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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. Only one solution....Put tourist in monkey cages for 14 days quarantine And charge them plenty of $$$......Throw the tourist a few bananas a day for food......
  2. I will save you LOADS of time...... For cheese #1 choice Siamburies you can take a Bolt taxi there... For meat #1 Makro #2 Friendship.....Forget Big C extra .....Now overpriced.. For Bulk #1 Makro For Average things... Big C extra For slightly unusual things.... Friendship.... For really unusual things....Lazada or Shopee...
  3. Hi All . Worldwide it now seems that a 3rd booster shot will be needed 90 days after receiving your 2nd shot and it looks like this will be ongoing every 90 day for the foreseeable future. I seriously can not believe that anyone would be willing to take a booster shot ever 90 day from now on......There is absolutely no precedence in medical history for getting vaxed this often.......If it works then 1 or 2 should be enough........No telling what mutable repeated jabs will be doing to people......
  4. This ongoing vax campaign that shows no signs of letting up now or in the future is getting real boring....Do any other diseases even exist anymore? You would think covid is the only one..
  5. Are you crazy man....We all need to live in FEAR...And have repeating cycles of new variants, then lots more FEAR , new restrictions and more lockdowns, then relax things a bit till the new variant comes along then more FEAR and more restrictions and more lockdowns... This circus can be kept going for years-decades.......
  6. Weed not only makes me paranoid, but it also makes my thinking foggy..... Some people weed effects badly,me being one of them... And some people seem ok with it
  7. I try and order from Thailand, but sometimes you have no choices but to order from China, especially for supplements in bulk......I will say China delivery times have improved a lot from 1 year ago when all the planes were grounded....
  8. Does anyone know how to do a search on Lazada that will ONLY be for Thailand?..........And will cut out the overseas suppliers?
  9. You think its hard for farang to come to Thailand.....The Indians have piles more paperwork they have to file to come to Thailand.... It's pretty shocking.............There will be virtually no Indian tourist, that's for sure... If I was a Indian I would offer the one finger salute.... Visa Requirements Valid passport, with at least 6 months validity, from the date of arrival. One application form. Two colour photos (35mm x 45mm), not older than 3 months, taken against a white background. Covering letter mentioning data the name of the person responsible for bearing the expense of the trip, along with all particulars including hotel name, address and contact details. Air ticket (preferably showing departure after 5 working days of the Embassy). Hotel confirmation mentioning the names of all applicants/guests. Photocopy of credit card with original credit card statements of last 6 months. Last 6 months bank statement with original bank seal and a minimum balance of Rs.20,000/person. Original currency exchange slips of at least USD 500 (five hundred USD)/person/week with applicant's name. Proof of accommodation - if intending to stay with relatives and friends, applicants must provide invitation letter along with a copy of their ID/passports. In case they are not Thai nationals, applicant must provide their working records in Thailand (e.g. work permit, letter from company they are working).
  10. It can take a hour to just order one thing because of the multiple listings....Plus checking shipping price, plus reading reviews, sometimes going to Amazon for some more in depth reviews....etc
  11. Some problems with E-bay is if the shipper does not offer free international shipping then 99% of the time I will not buy because of shipping cost..... And I don't think I have ever had a ebay package take less than 3 weeks for shipping .....Some 4 and 5 weeks from India..... Plus paypal has turned into a cranky bi_ch in the last year or so....I have had many problems...
  12. Here is a trick for people who don't want to deal with deliveries... Just send the package to one of those private mail box places.... I have been sending my packages to a mail place on Soi Bukow (near the night market) for many years now.... It's heaven...... No phone calls from lost drivers EVER She charges 20 baht a package but I always pay 40 baht because she does a great job and handles all the COD packages... Its well worth 40 baht a package to me, to not deal with deliveries..
  13. Pizza Company and Pizza hut......Their pizza is so bad I would not feed it to a Soi Dog..........Terrible terrible pizza, some of the worst I have ever had....
  14. Shopee is often cheaper, and Shopee seems to have more hard to find things... But Lazada has better tracking and seems to ship a bit faster...... Also Lazadas website is a bit cleaner.... I try to get the absolute lowest price on things so I end up using Shopee more.....I guess about 75% Shopee 25% Lazada....
  15. Yea this is a good trick, using Thai to search...Many times it shows nothing new, but sometimes it can be helpful...
  16. Both Lazada and Shopee have their strong and weak points in my opinion.....I myself use them both.......I thought a Poll would be interesting because people seem to have pretty strong opinions about online shopping...
  17. Lol......Shopping malls are good for restaurants,movies,buying the odd item from the drug store,and once in a blue moon buying something from a shop.......Lazada and Shopee have really upped their game in the last 2-3 years, the selection is VAST and the prices are good....I now do the lion's share of my shopping online...... I think Thais are finally catching on to online shopping in large numbers..The malls are slowly turning into relics from the past.... Thailand and especially Bangkok and Pattaya absolutely DOES NOT NEED more malls.....
  18. Sir... I have gone swimming in Pattaya ocean water loads of times for years...Trust me.....The water was absolutely filthy.....But after the beach extension the water quality as improved to, just not good..
  19. Nothing gets mindless shopping sheep with credit cards more excited than a new mall.......If this mall is ever built then Central Festival will be joining the already long list of empty Pattaya malls....... Well if this monstrosity is ever built, at least it might have a decent food court...I use to love Central Festivals food court but it sucks big time now after the remodel, and most people agree with me because Central food court is all but empty most days...
  20. Before the beach water was absolutely filthy....As of a year or 2 ago the water is now just murky on a good day and dirty on a bad day....So yes the water quality has improved from horrid to not very good....
  21. Guys if you had a business that was a ROARING success for the last 50 years solid......What would you want to change about your business? My guess is about 99.9% of you would want to change absolutely nothing... So why this fanatical focus on changing tourism? Really why? It seems since 2014 the goal has been to kill success stories,where ever they are found in Thailand...
  22. Sir this world is overflowing with loads of hidden agendas, unfortunately some just do not have eyes to see..
  23. I predict they will be shutting Pattaya down again on January 16, for another 2-3 month long lockdown...
  24. To grow top quality weed takes a lot of skill.....But your right to grow average to ok weed takes hardly any skill at all....Its so easy to grow the price would plummet in a free market...... Back in the 70s I use to buy Mexican weed as cheap as 20-25 dollars a ounce........The Mexicans were still making money because they planted HUGE chunks of land with weed....Granted the weed was not the best, but this mass produced weed took very little skill to grow...
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