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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. I don't feel picked on. I see him doing to everyone. Everyone!
  2. The only one attacking is the Jeffr2 guy. He had the audacity to insinuate that i was some kind of denier, LMAO!!!
  3. Hush now, you are going to trigger Jeffr2. Let us carry on with the doom and gloom.
  4. I applaud your calm demeanour. As for me, I will be out buying toilet paper. Thanks you. Thanks you.
  5. Do you know what an omicron denier is? This is something new for me. I can't understand hysteria. It's a strange language, therefore I don't want to ask the original poster.
  6. Ha ha ha, if, if, if this variant is as silly as it seems - the common cold - you will wish that you get omricron rather than delta. Of course nobody knows yet for sure. I was reading that in the UK 1 in 3-4 cases of "the common cold" is actually COVID. That was on the BBC news, not some quacky website. Well ok, a somewhat quacky website. Oh the wine, it talks!
  7. Are you not aware that hospitalizations for omoroncon (sic) is far less than delta. They are actively tracking who is in the hospital, who has been vaccinated, and what variant. For Delta it is brutal. So far for omricon (sic) it is very very minimal. That is the good news that is still too early to call good news. Calm down there buddy! ???? We're ok.
  8. What I"ve gotten online about what is going on is "we still don't know but so far the data looks very promising". And "things could change". So far the trajectory by every expert that I"ve seen states that it is good so far. And they've all said things can change. Patience... I keep telling myself that anyways. ????
  9. Ha ha ha, I'll freelance in Thailand and they won't know the better. If you think I"m going to live there full time you're nuts. I invest in the stock market too and make money that way. Thailand has no idea and I don't care if they like it or not. They don't know what I"m doing. ???? These people think they are re-inventing the wheel - going to where the ball was about 30 seconds ago lost on the football field while everyone in the stands laughs at them instead of watching the game.
  10. IT really doesn't matter what it is - look at any news story. News organizations now get readership from clicks, not from accuracy. And they get money from clicks, less so from advertising. Look at the sensationalistic reporting on even large news sources. CNN, Fox News, and down the line to pseudoscience nonsense garbage troll trash on the internet. Read it with a critical eye and think about it. ???? I am not afraid of omicron. IT is what it is. I am what I am. But really from actual medical people on the ground it sounds like it could in fact be nothing. Please don't take off with this as a fact - we will know more in 1-2 weeks.
  11. One thing that I can accurately write is that you are really really really jumping to a lot of conclusions and progressing on tree trunks and you're now 100 feet off the ground ready to fall. Give it another week or two and let's see what happens. I share no interest in conjecture.
  12. Oh I understand and I'm at the same campfire. IT's unfortunate for people who are not vaccinated but in my country where the only people who are anti vaccination professors they will simply get their wish and get it the old fashioned way with long term health effects, cognitive disability, etc. But I digress, cognition wasn't really there now, was it? Nothing has been proven but one thing is for sure - Omicron is omicron and it will do what it will do. The sun will rise tomorrow, we will live on. Or not. I may live on - I got a vaccine.
  13. Wel I see lots of alarmist click-hungry obscure websites with "science" in the http address are getting lots of clicks with doom and gloom predictions. That's a prediction that I could have easily stood by! Word around the campfire is this is a nothing burger.
  14. Certainly in Thailand already. It has nothing to do with lack of managing this. You cannot stop a virus, and what everyone did already when they found out about it is already too late.
  15. What we know about the virus is irrelevant. Governments are imposing travel restrictions as I type.
  16. A complete idiot. Allow me to assure you we are right back to square one - we have travellers stuck in south africa, and it's all over the news here that by the time she reaches home and gets special tickets she will have to shell out 4k in COVID tests before hitting our soil. The USA has announced negative testing too, as have many other countries. For now, it will affect tourism and, of course, this is just par for the course for Thailand's government. They make these idiotic statements to pander to common thais, much like our governments do to us. Mothers milk - it tastes good but eventually we need something more to sustain ourselves.
  17. "The Hunt for Africans". Why not just ask them to come in for a test? Oh that's right, Thailands government thinks of foreigners as animals that must be controlled. But I digress....
  18. WE will know very very shortly. ???? IF people were falling over like flies you would know about it immediately. From my limited knowledge of pandemics they usually become less virulent as time goes on. Again, just to be clear, I am not a doctor.
  19. I feel that simple concise posts like this get lost in the chatter. A personal opinion - I feel that you are right. This could be the biggest nothing burger in history and am hopeful that this is the end of the pandemic. I am no doctor, only barfing out an opinion that could very well be wrong. To be honest, I have absolutely zero sympathy to someone who can get a vaccine and choose not to get it. I don't wish death upon them, but let me be clear, bad choice means bad outcome sometimes. I've had three covid shots and my genitals have not fallen off yet. ???? Not that it would really matter at this point to anyone if they did. ;(
  20. More than likely it's already in Thailand. I hate to say it but it's going to be everywhere, no doubt about it. Word around the campfire is if you are vaccinated there are hardly any symptoms, if any at all. This has nothing to do with Thailand and their bizarre governance - they can't stop it. I can't stop it. Nobody can stop it. The only way to stop it is to not leave your country for any reason. Trade, talking, anything. And that's just not possible.
  21. Whatever kromnidon is (romnkcrom?) it's having an effect around the world. Lots stuck in south africa who cannot get out. To get back here they have to fly to another country and get a negative result. So that's one in south africa and then find a place to transit in and get a negative test to continue on, LOL! Pretty much impossible. People are literally stuck there again. Everyone - everyone is over-reacting. Many doctors say there is no way to tell what it will do. IT could be absolutely nothing and the pandemic could by and large be over. OR we will all be dead. In that case, worrying about it doesn't matter. But I see no evidence of it being bad - yet. Thailand they are probably making wild predictions based on nothing. And life goes on.
  22. Let's hope that this new variant is less virulent and causes hardly any symptoms. Getting a little tired of this 2 years in.
  23. Fake elections that mean nothing shouldn't get anyone excited.
  24. We are all hopeful this is the way that it will go down. I am so sick of COVID 19 I'd rather put nails in my scrotum than go down another set of lockdowns for a year and the resultant nonsense. If this is the end, let it be so. Develop into a cold, or whatever...
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