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Everything posted by quake

  1. Your joking. Shooting themselves in the foot, is a national pastime here.
  2. Hear, Hear.
  3. Yes. But Greed is good. It's one of the cornerstones of Thai society.
  4. Yes, it's one of the more serious actions that's allowed to continue in Thailand. Even the cops do it. how sad is that. Ps would have given you a like for your post but i'm not allowed to do that anymore.
  5. It's also a two lane,
  6. Safety first. Not Also when they drive on the roads doing upturn's on second road Jomtien with boat in tow, with not a care to other road users. R.I.P. Most likely just one more accident that could have been avoided. TIT.
  7. Opps wrong area
  8. No I got the latest and very quick Tesla Yabadabdou model.
  9. maybe i have one of these.
  10. There's a blast from the past for us brits
  11. I think it will just turn into the usual. All talk, threats, Dog and Pony show, we know so well here. Time will tell.
  12. Even more funny of you. I have had 1 ticket in 23 years.
  13. Put them in the filing system, same as the locals do. why should anyone do any different from the locals. until they enforce payment. TIT.
  14. What if she comes back with a fist full of used condoms. Could be a bit of a dilemma, that one.
  15. Little Hitler syndrome, very common in Thailand.
  16. They blew it. No respect will come there way now. Spoilt brats.
  17. Should bring that back, and lots of testing in every soi in Thailand.
  18. Pattaya resident pervert out with his camera, nice.
  19. Going to wait until after the 27 to go in. I want to see it all up and running for us expats first. We know what this lot are like. Please can you come in again mister !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Computer says no. I'm in no hurry for there games. TIT.
  20. Every time I see Joe. He reminds me of that old spitting image sketch about Ronald Reagan. The presidents brain is missing. Was very funny back in the day.
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