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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. The company that my gf works for just fired 3 workers. And they only have like 7 to start with. They are trying to give them an opportunity to resign first because the boss doesn't want to pay the leaving salary to them. The boss spends all the money on big houses, nice cars, golf clubs and drinking. So the slightest change and he is finished.
  2. The tree that they hit had been the cause of accidents before. Because it is a ghost tree.
  3. One time I was at Laos airport and about 100 sacks of rice went on before me.
  4. I will be working. Xmas day is test day in Thai schools. So I will be an exam invigilator. The Thai testing system is the most out of date and confusing thing. Everything is in Thai writing but we expected to do it. Draw the seating plan on the whiteboard, arrange the desks in that order, hand the papers out in that order except there are two year groups in each room so now the papers are different because one groups is doing math and the other is doing science so now we collect the papers except math finished after 1 hour and science is 40 minutes so now we collect the papers and put them into your fingers in a certain order (the thai teacher insisted that I stack 20 papers between my fingers and another 20 between the others so they are 'in order') but we check them again anyway so collect the papers except 3 students are not finished so now there is no order and also walk up the rows in order and skip every other row because there are two subjects also ask the students to tear apart certain pages now sort the papers into different bags except the torn pages go on top and now use a huge metal spike to stab 15 test papers (i actually saw one thai teacher bleeding blood over the papers because she had cut herself) put the papers into the bags and take them to the office. do it again for the next 5 days.
  5. Tourists can not have a Thai ATM card.
  6. Steve-O - ''Going clean is my hardest stunt yet.''
  7. I bent down slightly to play with my cat and felt a sharp stabbing pain across my head. I have had this for a while now and it comes and goes randomly. I believe they are called Icepick Headaches. How about you? Do you think nothing matters and we live in an uncaring universe? Or do you think there is a purpose to life? Can you measure 'good' or is it just an abstract idea?
  8. It means you are just not very good at English. The lazy students are like you. They speak basic pub English and it is full of mistakes. The advanced students can joke about current events and speak at full speed in a clear voice. Either all English speakers are wrong, or you suck at English. Also try this on with Chinese. Go to the teacher and tell her she can not speak Chinese.
  9. After finishing my sweet shredded pork sweet bread sweet mayo 3-tier sandwich. I felt a bit thirsty but then I remembered Thailand doesn't have clean drinking water so I started musing on the delicious drinking water in England and the free healthcare. It made me remember that ''To be born British is to win first prize in the lottery of life.'' I will now go an read up on the latest school shootings in America.
  10. Because Scottish men wear skirts and Thailand is open to the LGBT lifestyle.
  11. They are rude, no map, no gps, and they usually have no idea where they are going. I am surprised more taxi drivers aren't attacked.
  12. Looks like we have a choice now between drugged up drivers swigging beer vs AI driverless vehicles that are incapable of having an accident. Bring on the driverless vehicles.
  13. Yes we have more to miss when we move abroad. The finest food in the world, a rich refined culture and arts, perfect spoken English, chivalry, manners, gentlemanship. I think Americans can get by without spray on cheese and belching loudly.
  14. I predict potential good fortune for the 28th, 29th, and the 30th. Not saying when, who or where.
  15. Woman says she is 18 works as a sex worker in the red light area 'shocking sexual abuse of a minor!'
  16. Some nasty people in these villages. They upgrade from the slum to the village and sit around shirtless drinking beers all day. How can they afford the rent?
  17. So you can't manually open the car from the inside? I wouldn't buy a car like that.
  18. Just go to cheang wattana immigration and pay the cops.
  19. I saw one guy doing a visa run and they forced him to book a hotel on his phone. He stood at the side of the queue and did it. So you need a return ticket and hotel booking. No exceptions if you want to pass smoothly.
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