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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. I've never agreed with a statement more. Whipping up the froth of expat care will do nothing to deter tourism. What will do harm to tourism is going after "high class" tourists but that probably won't matter anyways. The younger generation wants to go to Bali, not to Thailand. IT's not on young people's radar anymore. Thailands only hope is indeed India and China. China will not be returning anytime soon, even after the pandemic ends. Mark my words on this.
  2. You know, what an absolutely idiotic thing to put in a news story. Clean toilets. I mean, they sprayed them with disinfectant. Wow! Incredible Thailand! Certified safe! (tm). It is such a third world country and why are the leaders so stupid so as not to see it? IT's really stunning isn't it?
  3. Were these people dropped on their heads? I digress, at least the child didn't test positive when leaving thailand. Not only would he be denied boarding but quarantined as well in a foreign country. I mean people are just stupid. Really really really stupid. And Im' sorry this would have happened anywhere in the world, not just Thailand.
  4. Forget deaths, the admissions are astoundingly low. Usually unvaccinated in the hospital. Let's talk those on oxygen. In south africa they have been nearly flat. Flat! This is an upper respiratory pandemic now, nothing more. IT has done what we all hoped it would do, become dominant and turn into a true and honest damned cold. Its current form is a cold.
  5. It bloody well looks like it is right now! This is a doosie and it does literally nothing. We are overrun with omicron and nobody is really sick! The symptoms are ridiculous - a mild to moderate cold. Some people get aches like a flu for 12 hours. Then it goes away like that! No loss of taste, smell... I had it and my penis fell off though (on one account I am kidding - the other, I have no idea because most are asymptomatic. I've been in close contact, don't need to isolate and no symptoms and no test available)
  6. WE are overrun with omicron here. The horror that is unfolding is as follows: asymptomatic till an antigen test shows it. Around 75 percent ish are asymptomatic who test with the antigen test and have no symptoms. 25 percent gets cold symptoms for 3 days and it goes away. That is all. Not at all scientific and hell, I could be from russia posting this but I"m not. Our ICU capacity has dropped by one and this is the biggest nothing burger that you could imagine. We have no idea how widespread it is because there aren't enough tests to test everyone. IT's madness! People who test with antigen tests which are free don't tell the government because... why? It's a three day cold. They don't give a damn either. This wave of the pandemic isn nothing.
  7. Not only isn't it but you need to be dropped on your head at some point, drunk, or stricken by dementia to see otherwise. All experts agree this is a total joke so far. It's a cold. And before you start calling me an antivaxxer (whoever), triple vaccinated and am vaccinated against everything you can think of before COVID.
  8. The unvaccinated it's much less. Why does anyone care about the willfully unvaccinated? They can just stay at home.
  9. Agreed but even with restrictions it will not slow it down by hardly anything at all. So in a sense you are getting your wish as am I. Only the uneducated can't see how no restrictions we can enforce will ever slow this spread.
  10. Allegations are 2.4 to 3 days. IT could be much quicker, now couldn't it? And how many people get it with zero symptoms? They think probably lots. The only way to know will be some time down the road when they can study this and the dust settles when the pandemic is over. It doesn't matter what we hope for, the virus will do what it does. But I will provide some hope for myself - it is very benign (to vaccinated), it provides herd immunity so I am pleased that it is spreading. Even if I wasn't pleased it was spreading it will continue to do what it does. I am more afraid of spiders than omicron. Personal opinion and I will stand by it.
  11. I agree and it's pretty easy to tune COVID out because this variant is, quite literally, a bloody cold unless you have some serious serious problems or aren't vaccinated. All allegations by myself of course except for "it's not serious". It isn't serious. The symptoms are over quick and are, quite frankly, ridiculous. It's appalling some how fear monger because they just don't understand how benign this virus is. If you're scared stay home. IT's ok to be worried and that's your choice to do so.
  12. COVD will do what it does and we will do what we do. Being upset by it is irrelevant. Let the cards fall where they may. IT's not just Thailand that will see this but be thankful it's just omicron. I am losing no sleep at all over this. Concerned, but there is nothing that I can do. Everything seems to point that by and large we will be just fine.
  13. I had people freaking out at me 2 weeks ago when I called this. How did I call it? By following data from south africa. And by the way, today hospitalizations are trending down, not up. And omicron cases are dropping too. They called me an anti vaxer. Ha ha ha. I've had three vaccinations. If I croak from omicron then the young can take my things and money and I'll move on. Not afraid, but still trying to keep it down for now. But my life goes on unaffected. JP morgan called the pandemic to end in 2022. I agree, and the end could very well be omicron, which is, honestly, an upper chest cold.
  14. The only question that I have and I"ll leave it hanging is who is truly going to care?
  15. It's like having a honeymoon at a 1 star hotel overlooking a dump. A really stinky one too!
  16. Good god it's not like there is anywhere in India that compares to Thailand. Even Goa is a total and replete dumpster.
  17. OF course they want to see everything - thanks for confirming that. I hope that everyone's trip goes very well - I personally wouldn't go because the chances of being quarantined with this variant is too high for my blood. I hope that everyone has prepared for every eventuality. If you end up on a gofundme page I reserve the right to laugh and laugh and laugh at your lack of planning or common sense. Wish I could go! ;(
  18. Golly I wouldn't want to write that the first one was, uh, um, questionable at best. wink wink nudge nudge say no more say no more.
  19. If you did know and this was well thought out by the government of Thailand it would be abnormal. IT's all the fun of Thailand travel, isn't it?
  20. It's pretty damned obvious to me what can happen and you can easily be asymptomatic before the flight then become symptomatic on the plane and easily test positive and have a huge bill. I mean if people can't see that then they get what they deserve. Failure to plan. But I digress, is anyone so stupid as to not have a great deal of cash to deal with this eventuality? I say not. Nobody on this planet is that stupid. Are they? (Im asking myself) You require a great deal of time, money, and patience to travel anywhere right now, not just Thailand. Here to get home if you test positive prior to your flight you are essentially stranded in whatever country you're in and you need to quarantine there which can be tens of thousands of dollars. I appreciate your response and hope that I"m not writing this like I"m wagging my finger at you. I am wagging my finger at people who have no brains, however, and have serious problems.
  21. May I ask a question? Why would anyone who posts here or reads here regularly find this flip flop at all surprising? If you are planning on travelling to Thailand nobody is counting on anything being the same week to week. Travel is very difficult right now. The whole world is changing policies left right and centre. South Africa was all but cut off until recently. Expect more no matter where you travel.
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