First off, I'm not victim blaming.
We all have a duty to our passengers other drivers / riders and ourselves on the roads here.
If you look at the clip, ( previous posts) .
You can see the position of the motor bike in the road.
she is in the middle of the road, three up on the bike. not the best place to be.
this may never have happened if she had been on the inside lane.
But you can see they are penned in on both sides, but it was thought, the middle was the best bet. very wrong.
Looking at the clip, it does not look like they were moving over to an exit, from the cartage way. no exit ?
and if so, it was way to slow.
The BMW had loads of time to avoid them, but she was drunk.
you need to take of yourself on the roads here, ultra a high alert at all times.
This is a lesson of how not to ride / drive on the roads here.
Just myself, I will brake the rules / laws, just to keep myself and passengers out of danger.
on a bike I will pull into the yellow criss/cross box at junctions, top avid being rear ended.
I will move over to the second or third lane, way before a right turn junction.
f the rules and law, they don't pay your hospital bills, if your alive to have bills.
Happy riding and driving.