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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. Come on, one year later this is still not resolved? This stinks worse than the crime itself......The bank officers should be named and shamed in the press for ignoring this crime.....
  2. Those herbs don't sound too expensive or special.... I bet the Fedex is Way more expensive than the herbs......Has the recipient heard of E-bay or Amazon?
  3. Well the Russian families seem fine with the old Pattaya...And the Chinese and Indian families mostly keep to themselves.....But your right western families and especially single western women will be the death of Pattaya.....Single western women love nothing more than to go to a place like Pattaya and start screeching to the world what a disgusting place it is,and how all bar girls are victims.....
  4. If this covid madness continues on like this we are all in for some very hard times....All of us....... This can't be drug out for years on end, no frign way... And trust clown #1 promises for about the next 5 minutes at most...
  5. Maybe it's those golfers riding around the golf course tax free, maybe it's time to make those freeloaders pay their fair share....
  6. Why? The powers that be, are obsessed with getting rid of things that run on gas, and forcing people into electric cars ( Eventually)... So why the heck would you tax electric vehicles? It makes no sense......
  7. The BS tourist number announcement just never stop, day after day after day year after year...........
  8. I agree, this is to much.....Just throw in a few PCR tests and you would have a grand slam.
  9. There are loads of malls in the world,must be at least 100 in Bangkok..... People will go there a few times and go WoW and then it will not be a new mall anymore...Same happened at Terminal 21 and Central festival..... No amount of bells and whistles will change this............. As long as there are travel restrictions Pattaya will never need a new mall......
  10. They are only seeking to exploit Pattaya's established reputation, and destroy the exact thing that created that reputation, Pattaya is just another domino to fall in worldwide gentrification (sterilization of culture now) its happening everywhere.......Pattaya has been a real problem for them because its not easily gentrified....There are no forest to cut down, old beautiful buildings to tear down, no city squares to build malls on etc....... If you doubt what I say think how many times you have heard they want to turn Pattaya into a family resort?.....to many to count...... Hell there are loads of other beach towns to build family resorts....Better beaches,cheaper land, etc ..... But like you said the goal is the destruction of the very thing that made Pattaya a success in the first place, the night life... Guys can take the blue pill and say covid is causing Pattaya demise... But I have taken the red pill and I see covid just being used to speed-up the destruction of Pattaya that has been long planned...... And if Pattaya needs a Huge Monsterous new mall built to help speed the process along they will build it.....
  11. So does Pattaya plan to have fireworks every night...lol.... The Pattaya Mail as reported over and over 10-20% weekday hotel occupancy ever since covid.... They can keep building new hotels and Malls forever, but they will be morgues, unless... Thailand scraps all, and I do mean all entry requirements for tourist.... Or they go the casino route AKA Sihanoukville part 2, and at least scrap all entry requirements for the Chinese.... There are no other choices...... Hey if they want to keep on building ghost malls and ghost hotels, it's fine by me..whatever....
  12. Yea well,this project is not the Pattaya I signed up for....I want to see lots of cheap beer bars, lots of cheap street food, I want to see bars open 24/7, lots of pig roasts with balloons in bars, lots of girls hanging out on beach road.... A development like this will bring the wrong kind of people to Pattaya....Families with kids is not what pattaya needs....Pattaya needs more girls from Issan and more expat retirees to be great again....
  13. For some reason the words Maintenance , or routine Maintenance don't seem to translate into Thai, especially on public projects.....
  14. Post Covid you say?........Well IF there is a Post Covid you might be right......But there seem to be quite a few Dark Suits who don't want there to be a Post Covid EVER....And in this case....This development will be a monumental failure...It needs loads and loads of REAL tourist to be successful.....
  15. lol.....Agreed.....I am not sure if Centric Sea building A or B would be taking the view hit but the expensive upper floors will be getting a whole lot cheaper...
  16. Yea no salt or sugar but no limits on MSG, Aspartame, fluoride, or GMO Soy...... They honestly dont give a rats azz about your health.....At all....
  17. I did not see your post....lol.....But your right Pink Salt is by far the best...
  18. You could be right.....A convention center is taylor made for a Casino conversion... Does Pattaya really need yet another huge empty mall? I think not...
  19. In case anyone can not count Pattaya already has 13 shopping malls.... 1. The Bay......................dead 2.Central festival..................ok busy 3.Mikes........................almost dead 4.Royal Garden..................very slow to dead .5. Terminal 21...................slow 6.Central Marina....................very slow to dead 7. The Avenue.................dead 8.Tukcom.........................ok busy 9..Harbor.............................dead .10.Outlet Mall...................not sure 11 Big C extra mall...............pretty busy 12 Big C mall...........................not sure 13, Tesco shopping center..............slow
  20. Guys you should click this link.......Very interesting.....That new development in Chinatown looks like the perfect weapon to DESTROY Chinatowns uniqueness and character, which may also be the plan for Pattaya...
  21. Get real........Most people who gambol lose...... And for the winners?.......Nothing makes you want to gambol more than winning....So in time most winners end up being losers too..... To make this simple virtually every single person in time become a loser except the Casino... Casinos benefit society absolutely ZERO....No one benefits except the Casino ,casino employees, casino suppliers......EVERYONE else is a loser even the winners (in time)..... And any taxes will just disappear down a black hole like all taxes do..... Thailand has done well without casinos....Even though there are some illegal casinos...
  22. As bad as the Thai Pass is just be thankful you not a Indian......Not only do they have to do all the Thai Pass stuff they also have to do this stuff too... https://embassyofindiabangkok.gov.in/eoibk_pages/MTM0 Valid passport, with at least 6 months validity, from the date of arrival. One application form. Two colour photos (35mm x 45mm), not older than 3 months, taken against a white background. Covering letter mentioning data the name of the person responsible for bearing the expense of the trip, along with all particulars including hotel name, address and contact details. Air ticket (preferably showing departure after 5 working days of the Embassy). Hotel confirmation mentioning the names of all applicants/guests. Photocopy of credit card with original credit card statements of last 6 months. Last 6 months bank statement with original bank seal and a minimum balance of Rs.20,000/person. Original currency exchange slips of at least USD 500 (five hundred USD)/person/week with applicant's name. Proof of accommodation - if intending to stay with relatives and friends, applicants must provide invitation letter along with a copy of their ID/passports. In case they are not Thai nationals, applicant must provide their working records in Thailand (e.g. work permit, letter from company they are working).
  23. Stop with the Bill Gates Russell Crowe nonsense...... Sure the cables don't look great, but is this really a top priority? I wonder the real reason is behind all of this?
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