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Everything posted by quake

  1. Yes, Straight from the cult handbook, of Mumbo Jumbo.
  2. Come on, we know it's only pretend Buddhism over here.
  3. There have been many, in the past.
  4. Must be a bad batch of amulet going around.
  5. Looks like Joe Brand. After her crash Diet.
  6. Yes, very cold. No central heating. Just a coal fire and some paraffin heaters around the house.
  7. Some of us remember the real name of the place. Windscale Think they had a few mishaps and renamed the place.
  8. Yes, wonder what that very community in the clip, is like now days. ( 1982 ) Bet it's sad as now.
  9. I think the uk general public are hugely jealous, of people that have moved out of the uk. Don't think they would ever be on our side. Because they have to stay and put up with the great governments present and past and lovely weather.
  10. Remember this one. and kids walking to school.
  11. Yes, ok What a sad act you are.
  12. Maybe Asean Now, should start an adult section. It may save them in the long game. Special log in and all that. Win, Win for them I think. May be they should grab the bull by the balls.
  13. Yes I don't fight it, at all now. Just go with it. But I have changed my diet back in July, very, very low carb now, a bit of a carnivore diet with some bad habits . and have a lot more energy and get up and go now. Even if i only go to porn hub at 2 am.
  14. Local government used to deal with this problem. many moons ago. Then something changed.
  15. Yes, work = stress. So i stopped it.
  16. Slappers on the pish. Nice. Wonder what they say about people in Pattaya.
  17. Don't envy something like that. That's about 42 % of your life asleep. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where's the health benefit in that. No thank you.
  18. Bed around 9 /10 up at 2am, most nights. wide awake not sleepy at all. Been that way for the last 10 years. stated like that just after retirement.
  19. From a blokes point of view They just don't feel right. Better stay with what she has.
  20. Tulsa King season 1 and 2. https://himovies.sx/watch-tv/tulsa-king-90169.9155833
  21. Wrong amulet day. R.I.P Mr Monk.
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