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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. Just last night there was a story on the news about three people dying from ingesting poisonous mushrooms. Hmmm.
  2. I’ve met plenty of good, sincere Buddhists here including monks. I suspect soi disant Christian clergy are just as bad, if not worse.
  3. Prescriptions might make it cheaper, too. Seems to work that way in other locales. My admittedly limited experience.
  4. I think the number of F35 capable nations is nine, most of which have contributed to the development of the system. Thailand evidently does not have the avionics infrastructure to use or maintain them, besides being friendly with an avowed competitor if not outright enemy of the US.
  5. My understanding is the F35 in any of its versions would confer little but shiny toy bragging rights for Thailand. It is expensive to maintain and has more strategic value than pure combat ability. F16s would likely be a better fit.
  6. My wife and I caught it last September. Odds are, given timing, that we got it at the hospital where we got our fourth jab. Place was, as usual, overcrowded by sick folks. It really was not too bad, sure I've had worse bronchitis, but hate to think how sick this old man might have been without the jabs. My poor wife was miserable, too, but did the usual wifely thing of pretending not so she could take care of her "old boy".
  7. This was the precise solution used by the PD in my former hometown in the US. in the fall they would purchase a one way bus ticket from CT to FL for this one guy. I think he may have been the only really homeless guy in the town.
  8. Just had an instance of this in AZ. I had a purchase agreement to sell my property there only to find a “cease and desist” order had been issued. I never received a notice of this, perhaps because they don’t deliver mail in the boonies and there were a couple of delays in renewing my post office box in town. Then the title company said they needed to find the owner from two transactions earlier, though I have been the owner of record and paying taxes on it for about ten years. I’m pretty sure the same title company was involved ( new at the time) and also failed to find some back taxes were owed, which I simple paid to the county as it wasn’t much. Fortunately the guy I bought the land from got the C&D quashed by the State realty dept., but have been thinking maybe should have gotten an attorney involved, though I lost about $ 180,000 in a prior deal where attorneys were involved.
  9. Yeah, the drive from CM to MHS is “ missable”, but my wife insists on driving it when we visit relatives because she can’t imagine being without a car. Since she is the only current driver I take a “barf bag” and try to enjoy the scenery.????
  10. I was given dicolfenac by a pharmacist a few years back for arthritic hip pain. Cheap and effective, no noticed side effects, but as others have stated only took when needed. I even stop for a moment of self appraisal before “popping” a paracetamol because I already have so many prescribed medicines these days.
  11. Bravo. If you are vegan( I am not) why “ pretend”? I do eat more vegetarian meals now for health reasons, but why dress them up like meat? Then again I was a weird kid and enjoyed my veggies.????
  12. Horrid, indeed inhuman, individuals. I am mostly anti death penalty, but have second thoughts when truly gruesome crimes are perpetrated and guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Same goes for the guy who murdered the Thai/ Brit boy and apparently the Thai girlfriend. If the headsman cannot be utilized the animals should be maintained in even more deplorable conditions than I understand prisoners here “enjoy”. Give them a foretaste of what karma supposedly has in store for a billion years in a Thai imaged Hell. My knee jerk opinion on these recent atrocities.
  13. I think it is significant that the lawyer has “retired” from the case. It sounds like she thinks there is no way forward in defending this Am individual.
  14. I don’t see it as a foregone conclusion that it will be re-criminalized. Some pols have jumped on that bandwagon, but I think most are “flexible” until they see which way the wind blows.
  15. My understanding is that the US embassy can arrange a loan to get someone home.
  16. Not comparing anything. Asking if anyone has satisfied income requirements in Savannakhet using Social Security and/or bank book. Well aware of the situation re: embassy letters within Thailand. Why I asked. My wife does not like traveling there anymore. Samut Prakan IO is a pita about income methods. Sorry, I did not indicate asking relative to a marriage extension.
  17. Yep. Before fans and AC were generally available. My Kuhn phaw remembered those days.
  18. Pretty girl. She would get my vote for “Miss Durian”. Bit Dissapointed by the muppets going on about “ fake boobs”.
  19. I have some doubt about the accuracy of this. How is illegally imported weed arriving in sufficient quantity to affect sales? More likely that local growers are undercutting the big boys who are asking silly prices. Of course my opinion is based on buying $5 ounces of Mexican commercial, mm, a few years ago.
  20. I wonder if the consulate there would accept my US Social Security statement when backed up by my Bkk Bank book? I was told at Samut Prakan Immigration that that should be good, until I tried to actually do that. Then they reverted to the “ letter from embassy” bit. Anybody done this at Savannaket?
  21. S.P. Immigration is a PITA for me because only accessed by narrow staircase and I walk ( poorly ) with a cane. They also keep changing the parking lot around, though don’t know how much imm. has to do with that. At the original office I had inquired if my bank book showing the requisite foreign origin deposits would suffice for proof of income at renewal time and was assured that it would be fine. Come renewal time they said at the new temp. office that it was not acceptable and given a xeroxed copy of the “rules” with no immigration dept. or RTP references on it. They evidently just make up their own “rules” at each office.
  22. I am a frequently “ bound up” old fart, but Chuwit has me beaten in the category. I think this ship has sailed.
  23. Our bill for a three bed house with full electric kitchen was under 2,000 baht. I think you need to investigate.
  24. My freaking IPad seems to do that regularly.
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