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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. Most links that dont support the vax get deleted here....The vaxers report all those posts......They get uncomfortable of anything that threatens their vax point of view... ( they love the report button)
  2. Good point.....There is zero reason to give vax to kids.....But some people will never get it because they have drank to much of the kool-aid....
  3. I was there yesterday, there was almost no wait at all...I guess some Thais have decided Central Festival is more uptown and the the stadium is for average folks
  4. The lines are well well down from months ago.....Only a few farang stragglers and Thai people now...
  5. You just don't get some people are quite happy to not care, and are quite happy to be stupid, and just want to be left alone...
  6. For you anyone that questions the vax at all.....Is a tin-foil hat wearing ,conspiracy theorist nutcase..............I guess Tucker is a nutcase like anyone else that questions things.....
  7. Well for some reason Anti-vax MDs almost never get their opinions covered in the news....Maybe that's why their numbers seem small....
  8. Anti vaxers would be quite happy to be given the option of no medical treatment for covid if unvxed....They would be thrilled.....The vax lobby could never stop here but must keep tightening the screws.....
  9. If this matter had been so settled then I think this thread would have ended on page #1...... So please do explain why its still being discussed 50 pages later...
  10. Can anyone explain in simple terms what exactly they should give you or you should have after your 2nd dose... Do they register you on some system? What papers do you get? Was there not some kind of phone app? Its still not clear to me after simi keeping up with this subject for a while now... Thanks
  11. Not just Gates.....Loads of pictures on the internet of the 1% going maskless while in the same photos the hired help are all masked up....
  12. I hope your still wearing your mask Tony....Even after you got the vax...And keep wearing it indefinitely...After all your many many many pro mask posts....
  13. Hey..... You finally got something right here....lol......We don't care...... I think I lost interest in your crusade about 40 pages ago..
  14. I bet you would be quite quite disappointed if the news said next week... Covids over no more jabs or masks, or lockdowns needed. just forget the whole thing...
  15. Hesitant is a stupid wishy-washy word....Some people just don't want the vax at all...They are not hesitant....They just don't bloody want it...
  16. Well some people trust all the covid numbers in the news and some people don't trust any of the numbers....
  17. This whole STUPID debate would be over...... If................ The vaxed would stop their crusade to force the unvaxed to get vaxed when the unvaxed have made it very very clear they are just not interested.....
  18. If only vast numbers of people had not turned off critical thinking in their brains......Natural immunity has been working just fine since ,,,,well forever....
  19. The WHO-approved vaccines that will be admitted for entry into the U.S. are: https://dominicantoday.com/dr/local/2021/09/23/sinovac-vaccine-among-those-approved-for-entry-into-the-u-s/ – Sinovac- Coronavac – Sinopharm – AstraZeneca The FDA-approved vaccines are: – Pfizer/BioNtech – Moderna – Janssen/Johnson & Johnson CNN confirmed the information Well the USA is the only place I want to go....
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