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Everything posted by quake

  1. James Randi Was always on the case of these con artists. Geller was made to look the fool on TV, Oh my powers don't seams to work now.
  2. They have also killed millions of people as well.
  3. They are called The Alphabet people. ( way more easy to remember ) Good luck to them.
  4. One more time for you. until the fuzz show up. You had a sense of humor failure.
  5. Like I said a sense of humor failure. yawn.
  6. Oh dear, sense of humor failure. Do you carry tissues in your man bag, they could come in useful.
  7. Yes, But there's no real need to draw the whole years worth out in one go.
  8. Same, but not needed a comb for the last 30 years. Ps Think it would be more interesting to know what exactly do people keep in there man bags ? We all know the tons of shxxxxt that the wife keeps in her bag. Do you guys do the same. ? I don't have a man bag. always traveled light.
  9. Maybe just a dog and pony show for the media. possibly all parties warned well in a advance. Nah that would never happen here. could it.
  10. I'm surprised there is not a special sticker issued for this on the front door.
  11. Politicians will say and do anything. Same the world over. Don't mean any real change will come.
  12. Nothing will change, this is way on down the list for any government. In the next few years.
  13. Safety first. Oh well, maybe not that day. or ever here. Next
  14. Yes, but look on the brightside. You can also have, Happy ending, after Happy ending, after Happy ending, and it won't cost 15 million baht.
  15. They are still trying to work out what the fee will be for us.
  16. 100,000 seams to be the going rate for this now days. Next
  17. Well done girl.
  18. Yes that's progress, well Thai style progress. imagine doing that at the airports around the world just to funny.
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