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Everything posted by Jack1988

  1. I have been in thailand for almost 7 years, never done insurance
  2. Let them pay tax, up to them. Just don't stress us, it's irrelevant for me
  3. Perfect! Thank you for letting me know!
  4. I know i have all the options thanks, i just don't understand why people here keep talking about this tax
  5. But why are you talking about this tax topic? I was asking what type of visa i could do to stay in thailand for at least 1 year lol
  6. I can stay less than 6 months, not a big deal. Can come to Thailand every year
  7. Foreigners come to live in Thailand also for not pay tax. Why should I pay? I can stay at my country then, Thailand is being too expensive. I want to avoid to give my money to the thai government
  8. I never did a METV before. How does it works? Do I have to exit Thailand every 2 or 3 months?
  9. So isn't true this story about Thai tax
  10. Is this only with a tourist visa or also with other type of visas? I've never heard about that before
  11. I would like to come back to Thailand and stay there for at least one year. What are my visa options? It would be possible to stay for one year with a tourist visa? For example with some border run, tourist visa to the Thai embassy at some neighboring country like Laos Vientiane ecc... I still can't apply for a retired visa
  12. I don't want to live in Thailand all the time. Just for a year would be enough. After go back and come back again
  13. Because I like to stay there for a long term. Not like a tourist for just 3/4 months with stressful border runs. Maybe you could educate me
  14. Here he is,he came out of the den
  15. people here that like to comment totally nonsense. I have so much money, i can pay for a visa, no problem at all haha. Much better to be single and pay for a visa in thailand and not being a married farang that only pay and pay for the thai wife(FARANG ATM)
  16. I am happily divorced and i can always come back to thailand. Don't waste your time to reply nonsense
  17. Can the outbound ticket also be a country near thailand or must be the country where you start to fly before to come to thailand?
  18. Hmmm but it takes more than one month to get an ed visa. The process is a bit long so I just want to avoid an overstay, that why I was thinking to extend another 30 days. What do you think about it?
  19. I contacted an agency already. Is possible to apply inside the country, no need to go to apply at the Thai embassy outside Thailand
  20. I would like to come back to Thailand with a free visa on arrival, after extend it for another 30 days at immigration and apply for 1 year ED visa inside the country. Is it possible to do that? I was previously on a marriage extension but got divorced and already left the country
  21. I don't have any problems, i am single, i can meet all womens i want but not for marriage
  22. Yes, much better to be single in thailand and enjoy the country without any stress from this womens
  23. I just said my opinion, much better a retirement visa
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