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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. I have done my part to help CP to become billionaires.....All the ice creams and microwaved chicken sandwiches I bought from 7-11 made them rich......CP should send me one of their billions as a rebate for all my purchases....
  2. Thankfully there are a few people who are not sheep..
  3. I told you guys the afternoon alcohol sales ban would stay........Hey I am not much of a drinker but its VERY VERY VERY VERY inconvenient when your shopping in the afternoon and you are not able to buy wine because of this STUPID STUPID rule....
  4. He drank a 350ml bottle of whisky.......Which should not kill a adult in good health......Sure 350ml will make you very drunk and pretty sick......But its not enough to kill at least most people....
  5. You offended me by implying some one else could be a bigger tax protester than me...And not just me I bet the other tax protester Indians braves are offended too...
  6. The future of every person in Thailand, depends on that submarine....
  7. Merry Christmas to everyone......And I am wishing all 181 plus day stayer a happy tax free 2025, and 2026 and 2036 and 2046....... lol........ I hope no one here ever pays a single baht in Taxes EVER...............Heck I am even hoping the desperate to get a tax number and pay taxes out the wazoo farangs here dont ever pay a single baht of their hard earned money in taxes.....
  8. Makro......Meat, vegetables, condiments, pastas..........Fruit - market......Other food stuff Lazada and Shopee taking every discount under the sun when buying......Grab Panda app orders on occasion also making sure to get the discounts..... Food does not need to be expensive....
  9. Has any one here made note on the amount of taxes a farang pays on a condo per year? If they pay at all?.......Its like 100 baht a year or some other very very very low amount.........Real estate taxes in Thailand seem to me to be insanely low compared to the west..... If they ever decided to get the Real estate taxes working in Thailand they would bring in many Trillions of baht...... Taxing retired expats living off a fixed pensions would have to be the most unproductive and fruitless tax raising idea possible.....They will not raise jack from expats.....I mean like almost zero money.....
  10. Lets cut to the chase here.......If your NOT paying monthly rent......AND you dont run the air con too much......AND you cook at home most of the time......You can live quite well off 20,000 a month......100% Trust me I am a card carrying cheap charlie I know....
  11. redwood1


    I just put my first order in with TEMU about 4-5 days ago COD.....The order should be almost in Thailand by now.....The ordering process was no problem.... TEMU has a very very good selection of clothing......But for other things besides clothing I think Lazada and Shopee are much better......
  12. Lol......I agree... The girlfriend has some amazing talents.... But as far as making Mexican food or pizza, she is hopeless....
  13. I think at least for the past few months Panda has had the best discounts.....For quite a long time Grab had the best discounts......But Grabs discounts have gone downhill.
  14. Well good luck to you if you use your credit card in any bar in Thailand......Its not if but when you get ripped off.....And small restaurants sure dont take credit cards... Cash is very necessary for many transactions in Thailand..
  15. I have used the food delivery apps LOADS of times......So here is the run down... Yes if your paying cash ALWAYS ALWAYS make sure you have the correct change... The discounts come and go all the time......If you want the lowest possible price check the price and discounts on what you want to order on Grab, Line, Panda and Shopee..........And the order from the one with the best discount..... No delivery company is better or worse than the other....... Not every app has every restaurant...... Always give at least a 20 baht tip to the delivery driver.....
  16. When are they going to give retired expats free heath care too.....I am tired of waiting....
  17. The Chinese heard the Walking Street signs got removed....So no need to come to Pattaya for Walking Street photo Ops...
  18. I would almost bet the farm that the 2-5 sales ban stays.... Why? Because the 2-5 sales ban is complete non sense.... Which is precisely the reason it stays.... The Thai government has a thing for non sense rules...
  19. Can anyone say Pin up a GoGo....
  20. Sir your not even a good troll......Try and put together a more believable story if you feel the need to troll....
  21. So, my solution is to keep a large part of the available money in a safe at home. So whats your address again?
  22. Trust me it will be all over the news.....These folks will be making quite the news worthy stink about any taxes...
  23. Everyone who posts about taxes here is a expert.....I myself am quite the tax expert.....And my expert advice is when Thais or the Chinese,Russians,and Indian expats start filing taxes ( if ever)......Then it will be time to file taxes......
  24. How Tony can even have the nerve to be apart of this after the 100s of criminal judicial killings he ordered when he was PM is incomprehensible.....He should have spent time in jail over what happened... Just look at that big stupid grin in the photo......... Folks he is laughing because he knows he above the law.....
  25. Trust me folks big companies like Google, Ebay, Microsoft, Youtube etc who are in every country on earth, will not be paying jack in taxes.....Their lawyers will make sure of that....They will be on the 0.0% tax plan, along with quite a few uber rich Thais....
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