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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. Because everyone is vaccinated coming in ya buffoons!!! I would all cap that but I'd get a slap!
  2. If I lived in Thailand I"d be happy too. Particularly without tens of thousands of chinese swarming all you can eat restaurants. If I was Thai I wouldn't be too happy about it but hey, that's just an opinion. I'm white as a ghost here and all signs so far state that's the way I'll stay all winter.
  3. There aren't really tourists in Thailand, these are just long term people coming home per se. Would a western country write something in an article like this about tourists? Probably not.
  4. Porn is just there. It's not culture, in a way it's stupid. It's a watch, over, keep going. I don't see people walking down the street with porn blaring on their phones speakers going "OOOOH YEAH BABY OHHHH YEAH, OH GIVE IT TO ME OOOOH YEAAAAHH".
  5. You can't even get to Thailand if you're not vaccinated, eventually you won't be able to renew your visa if you're not vaccinated. So who cares? Just like Yellow fever vaccination, mandatory. I really don't care.
  6. Even if Thailand opened those restriction there would be significant headwinds. On the other end, when you return home, there are significant hurtles to go through too. This has a tremendous drag on tourism too. If you have to isolate, test, or potentially end up taking an extra 2 weeks "holidays" because you are asymptomatic it would be a disaster for many holiday goers. We have a very long ways to go before tourism can even attempt to get back to normal.
  7. You need to jap people with a quality vaccine. Let us never forget how many got Sinovac. They will most certainly have to be re-immunized.
  8. I know it must be very hurtful and stressful to go through all of this. Many are just trying to get back to their loved ones and tourists don't necessarily come to this forum. So take my "stupid" and "dropped on your heads" to visit thailand with a grain of salt. Because you would have to be dropped on your head to visit there for a care free vacation. I'm glad to see it's working for some, but it sure seems like a hell of a lot of work.
  9. This was the response after Thailand released a written statement stating that Sinovac vaccine is fantastic!
  10. Well look at it now, what is it 99 percent less foreign tourists? 99.9 percent? It's a ghost town. Tourism in Thailand was horrid pre-pandemic, I agree with you there. It was not fun to travel there. It was chinese disneyland.
  11. It is absolutely astounding to see, but it is true. We have quarantine free travel here for fully inoculated and it has simply not returned to anything other than a sad trickle. Honestly, I don't see it coming back to pre pandemic levels for ten plus years. It's sad to see but travel will be anything but a difficult venture for many years to come. We need the whole planet to get vaccinated, and the vaccinated can travel afterwards.
  12. Yes, it actually has been scientifically proven to be inferior.
  13. Are you fishing for a lawn bowling drinking-buddy? We could go shopping for wheel-chairs after. It's best to do that drunk.
  14. Nobody will, i mean the answer is completely and utterly obvious. I don't understand why everyone is getting so upset over this. Even first world countries require a negative test before leaving and after coming home. The net result of a positive test anywhere on the planet is a huge bill financially and time wise. And what if you get really really sick? Honestly, we are just about through this. It's just not a good time to travel yet. Those that are going back for a reunion, a long time who are retired, etc it may be good for them so it's hard to put all the eggs into one basket. But I agree, anyone going to Thailand for a two week care free holiday is an idiot if they haven't figured on an extra 2 weeks for a quarantine and LOTS of money and an employer who will wait for weeks more while they covid out in another country.
  15. I understand how it's customary to have a beer with the guys at a bar, and how frustrating this must be for those that are used to it. Its probably a good time to figure out another way to get together and have a beer. Lawn bowling? Well maybe not that, but something. ????
  16. Nobody really is going to Thailand for a care free holiday. Those that spend lots of time there, i.e. 3 months will be. That is why 80 percent were returned all right. Tourism is dead, and will continue to be dead for a long long time.
  17. Zero. Sympathy. Well I do for his little ones. This will be a holiday to remember all right. When a hospital stay is not medically required and yet you have to go and sit there for 10 days for no real reason (you could do it in a hotel room) then generally they will not pay for it. As so many people have stated, travel right now is very very very messy and hard with many hoops to go through and many problems can exist. It is simply not the time to be travelling right now but if you choose to, then it's ok, you took into account all these eventualities right? Right?
  18. Quality tourists and India. It took some time to clean the beer I spit all over my computer before replying. I was laughing so hard....
  19. Keeping on my jesus theme (nobody else is noticing or caring, and rightfully so), I'd rather be nailed to a cross by my genitals than go through all that right now. I share your pain - it's beyond ridiculous and what in the living devil are you going to do there anyways? Thailand we all knew is dead and gone.
  20. Gentlemen... (ladies here? Are there?) The whole world only wants the rich. Rich immigrants. There is a mini war on earth wide for them. It is much easier to get into a country if you are wealthy than not. ???? Don't take it personal. But look at how low Thailand is starting to go. That is really what is remarkable. At this rate, it will be "Thailand, we will take anyone". Send your invalids, sick, depressed to the land of smiles. Thai food saves like jesus christ. Come to the altar and bring your pension. Oh how the wine talks. Oh how it does talk....
  21. There isn't going to be any surge whatsoever in these numbers until the pandemic is over. I estimate it will be another year minimum but who the heck am I? I'm not professional. In tourism I do know a thing or two, and what was written quoted above is blatantly obvious. Look, when i leave here I have to have a test, and if I test positive my vacation is over and I"ve spent a LOT of money. Gone. All. When I come home I have to take a test and if I test positive I get 2 weeks in a hotel, or in the case of Thailand, a hospital stay (!!!) and most probably all on my dime. NO THANKS! Many here talk about the easing of restrictions so they can get in easier. IT's not the big picture of what is going on in the world, and the kinds of problems tourism in general face.
  22. These are long term snowbirds not real "tourists" going on holiday as we all know really rocket up the numbers. But I digress, let the childish counting continue....
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