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Everything posted by quake

  1. HI Boss Bar Soi 6. A big Ozzie hang out place.
  2. One more P.O.S bloke in women's sport.
  3. Nah, He will just wake the maid up to to do it.
  4. No bread at all, since July . I seam to have more energy for some reason.
  5. Can I get Lobster and Chips in a basket with Tom sauce.
  6. Do they need it. We already have Formula Somchai, everyday here.
  7. Well By Bar Boy, Bob Smith, AKA Dan and the back office. Is well established here now. What's next.
  8. Yes. your right. But in the next 2/3 years. it may not be the same story.
  9. just conmen sense, with the way tech is going now days. But feel free too fly what ever flag you want. Big brother does not care.
  10. The Hub of, <deleted> stupid idea.
  11. People who are residents of Thailand. will have there uk bank accounts closed In the next few years. Unless you are telling them porkies. ( and that my well be found out) Get used to it and find an alternative . unless your up to other things, ( pensions ) and so on.
  12. I get assaulted by ladies, every time I go down Soi 6 I Thailand.
  13. Not looked into this yet. but maybe a cheap solution. only need 5k GBP. thinks its in IOM. https://international.standardbank.com/international/personal
  14. You correct. But this won't happen straight away. The aerosol can has a safety feature in the base of the can, it is concaved. allowing for some heating The base will expand out , giving more space inside the can, or more time if you look at it that way.
  15. Great for keeping the rats, mice, geckoes down.
  16. I think the problem is in part, a subject we can't talk about.
  17. Surprise Surprise. Have a look at this. Don't reckon this is going to go away quick.
  18. How long has he got left to do. Before his triumphant return ?
  19. All a bit rich from the Japanese authorities. Can't remember reading about the Japanese authorities, compensating Pete Bethune for the vessel that a Japanese whaling boat ran over and sunk. whilst having a confrontation with sea Shepard.
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