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Everything posted by quake

  1. Op Move if you can. Most things to stop the noise will be expensive and disappointing at best.
  2. Ok, is it any good. or do the need to up there game. ?
  3. I think this is still about, not the best as a breakfast beer. but ok for an alcohol hit 8% to boot and a different flavor ( not the best )
  4. That maybe so, but you were still wrong.
  5. They were created for the Americans first. ( GI-Joe )
  6. I'm pretty sure she will have to sell the place within 12 month as she is a non Thai. if that makes any difference to your plans. I could be wrong.
  7. Yes, draw all your money out tomorrow and hide it under the bed. don't tell the g/f or wife. best to be safe.
  8. It did ruin the place. Just cant get away from the Mick and Brenda's from Manchester.
  9. Army Sergeant Wingnut, needs to be arrested. Can't have this sort of behavior outside the firing range. Get him.
  10. As always with Thailand. Thank you Ma and Pa shops, respect to you all. you always save the day. Support your local Ma and Pa shops, we need them.
  11. Nah They just left out the first few words. Once upon a time.
  12. Yes I do think the land is being sold off under the beer bars much more revenue to earn if you build hotels. small malls, ect.
  13. I think quality ingredients will need to be shipped in. ( import and shipping costs) I don't think they will be able to mass produce good craft beer and at reasonable cost. I think the big boys will produce there own brand of craft beers just to bust others out the market. But I'm all for choice. Time will tell.
  14. Same as fake plastic Irish pubs. they need to go as well. Ps Also the tosspots that go in them.
  15. Should do the same as Australia did after the biggest mass shooing at a school. no more F-------- guns. What the Australian people say, Ok fair dinkum.
  16. You won't be getting any cheap beer boys. ( dream on ) You will be paying a very nice premium for your special beer. Sure nice to have a choice. but I'm not bothered at all. Drank the local brews all-round the word, Thailand's local brew, is not that bad in comparison. ( Star Larger, Nigeria ) I some how can't see people cracking open a craft beer for breakfast. Right 6.44, time for a breakfast beer, small can of Leo today.
  17. Nah. I would be in favor of a full house, lets have both.
  18. Yes your right could not think what it was at the time. Do you think there are to many now days. Like the alphabet people ( LGBTQW XYZ or what ever it is ) ?
  19. Add me to that list. Hope he goes to jail, if he dare set foot back here.
  20. WUM, Wind-Up Merchant" The other one I had to look up on this thread was FOMO, fear of missing out. To many abbreviations now days.
  21. Could be one or two that would fit in at the High Boss bar.
  22. You cheeky sods. How dare you try and get the uk government to force people to buy your cars. Not everyone is sold on the big new, electric is going to save the world BS.
  23. Nah I would say the winner will be the one that has a chin, that you could use to open a can of beans with.
  24. Some people think they are more important than others. One month of important people coming up. yawn. .
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