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Everything posted by Jack1988

  1. Got it thanks. And what about retired and married foreigners? Do they have to pay tax?
  2. I understood that but if I have a METvisa for example and I will exit Thailand after 60 days to do a border run and I will come back again in a few days will I be exempt from tax? This always in a calendar year
  3. Yes but METvisa is 180 days so you will have to pay tax isn't it?
  4. Will I be taxable if I come back to Thailand with a multi entry tourist visa? Because METV is 6 months
  5. I've one more question and maybe it could be a bit silly haha. Let's say I come back to Thailand on 2025 and I stay less than 180 days and I will come back again on 2026 always for less than 180 days! Will I have to pay tax or not in this case? I hope you got my (silly) question
  6. Yes I like to stay in Thailand less than 180 days a year. Then no problem for me. That's great 😃 I don't want to pay tax for a country that is not mine. I don't even want to pay it in my country haha
  7. Is there a way to not pay tax? I have never paid and declared tax every time I came to Thailand
  8. Thanks for the answers. So I am not taxable if for example I put not more than 150000 THB in my Thai bank account? And I don't have to get a tax identification number? TIN
  9. I don't want to pay tax in Thailand! Can I simply avoid that just put less than 150000thb in my Thai bank account per year? Normally I put 10000 THB every month as I'm not a big spender
  10. to me is better to come with a visa first, just not to burn one visa exemption already
  11. I think single tourist visa still has some value. I would come with a tourist visa for the first time and then I can do a few border runs. I don't really like to come to Thailand without a visa ( for the first time) if you come without a tourist visa and only get visa exemption are you sure you can do 2 border run per year after? Single Tourist visa is not expensive by the way
  12. I'm happy for my friend that he have screw...ed up his ex Thai wife. It's only about money for these womens
  13. Don't be sarcastic. It's just that I don't agree with your answers
  14. Lock you for what? It's not a crime, it is a civil matter lol. It's only about money and if they lock you up how you pay? It doesn't make sense to me
  15. I don't know. Thai lawyer told him that he can come back to Thailand anytime because my friend doesn't have any assets. Lawyer told him just stop paying for the divorce agreement if he doesn't want to pay his ex Thai wife anymore
  16. My friend talked with many lawyers, Thai lawyers as well and they told him that his ex wife can't sue him outside Thailand and if she sue him in Thailand she can't force him to pay as he doesn't have assets. And it would be very complex and expensive for his Thai wife to take legal action outside Thailand
  17. This time is the farang that scre....wed the Thai woman 😆. These Thai womens are always find some stories to make you pay for them. So annoying Good that my friend doesn't care anymore
  18. So this is the story A friend of mine have divorced more than one year ago in Thailand at local amphur. The day of divorce both of them have signed a divorce agreement written by his Thai wife. He has to pay some money to the ex wife because she asked a bank loan to build a house when they were still married. My friend left Thailand and now he stopped to respect the divorce agreement almost since 6 months already. What could happen to him? By the way he didn't sign anything with the bank about the loan. Ex wife have signed everything to get a loan. The house is on her name
  19. I said thais not english. Save yourself the sarcasm
  20. and this should be the land of smile right? Most of thais are racist with foreigners
  21. stup...id thai man, can only drink and never have money for the thai wife and kids lol
  22. happy end for free? I don't think so. I think much better to play with your hand
  23. Sorry if I say that but It's not really respectful to be treated that way by this Thai immigration. If it had happened to me I would never come back in their country again. They should thank those who go to Thailand and give money to their people, rent, food, Thai wife's/womens and much more. As I always say, is nice to go there only for a few months
  24. I always defeat these dogs haha Thailand is good only for a few months, then that's it, just leave, bye bye
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