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Everything posted by quake

  1. That's, not bad pointing for an old guy, has he been to Thailand.
  2. I give the alphabet convention a miss. Look at me, Look at me, please look at me.
  3. I bought a home, not an investment. After many years of it being a home, it has now become an investment as it's rented out. I have two investments back in my country of origin. and a house up country here ( wife's has house) what ever people say we all need to have a home, and there not free.
  4. No one in authority cares at all here. Some of the people here just act like wild children in a play ground. People riding motor bikes on the pavement is just seen as normal. WTF. Grow up Thailand.
  5. Nah His just your normal everyday fruit loop.
  6. That's one thing that needs changing here. The defamation laws. Wonder if the new kids on the block will do that. we live in hope.
  7. Yes your right never buy in Thailand The sky will fall in.
  8. Rubbish I bought over 20 years ago. No real problems. that would be a lot of rental money down the drain and nothing to show for it. Wife gets it as an asset when I die.
  9. You could close all 7/11 and family mart stores. Traffic would then flow with easy around town. That one is for all the considerate drivers of Pattaya. Car stays parked up now days, motor bike only if going into town.
  10. A little bit conservative there. I would say an easy 90% of police and that's on a bad day.
  11. Way to cryptic for me, so who cares.
  12. That's a bit much for 8 o'clock in the morning. ( a bit radical ) Relax have a bong. there all the rage now days.
  13. Yeap This is the way it will all unfold. U-turns, flip flops, finger pointing, blame game culture on steroids. The next few years will be a hoot, to watch. and pretty sure none of it will effect us much. ( if you have the funds to stay that is ) TIT.
  14. Only need to look at people like Joe Ferrari. To see what has, and still does go on. in the police department of Thailand. in needs disbanding and start a fresh. like many government departments. Ps. Maybe the new kids on the block will get on the case. in the next 50 years.
  15. I would say immigration at Jomtien are testing out the water. for a possible new marketing plan, for getting people to use an agent, Agents = revenue for immigration officers. Time for big joke to give that place a visit and clear house.
  16. I would say he just did a urine slammer and took a bite into the lemon before the lick of salt.
  17. Sounds a bit like a Glory Hole story that went wrong.
  18. What a nasty POS I hope the family get at him when his in jail.
  19. quake

    Ear Wax

    Cheap affective way, ( not for everyone) Bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a small syringe from pharmacy. Put head on pillow, fill ear hole up, wait 10 minutes, or until bubbling stops. wash ear hole out, repeat as required. Poking metal instruments in your ear is not smart, leave that to a doctor if required.
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