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Everything posted by quake

  1. Blah Blah Blah. You just throw money at the problem. from afar. No Soi dogs of your own. How sad that is. Children come before dogs with me. Go figure.
  2. It's just being all inclusive. Maybe they have rainbow feathers. and DM boots on, with spurs.
  3. There is a bottomless pit of them, in Thailand.
  4. You do gooders are all the same over the world. All about yourself deep down. Hope you have a fatal RTA on the way home, involving a pack of soi dogs.
  5. A nice little earner for someone or some family. Let there be light. at a price.
  6. Situation normal then. Carry on Thailand.
  7. Was that you, I was talking to in pattaya last week at that gogo bar on beach road.
  8. Ah name calling now. because your wrong. what a laugh. The go home post, before. even more funny. What a card you are.
  9. So mum stabs and kills her 24 year old daughter. that's legal, according to you.
  10. Not a problem, the Thai's will just work a bit harder.
  11. Ok, upto you. Don't forget to gargle with urine each morning and become bisexual. Romans, ha ha. The rest of your post is laughable as well. It's that simple.
  12. Get married at the local amphur office, End of. The rest is up to you, depending on, how big a stupid buffalo you are. Been to many weddings here, many have not paid sin-sod, just had money to show off on the day, borrowed from family members, including me. given back the next day. Remember, your not Thai, so you do not have to be part of the BS sin sod. not your culture !!!!!!!!!!!! You will be reminded of these two point many times in your life here. when it suits them. As for me , married, no village stuff with monks and all that BS My misses knows what I think of the Buddhism racket here and families sticking money in the sky rocket. Happy Buffalo Sin-sod. or is it just silly sod.
  13. Oh look, it's started.
  14. I think Thai ladies shine through on that front very well in marriage. It's the other stuff that starts to go wrong, Money, Face, Gossip, ect
  15. They only bring one thing to the table. and it's got hair round it. Well back in the day it did.
  16. It does get a bit old after 15 years of doing that.
  17. Yes, all true. But there is one difference, the Thai ladies are always up for sex even after the worst arguments and stuff that goes on. Unlike the western ladies, who use sex, more like a bargaining chip.
  18. Pussy always has a cost on this planet. don't matter who you are.
  19. So you would pay a million baht for a virgin. That's even more funny.
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