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Everything posted by quake

  1. Yes it's great. I had to get a left-handed mouse.
  2. Think you made a typo there, sorted it for you.
  3. That's funny, we used to call that Brown Nosing, back in the day.
  4. That will attract ants. ( millions of them ) Fly screens, Electric bats, work great Ps I have an electric bat in most rooms of the house. also a low power bat and nurses / maids uniform in the bed room.
  5. Goodbye Tina. Simply the best.
  6. To be honest. I think it was, and still is a bit of a Thailand myth. To make stronger beer, it takes more time and it takes more ingredients. I cant see them making that mistake on a production line. but saying that, you do need to stop the brew process to be able to keep a consistent alcohol level in the product. so possible something there. Who knows. But it's still a good Thailand talking point over a few cool ones..
  7. No more than any other third world country I think. It was more of a joke. and a poke at the Thai military.
  8. Funny how one thread can generate so much hatred and an other thread, most people don't care about, or call out for blood. https://aseannow.com/topic/1295698-phimai-9-year-old-girl-electrocuted-at-sports-field-power-pole/ RIP little girl. No one cared about you.
  9. You need to keep your eye on the ball here, at all times. or the sign.
  10. Maybe , but it may just be you. Drink enough of it and your get used to it. I'm fine with it, but prefer the old Chang. think it was 6.3 % very nice.
  11. what's the rumbling I can hear in the distance. sounds like caterpillar tracks.
  12. And we all know they would have stuck them in the dirt, after a few flights.
  13. So many things are broken in Thailand. Will it ever change, unlikely. Can the new kids on the block fix it all. A very tall order I think.
  14. You can't go saying that, the world wants to give you jail time for that. I'm right with you mate, way to many lies being told on both sides to care anymore. bring back plastic bags at stores, and keep up the burning of sugar cane, as the government won't pay you the difference in cost Right second coffee time.
  15. The basic difference between these two major beer classifications is how they are fermented. Ales are fermented with top-fermenting yeast at warm temperatures (60˚–70˚F), and lagers are fermented with bottom-fermenting yeast at cold temperatures (35˚–50˚F). I think the word larger comes from the German language its a process, ( to store in a cool place ) could be wrong. I'm sure someone will know.
  16. Maybe you need to google that. you will get a better understanding of brewing. Not all beer is to a strict German standard. special Ingredients will be imported ( expensive ) for your beer snob brews. That's if you want something different from what's already produced here. ( rose on a turd ) laughable.
  17. No, a Honda city Do you take drugs that make you soft in the head. and impair your thinking. Duh
  18. Mate, Where do you think the raw ingredients come from for your beer snob brews ? I'm not Toxic, I just know the truth. No cheap beer for the beer snobs. I sure do, large bottle number 4 Leo, coming to an end now. Thank you Thailand for cheap 5% ok ish beer. Good night to the pretentious beer snobs. from over the pond. or down under.
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