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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. Good plan......And the army can be incharge of counting the votes "again" in the upcoming election...
  2. Blackpool...lol..............Prefect for overweight middle aged women with a attitude...
  3. Here we have Leonard Nimoy - Telling us we absolutely forsure are due for anther Ice Age....... Global Cooling....... Then when the Global cooling psy-op was not going so good it was changed to Global warming... When the psy-op call Global warming just was not panning out, because even average people were not buying into the story......They had the brilliant idea to scrap the cold and hot part and just call it climate change.... So now no matter what the weather does hot or cold or windy or cloudy it's a crisis all the time 365 days a year we are in a crisis......As long as the weather changes its a crisis..... And the only way to fix this crisis is through much high taxes.......Selling carbon credits......limiting freedom to travel, rationing energy, much higher electric bills for people, etc etc etc And guess what it can never be fixed because the climate always changes...........LOL LOL its hilarious really...
  4. So who thought it was a good idea to put a turd in the punch bowl.... The way this story has been released is a true Thai classic of bouncing all over the place.....With the story changing not only day to day but hour to hour....Different statements by different people.... With a boatload of contradictions....Misunderstandings....Backflipping.... This is historic.... Folks it just does not get any better than this for a true Thai mismash of confusing direction and policy... And it all started with there will be absolutely no extra requirements or restrictions placed on the Chinese or anyone else...
  5. You are 100% correct about those giant wind farms.......
  6. The so called change over to alternative energy has zero to do with the environment.....Its about controlling and limiting freedom.....I will give one example....They are currently trying to knock down all the hydro dams on the Columbia river in Washington state......Why because of the Salmon...Yea right.......Hydro power is the greenest of green energy..........Again this has zero to do with the environment...
  7. Thats just one example.....Really any comment section any where really has LOTs of climate change doubters.....I wish I could say the herd doubs other conspiracies but unfortunately most buy into all of them.....
  8. No I read the Seattle Times comments section......These people are as square as can be.......And lot of them call out the climate nonsense..
  9. O come on global cooling i mean global warming i mean climate change is really one of more transparent and dumb psy-ops around....... Its so obvious even large chunks of average folks who would not recognize a conspiracy if one ran over them, even they call out the climate nonsense in pretty large numbers..
  10. The covid tests were complete and total rubbish....They never proved a thing..
  11. Just say Flat....
  12. The ultimate conspiracy theory is here..........
  13. Do you think the frogs are turning gay...
  14. #1 Buy sample #2 Buy a bigger sample #3 Buy a modest order #4 Buy a fatter oder #5 Buy a good sized order.
  15. Lookup transhumanism.....But not in a good way...
  16. Its not the government's so much that have not so good intent....I bet about 98% of government employees are trying to do a good job..... Its the secret society people in key positions that is the problem..
  17. Well I am not sure what secret societies have to do with a cold war..... No one gets to be president with out being heavily involved with secret societies..
  18. JFK was killed for a number of reasons ..... He did not back the CIA in Cuba He was dumping the Federal Reserve and giving the money back to the people.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_P._Kennedy_Sr. He was not going along with Masonic playbook......The Kennedy family were big insiders ......If you doubt this read about his father here.....Always in the right place at the right time to make loads of money......JFK was meant to advance Secret societies NWO agendas but instead said F.......You...... And paid with his life....
  19. I think the main window gives fish eye distortion and the other does not...
  20. There are several times in the video where the camera is held nice and straight pointing out the side window showing the earth as straight horizon line. Time point 8:10 onward for quite a few seconds. Keep in mind the glass is curved, I have seen many many many high altitude balloon and videos like this....And when a curved lens is not used its always flat......If it was not so I would be happy to say so....
  21. Just to let you know I was just fine during those 10 days....It still took a few more months before I was sure....It went like I was 100% sure the earth was a ball then 80% sure then 50% sure then 30% sure then 10% then 0%....
  22. It took me about 6 months before I was 100% sure the Earth was flat......I got so angry at one point I watched flat earth youtube videos for 16 hours a day for 10 days in a row in 2017........Now its almost impossible to do that because youtube shadow banns good flat earth videos...
  23. Look the runway is curved too....lol.........Fish eye lens....
  24. A good flight simulation......See any curve?
  25. I know you guys hate flat earth videos......So I try and not post any videos were you have to think to much.......But I am making a exception for this one..... This is the very BEST video about antarctica on the entire internet...I would say this in the top 1% of good flat earth videos...
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