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Everything posted by quake

  1. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The Supernatural, Reincarnation, Gods, Trolls, Pixies, Jinn's. Good luck with all that. 13:18, beer o'clock time.
  2. Had no idea you are the spokesmen for all of the Thai people. What a laugh. Brit bashing, as usual.
  3. Thai's never make any antisocial noise do they.
  4. My old laptop bag has just come out the closet, after 8 years. I did have my suspicions for many years before. Oh well. life goes on.
  5. Normal day on the roads of Thailand. who will care tomorrow.
  6. Op 11 years old. to late for all the treatments. You think to mut. Just use it till it falls apart
  7. Ok, that's good enough for me. your on that special list, 5 hours as a newbie member, well done. Bye
  8. Ice cores say we are in a cool period of the earths history. and what we see now, is a slight fluctuation in that cool period.
  9. So that's not you below Nice one, newbie. Troll
  10. Are we not in a cool period of the earth history.
  11. Great a new member of 4 hours, is now the spelling police of Asean now. But you quoted the book,, and it's still BS at the start and the end What time will the Rapture be coming, all the past predictions must have been wrong. or were they just a big misunderstanding.
  12. One more, the world is going to end thread. Wonder how many more people will be looking for government funding to do more research. it's a growing industry now days. Roll up, Roll up, get you millions, in funding before the next doomsday prophecy comes in to vogue.
  13. Ok. So the vid was BS. Ok thought it was to good to be true.
  14. If your talking about the bible. Geneses was started with a lie. Science has proven that. something about the earth has form, then light. It was the other way round. it starts with BS then ends with BS Good luck with your after life.
  15. Russian bad boys are all over Phuket. Hope they all stay there.
  16. What you reckon on this one. Not tried it myself yet.
  17. What an evil man. Hope a long time in jail for that. R.I.P lady
  18. Oh dear, did someone forget the grease for the wheels.
  19. I would spend it on booze and hookers. the rest I would just waste.
  20. Come on mate, you know the forum rules. No posting of own personal information.
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