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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. Thanks. Did a little digging and the literature indicates pace maker recipients ( me for one) should not use it, and the jury is out on effectiveness for severe pain. if Tramadol won.t do the job we’ll just have to pay the EMTs to haul my fat butt down the stairs again.????
  2. Yes. As others have noted the headline is a complete load of compost.
  3. In my opinion the so called debt ceiling is in direct opposition to the US 14th amendment, anyway. It served the purpose in, what, 1913?, and probably should be rescinded.
  4. Wrong. The subject is about resolution of the debt crisis. The actual debt has decreased under Biden by some 1.3 trillion in his first year.
  5. Recovering ( damn slowly) from a broken pelvis caused by a shower slip and fall,
  6. Been awhile so I don't recall the exact schedule, but recall starting to offer soft kitten food at a few weeks and reducing the milk replacer a little at a time. I bet a Google search on weaning kittens would give plenty of scenarios.
  7. I have fifteen years on my wife, who can pass for ten younger easily. Used to bother me, but ambulance attendant the other day asked how old I was, and he assured me I wasn’t old yet, and don’t look my age. My darling is sticking by me though I am getting a little shop worn and barely qualify as a baht millionaire.????
  8. Wondering if TENS would help with broken pelvis plus stroke rehab? Was making ok progress with the stroke rehab, but not good enough to avoid slip and fall in the shower!
  9. My experience cardio wise was all in the US. First angiogram and angioplasty with statins and investigational Clopidigrel. ( sp?) a few years later a MI resulting in one stent placement. Another few and another MI. Doc did an angiogram and asked why I had only one stent placed. It wasn’t presented as a need or option at New Mexico Heart Hospital. ” Well, no choice now. Air ambulance to Banner Heart Hospital in Phoenix for a three way bypass procedure.” A PM required a few years after that, but for a different issue. The cabage procedure was in Feb. 2012, so apparently very effective. I did sign a release to donate the equipment to a poor nation that would sterilize and reuse it. As mentioned above it is SOP pretty much globally now. I have been well served at Queen SiriKit , Sattahip and Siriraj government hospitals (food and wait times could be a factor) often by teaching faculty after granting permission for student observation. All done on our dime as “ Diabetic? No can do!” has been the response to insurance inquiries. Couple of outfits offered coverage but at rates that self pay has been much less. We do have an Accident policy. I’ll report if they will cover a slip and fall broken pelvis ( last week). Your mileage might vary, but hope my long story might help.
  10. I do have some doubts about this story. How did the “pervy women” manage such close up filming without being obvious, such as perched on top of the urinal?
  11. Yes. I made a point of asking at one renewal if my bank book and letter would suffice to do the income method ( as the US embassy et al won’t do an affidavit) and was assured it should be fine. One year later and the SP office has moved and income method will NOT be accepted without embassy approval. The only consistency sometimes seems to be inconsistency.
  12. How a lot of my travels with my Thai relatives have been like. I like to experience and try to understand my surroundings, while the “ gang” seem anxious to get to the next “selfie” opportunity to be able to say “ look where I’ve been!” Exception: one group went snow boarding in Japan and had a great time. As a one time avid skier I was a bit disappointed that I can’t anymore. My wife has said that she hesitates to include me because “ you slow, and everybody worry for you.” Well, three strokes and a few MIs: guilty as charged. Bummer because I really want to experience as much as I can.
  13. Dta gin gai, “ that which eats chickens”. Local name for monitor lizards.
  14. Not 87,000 agents but 87,000 employees including programmers, janitors, etc. Pretty blatant in the “desired” effect of reducing examinations of the biggest cheats for whom it is more cost effective to donate handsomely to the “anti-IRS” gang than to pay their actual tax burden.
  15. Also curious that only one of fourteen or fifteen cases mentioned in the OP. Will they each be considered separately?
  16. I have considered having my wife’s name tattooed, but at 70ish unlikely there would be any future candidates.????
  17. Sort of an aside, but I begin to understand why my wife has a couple of times indicated fear of me. It appears to be an MO in LOS to abuse/ murder women. ( My wife’s issue is “ don’t loudly me!” ) Often it’s because I’m pretty deaf, but also in my culture it is common to lose your cool, yell about something, and have done with it. Seems to be more difficult for Asian folk to let go of something at times; “ face” related?
  18. I agree completely, and would emphasize there was little “secret” about ‘Nam. When visiting there a few years ago ( on my own dime) I had the exact same thoughts; “what the hell were we doing there?”
  19. My first thought, too.????
  20. Yes, absolutely. Diabetes is one of the prime causes of kidney failure, and also limb amputations. Sticky rice has a glycemic index of about 90, just ten points less than pure glucose. I’d bet the lady you speak of is diabetic. I don’t know why it is not more regularly tested for. Half the time when I go to my local shops I cannot find sugar free soda, but plenty of sugar laden stuff and beer. A nationwide, make that world wide, educational emphasis on nutrition and exercise is sorely needed. Diabetes has become a global epidemic.
  21. One issue for sure Is diet. Polished rice (white rice) has a relatively high glycemic index. Guess what the predominant stable diet largely consists of? Sticky rice is even worse. The transition to more sedentary life styles aggravates this. When more people were working at agricultural employment it was much less of a problem. Personally down to 90 kilos from 120. Tremendous change in my glucose numbers. Down to one insulin shot per day from as many as five over thirty years experience as a diabetic.
  22. Can’t even blame this idiocy on poor translating. The US ambassador in no way made any “call” for anything. Smacks of desperate attempts at re-direction, IMO.
  23. I hope this is an effective program. It is all too often on TV reported that some teacher has injured a young child.
  24. Will they serve peanuts on the flight? Joking aside good luck to the old gent. I am happy they are taking good care for him.
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