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Everything posted by quake

  1. I'm sure it could not have been circumcision. As he likes to maintain his image of being a complete prick.
  2. Yeah, Two birds with one stone. Get the rich Thai's with undeclared over seas income. Get rid of some of the Foreigners. Get money in the coffers. Win, Win, Win.
  3. So his basically telling pork pies.
  4. A Husky dog pulling a sled with wheels on it. Sounds like Dog abuse.
  5. A lady doctor was shouting at me the other day. I went into see her. She said, Mr Quake, You need to stop masturbating. I said, Why ? She said, Because I'm trying to examine you.
  6. That's funny, I thought no air and the brake comes on. But Thailand is special. Or is it only the parking brake side that works like that ?
  7. Drove from pattaya to Udon the other week I counted 22 dead soi dogs, just on the offside of my car. They are an epidemic here. Behind my place in pattaya, two packs of dogs, a pack of 10 and a pack of 11, come to fight every night and sometimes in the day. ( can you imagine what that is like ) I would be vey happy if they departed this world very soon. this congregation of dogs has been caused by idiots feeding them. I see we have some of ( these idiots on this thread ) do-gooder's, helping Thailand. But they have, no Soi dogs themselves. This is from google. not my journey Best Soi dog 2023.
  8. Yes, a very strange sensation. Used it for years here. very cheap to just try. Maybe not for everyone.
  9. Hydrogen peroxide ( 7/11 ) Head on side, few drops in ear, wait 10 minutes. same other ear. ( it bubbles like mad ) works fine for me.
  10. Think it may get interesting in 2024 at the airports and land boarders. with Thai's coming in with 10 baht of gold hanging on them, Rolex watches , handbags and suit cases stuffed with money. Will be lots of photo ops and pointing.
  11. The Thaksin Pantomime. Is almost complete. ( it's not going to get derailed now)
  12. This has got Cluster Duck written all over it. Should be a right laugh watching all the headless chickens on AN
  13. Wonder what it will be next Monday. Emperor penguins, do a runner because it's to hot in Antarctica.
  14. That could make the job in hand more meaningful.
  15. Very much so. The pot holes get the young guys at night time. very dangerous, also day time kids are just not paying attention to them.
  16. Your correct. I believe all people should go and kill there own dinner some times, just to remind themselves of what they are doing, as they walk along the rows of meat, for sale in shops and markets. Think you would see many millions of vegetarians over night, around the world
  17. People first, end of Animals don't even come on my charity list. You can do what you want. But don't come on a forum announcing how charitable you are to dog charities and expect, no flack. ( most of us keep our mouths shut about what we do ) So, yes you are sad for that.
  18. Thailand and some of it's parents taking care. as always. RIP little ones. Your government, schools and parents failed you all.
  19. If you turn round, I would hear you better. None of your business what I do for charities. But it evolves children, not dogs. What a sad bunch, your type are.
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