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Everything posted by quake

  1. Looks like a few posters , may have done a bit to much Acid back in the day.
  2. One more rich guy. Who was a junkie and alcoholic, telling people what to do. Up your, rocket man, Elton.
  3. She was distracted on her phone. You can't prove any car or bike noise would have made any difference, in this accident. As for the micro penis. Yes, I have experience of the same comments, on here from the same small cock posters. There will be one or to more along soon. ( the usual suspects )
  4. They just frighten old people and little children. Also they make up for riders having a micropenis.
  5. Must have been that new, Darwin Phone. TIT.
  6. Apollo 13. Top gun Maverick. All the Star Trek movies. A fist full of dollars. For a few dollars more. All the Alien moves. Superman 1. Passengers. Debbie does Dallas.
  7. You understand nothing of what a landlord can and can not do in the uk. So no, not a valid question. just a stupid assumption by you. Come on then, what can a landlord do in this situation , given the length of the tenancy and time frame of the incident. Come on, lets hear it. As for spelling and grammar. up yours.
  8. Be carful what you wish for. You could find yourself suffering from gay shock.
  9. They look in an awful hurry. Are they off to the pie shop. for some much needed lunch.
  10. I think the master of that slogan, has turned out to be one of the bad guys. Good cops in, Bad cops out.
  11. I tried that once. But my nose just got longer and hard. and I kept poking her in the belly button.
  12. You get free sex. Please enlighten us all.
  13. Maybe someone called Rampant. It's one of them, modern-day buzz words.
  14. Ok, I was right. your not a landlord in the uk and never have been. it was you who, mentioned the landlord. As a landlord, in the uk, if the tenant pays the rent and looks after the property There's not much you can do. about anything. What rules of the tenancy have they broken in your view ? And what should a landlord about it, in your view. ? This was you below.
  15. And yet, here we all are. Click bait at best.
  16. For how long ? How many have you done ? Give us a number ?
  17. Floyd George was in no way a good guy. Sure he, should not have died in police care. But <deleted> happens, is the world better off, with out the Floyd George type of people. Yes. And BLM, yes we all know what you all were.
  18. Long term relationships cost more than renting. But none of them are free, in the long run.
  19. Is this just one more AI generated thread, in some way.
  20. Renting becomes old after 15 years. Just how many do you need to have ? There is value in a relationship. even if it's seams mad some days. Would I go back to full on bar hopping. No.
  21. Safety number 1. But not at this factory and many, many business in Thailand. Hope someone, gets jail time over this. R.I.P. to the workers.
  22. You only need to stand in line, at arrivals at Manchester airport, to know what's welcome in the uk.
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