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Grumpy one

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Everything posted by Grumpy one

  1. Years ago I had a noisy neighbour who liked to crank up his stereo for hours on end. One night I had had enough. I put on a cd When the lion sleeps tonight, hit the replay and went out Next day this guy comes to me begging not to play that tune again I guess 5 hours of it was a tad overkill
  2. Heavens no, this woman is the salt of the earth Now all she needs is planting
  3. 2 mil sounds like a fair price to pay. Next time the silly cow will supervise the job
  4. I hope they took plenty of photos, as the aircraft wont look to good in a few weeks. Some may get to see the new year, if lucky
  5. Just be thankful its not Pelicans doing the deed
  6. After this croc's removal, why do I it will be this week ends BBQ
  7. Use these thugs for target practise. It will help reduce the prison population
  8. Get a couple of credit cards and max them out Its a bit hard to reclaim money from a penniless corpse
  9. What ever happened to the water spraying drones ?
  10. To find ones self , you need to remember where you last saw yourself, or at least give up the booze
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