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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. I like the part where god said to stone gay people and burn the village of Sodom down to the ground and if someone looks back at it turn them into stone and then have sex with your daughters (Genesis 19:30-36). Great chapter. But the parts about eating your children (Second Kings 6:24–30) is also one my favorites.
  2. Gasoline cars are always on fire due to the combustion engine. Dirty smelly things.
  3. They only let Hell's Angels gang members in now. They always have proof of funds.
  4. The British passport is not only the most powerful in the world but it also has a microchip built into containing biometric data that allows me to scan and pass freely. Of course countries like Thailand are still working on clean drinking water so I wouldn't expect them to have this technology.
  5. Those complex roads. Perfectly flat and perfect driving conditions. An accident waiting to happen.
  6. Thanks for the money. I'm eating well tonight.
  7. It's fairly normal treatment. I usually just wave my British passport at them and they run away saying 'sorry sir have a nice day'.
  8. If you're still doing ''roadtrips'' than maybe EV is not for you. When you pass puberty come back and have a fresh look.
  9. They didn't solve it the woman said she did it. So perhaps she is covering for someone else.
  10. GammaGoblin, who is Krashens? What was the main theory that Chomsky is know for?
  11. It's a common sight to see a taxi driver pull up just before a fully open service station and urinate on the sidewalk.
  12. 3 months doing some English worksheets and ged prep tests. book the test. go to the building in chitlom, pass the ged. do the ielts thing. get score 7 go to a university and show them money they will tear your hand off the kid is now in a better place than he is now.
  13. Putrid seafood, people who can not speak English, staring at a floor, smoke from the bbq filling the house, air con and fans running in every room, screaming kids and you are the designated babysitter, annoying old people that are treated like gods but have never done a days work in their life, driving 10 hours to a beach spending 1 hour there and then drive back again. Are you into the New Year Family Gatherings?
  14. Yes the teacher agencies are run by scumbags. They refuse to cancel work permits unless you get nasty with them. You can just phone up the immigration office and get them to check or visit the immigration office and ask them. The thing about you ''owing them money'' is absolute fantasy. They are trying to scare you but I can't really see what they get out of it. Absolute scumbags.
  15. You can't catch germs from an aircon. haha. They pass right under the door, through the mask and enter your body.
  16. It's amazing that ageing gets you a promotion. I swear some of these companies have people on the payroll that haven't turned up to work for decades.
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