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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. Fastbuds LSD 25 Auto Strong. Novices beware, the super-strong Sativa effect is mind-bending! Boy I don't smoke weed but I would really like to try this one.... https://siamseeds.com/product/fastbuds-lsd-25-auto/ Now to the effects - A very euphoric and trippy sativa head space comes on quickly but creeps on for 10-20 minutes, leaving you soaring by time you peak. After 30-60 minutes an overwhelming and narcotic body stone starts at the head and eventually spreads through the whole body leaving one immobile, complacent and content in their own head or surroundings. Very good balance of effects, little to no munchies and does wonders for my PTSD and Chrons. Even high tolerance veteran smokers will find something unique to appreciate about the effects of LSD.
  2. I also would like to say Kerry has really gone to S** t Before Kerry was the best now they have become about the worst...... A 2 day delivery is now taking 6 days.........Not once but a few times now...
  3. There is no good way for someone under 50 to stay in Thailand long term except to get the Elite visa or get married or possibly get a work visa... In the old days you could milk tourist visas for years on end.......Now it would be almost impossible to do that... If your under 50 your between a rock and a hard place....
  4. Well if you don't have a drivers licence.....Then I guess you must need a pink card..... Sooooooo how do you get a pink card?
  5. Hey here is a TV for 499 Baht..... About a 95% savings on a new one......Thats cheaper than a happy ending.... https://www.bahtsold.com/quicksearch2?c=&ca=448&pr_from=0&pr_to=NULL&top=0&s=television
  6. Alien Identification card....What does this even mean? Thai House Yellow book.....Well if your renting a condo.....Would you have a yellow book? And if you don't drive I guess you would not have a Thai drivers licence....
  7. True money wallet wants loads of info to sign up but looks some what friendly except for the unfriendly sign up...
  8. I looked over truemoney wallet......And if I am understanding things right, you can top up true money wallet with cash at 7-11........Has anyone done this?
  9. Pay at 7-11 for Lazada.....This option seems to be gone... Do any of you guys still have this pay option? I use to pay at 7-11 pretty often, but for about 2 months now I have not even seen this as a choice..... Now I have to use CODs 100% of the time.......I refuse to pay by card....
  10. Correct......Despite what all the weed cheerleaders say.....Weed does make depression and mental illness worse in people who smoke alot.......This a fact....
  11. Despite all the fear mongering about how terrible pulling a rear tooth is in this thread.....The real truth is after the gums heal and get hard you will hardly notice one pulled rear tooth at all... But saying this, pulling teeth is not something you want to do often, because you only have so many teeth......
  12. Once your over 50 the visa situation is much better..... I was getting 2 tourist visas with one border run in the old days...Which was not to shabby...
  13. What leader has ever wanted to let go of power? Very few........ And at the end of 2 years? Well he never did say just 2 more years.....It was a big misunderstanding.....
  14. Please .....This is nonsense....After many many hundreds of orders an both Lazada and Shopee I have got shafted on a total of ONE order, and it was from China...... About a 99.9% chance you will not be shafted ....Lazada and Shopee are for the most part fantastic...
  15. Anyone remember the 10 year O-X visa........When it was first rolled out the word was they were flooded with applications......( I wonder if the visa PR staff included many John Doe applications)..... And over time eventually the real numbers started to come out, about how pitifully few O-X visas had been granted or even applied for.....
  16. 100% correct......With only digital currency, prisons will hardly be needed....They could just allow your card to work in a very small area,and you would be stuck there..
  17. What happened to your twitter?
  18. Yea spit out some names and numbers..
  19. They don't need visa runs there.....They make loads off just processing visas......With 99% less overhead and 99% less hassle.
  20. I paid 1,900 for a cambodia visa run for many a year before I turned 50....The price stayed at 1,900 for the whole 10 years I was doing visa runs....
  21. Sir start saving up.....This trip will set you back 60 baht RT......I don't know who can afford to spend 60 baht these days...
  22. I am now to afraid to leave the house......I am afraid too talk to people, I am to afraid to have friends, I wear full plastic covering 24/7 to protect myself from the XBC “Deltacron” hybrid variant....I even cover my pets with plastic,In fear they might give me the the XBC “Deltacron” hybrid variant .... The XBC “Deltacron” hybrid variant is going to get us....Help....
  23. Its ok to vape weed but if you vape tobacco you can go to jail....
  24. FEAR FEAR FEAR be very afraid....I think it's about time to take everyone's freedom away and weld everyone's door shut...
  25. It only happened on Lazada or Shopee....But when a posted cheap weed listings get pulled within minutes to a few hours multiple times....Well....That's just strange...
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