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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. Yes, Pfizer. Two weeks was the initial CDC minimum reccomendation, if I recall. Eight weeks found to be best, subsequently, but that probably has not "filtered through" yet, and the push now is to get as many "fully" vaxxed as possible. The death numbers don't look good in the news. Appearances rule in Asia. Yes, Pfizer for #2, also. I will take a Moderna in November as well, as my wife already paid for that at the local private hospital, and I am at risk, immunocompromised, etc. Fits with current thoughts of the boffins for immune deficients.
  2. I ŕegistered the first day the site opened. Same deal until friday when I got a message to report to my provincial, Samut Prakarn, hospital, with passport, at 8:00 to get Pfizer. Huge crowds there! Without my darling wife, with my limited Thai it would not have worked. Jabbed and #2 in two weeks.
  3. Strange. I registered on the first day the expat program started. Not hearing anything after the initial notice that I was successfully registered I figured another SNAFU, until last friday when I got a notice to report today (tuesday) to Samur Prakarn hospital, with passport. Thanks to my wife. Mob scene, and with my limited Thai might not have been successful, but now "jabbed" with a follow up appointment for #2 in two weeks. Which email provider do you use? I had increasing trouble with my "hotmail" account, with it not accepted for some reason. My "outlook" email worked fine on the registration site. It might be worth signing up for that. It's free.
  4. Yes, the more I read the more I am disappointed in my fellow Americans. Too many stories of people saying, on their death beds, "Can I have it now?" I was intubated for heart surgery. Awakening to that, and the removal, were awful almost beyond description. Sure wish people could accept the preponderance of evidence s and in the US case get what is relatively plentiful and free.
  5. Got a message yesterday to report to Samut Prakarn Hospital (government) on tuesday morning at 8:00, with passport, to recieve Pfizer vaccination. This was from registering on the most recent "foreigner" sign-up site.
  6. Over 90% of deaths among unvaccinated in the US and others. Wonder why only 2/3 in Thailand? Reportage?
  7. But eould not affect the numbers testing positive, from what I have read. Vaccinated or not, still would test positive if exposed. Simply less testing? "Oh, you were vaccinated, no need to test." I am remembering when President Trump wanted to slow down testing so the case numbers would not look as bad.
  8. We were told at Samut Prakan, first go, our 400,000(marriage) had to stay for two months, which we did. Missus plans to ask if neccesary on renewal. I got the impression once that proof of the required monthly income was sufficient, but immigration seems bound to this embassy bit, which seems a no go. (US). Two thoughts: 1) Why in hell can't the US embassy confirm a monthly SS income? Mine is over the amount for marriage. 2) Does immigration not regard a bank book and letter from the bank showing monthly deposits as "proof of income"? Tempted to start going back to Laos every 90 days and at visa renewal time, if things ever "normalize".
  9. Real world experience with Sinovac has shown it effective against serious disease and mortality. Just because it is not AS effective as others does not mean its "useless, water, etc." It can be produced quickly and is available to nations with less access to the "top shelf" brands. A lot of the negativity I see is based on China bashing, predicated in part on the belief, yet to be 100% proven, that it originated there. Not an apologist for them, but I like to see better reasons than "I don't like "them", therefore everything associated with them is useless."
  10. Re: subcutaneous injection of Corona vaccines, everything I have found says "don't do it." Then they go on to say don't administer a second dose, implying the stuff must be doing something. I'm also minded of smallpox vaccine which was only sub q. I guess only time and experimentation on a population will tell. I am reminded of Army experience ehere they lined us up and bing-bang with a pneumatic gun. Don't know how far those penetrate, but seems more sub q. Certainly don't recall what they dosed us with, that was so long ago.
  11. Not neccesarily true, or not in this case, anyway. The mRNA vaccines are based on decades of research and developement. Basically a "plug and play" technology. Whole new ball game vs the older "experimental" system. Scientists had already been working on corona viruses. Here's a link, if permissable, that gives the extensive timeline for these vaccines: "The long road to mRNA vaccines - CIHR" https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/52424.html
  12. That would be true for some medicines, like morphine e.g. The vaccines "teach" your system how to make its own "medicine" via your own immune response, is my understanding. I expect a reduced dose might cause a slightly longer response period, but probably a matter of a couple days of lower response. A layman's opinion, based on reading. Like to see Sheryl's take, or any other medico's.
  13. Ditto. My wife managed to register me with the Airport 9 hospital. 2,400 baht up front. She got a message recently, probably November for Moderna. I am 67 with several of their qualifying health conditions, and have lost count of how many times I've tried to register. This recent site for foreigners said I'm registered, but no further notice, and no way I see to check status. Any ideas on that? I'd happily take that jab. Been pretty much self quarantining for most of a year. I need to move a little!
  14. Agreed re: following local laws and customs. Disagree about masks being ineffecrive A joke meme earlier implied they are useless because of particle size. Yes, viral particles are small, but their most common vector, vehicle if you will, are well within the filtration size of most available masks. In other words they are designed to keep you from sneezing a beakload of virus laden snot all over others. My wife explained it to me long pre-covid: Me: "why do so many here wear masks?" She: "Not want make other sick." Could use a bit more of that philosophy.
  15. 67 here,and three of the "conditions". Have registered multiple times and places, mostly what turned out to be failed government sites. Step niece nurse was told "no farangs" at her hospital. My wife registered me and paid Bt2,400 in advance at Chularat9. She got a message they are sure they can schedule me the first part of November.
  16. My few excursions into "the life", before marriage, were fun. I always preferred viewing "merchandise" before purchase, though a good massage has been my usual transaction. I don't like unknown quantities about the jewels. That said I understand how the loss of personal interaction can be a damper on both sides.
  17. Marxists? Where did you come by that tidbit? Karl Marx was not noted as a yoga teacher.
  18. Common sense indicates that masks do limit transmission of airborne diseases, a principle known since the thirteenth century in China, and practiced by Pliny the Elder, first century AD Roman.
  19. Are they charging money for teaching? If so they are ipso facto working, in violation of the regs, and arguably taking jobs away from Thais, who do teach yoga at several schools for it. One in Chiang Mai I know of has instruction in Thai, English, and German. BTW, you appear to be confusing yoga with meditation, though there are some areas of overlap. Yoga can be physically demanding. So can TM, if you've ever attempted a full lotus!
  20. Seen a lot more really rotund Thais in recent years. Too much Mickey Ds, or too much rice? For sure too much leisure, not so many working hard in the fields.
  21. Thanks, Sheryl. Just recently became an "issue". PAD, diabetic neuropathy, etc. Covid concerns have curtailed my walking program a lot, as we are in Samut Prakan, "deep red" zone. Not sure how injurious they are to overall health.
  22. I would be interested to hear if anyone has had lazer treatment for varicose/spider veins.
  23. One element appears on track; our daughter who is a nurse just notified us she is scheduled for her Pfizer booster tomorrow.
  24. Yes, I would also like to know. Kicked out of hospital for whatever reason=recovery percurrent regime, or actual medical fitness per doctors?
  25. What tourists? Domestic folks, many of whom now have no income? Foreign tourists who are effectively banned? Hisos for whom there is what attraction in Hua Hin? The ferry service from Pattaya was not discontinued because of an overwhelming demand.
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