms have more than a whiff of suspicion about them. There has been no independent investigation regarding these arms seizures, no chain of evidence has been preserved and the kind of claims the junta are putting forward are so flimsy they would be washed away very quickly when subject to proper cross-examination.

    As for any attempt to extradite me on such charges, the junta must know that no government on earth would succumb to their threats and that I would be given full access to any evidence they have concocted and also the platform to challenge such evidence.

    For the record, I must state that I have no involvement in any kind of armed struggle.

    I believe fully in a political, social and cultural struggle secured in reality by the democratic will of the Thai people. The Generals and their Establishment masters know very well that if the democratic will of the Thai people is expressed, power will be removed from them and returned to more accountable and legal forms.

    It's only two days ago our organisation was being dismissed as irrelevant by the junta. Now we face allegations of being behind a regime-concocted "armed struggle" along with attempts to curtail our rights to travel via the revocations of passports. These actions by the junta reveal only one thing - their increasingly obvious insecurity - something which will only grow in the days and weeks to come.

    Thats why the only judicial vehicle they could use to expedite their false charges would be through their own military-run courts where due process and the rule of law have long been abolished in favour of despotism. It must be said that any and all cases coming before the military courts exist in the context of a form of jurisprudence that is little more than a theatre of the absurd, such is the lack of any form of legal rights.

    At the moment the military and the forces they represent are the only agents engaged in any kind of illegitimate armed struggle against the will of the Thai people. Those who believe in democracy have no need to use force of arms as we are confident that the moment the franchise is returned to Thais the junta will be little more than an historical aberration.

    I should add that the revocation of passports by the junta is not only another grotesque repressive act it also turns any Thai citizen who stands against the military regime into political refugees. Such revocations will further expose to the global community that the junta are little more than petulant tyrants operating far beyond the norms of international law.

    We ask our supporters to remain steadfast and not be distressed or disheartened by the juntas threats and games. The only action the junta have available to themselves is to attempt to crush the hopes and aspirations of ordinary Thais. Yet, with each turn of the repressive screw, the junta just further seal their own fate and will strengthen your resolve to return sovereignty to the Thai people.

    Please, londonthai, NO MORE PROPAGANDA! Don't make me hope the MICT traces you, and you get sent away from this forum too...!
    surely, they are very strong political arguments you are rolling out
  11. Many reactions on this topic today remind me, in minor, thank God, of the general attitude in my home country's intellectual circles, with in front university professors, human rights activists (Amnesty International, ...), NGOs, and socialist party leaders, defending, with teeth and claws, sponsoring, the marvellous experience the peacefull father Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge were bringing to Cambodia in creating a new, just, social, egalitarian society for the happiness of all citizens... Some even resisted, remaining in denial, years after the truth about the killing fields had started to emerge... Intellect is a privilege, it's precious, important, but it should not become obsessive, masking off the perceptions of sheer common sense. And History is full of well mannered, well educated, good looking, sweet talking people, who were in fact despicable personalities, full of evil, hatred and violence, and mostly very vain and self centered. Please try to remember you defended Jakrapop with such stamina, when the truth comes out, and don't hesitate to make your mea culpa in front of us here then...

    please do remember, that thai state did support khmer rouge by political, financial and military means.


    Thailand's Response to the Cambodian Genocide

    Dr. Puangthong Rungswasdisab, Research Fellow, Cambodian Genocide Program, Yale University


    II. Alliance with the Khmer Rouge

    III. Doing Business with the Khmer Rouge

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