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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. So I think this means buds An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches. Morphologically, it is the modified part of the shoot of seed plants where flowers are formed on the axis of a plant.
  2. Weed may not cause violence but it can sure cause couch-potato-ness........ No, in your face addiction like crack or meth but it can definitely slowly chip away at your motivation and drive with regular use.....
  3. This butter is pretty good....
  4. I think Lao Dark beer is even better and it cost under 100 baht...
  5. I think most people BIG BIG BIG concern is if the O visa ever required a whopping 100,000 dollars in insurance.....This would be a huge financial burden for expats especially the older ones....The 400,000 baht policy would have been a inconvenience but nothing too crazy.....
  6. If anyone has not noticed....This plane/market is located in a area on 2nd road that gets very little foot traffic.......Are the Terminal 21 shoppers going to be walking down there?......Nope.....You have to have a plan to go there.....Sure the restaurant may do ok but I wonder about the market?
  7. Do people realize going from needing 400,000 baht in insurance ( around 12,000 dollars) to needing 100,000 dollars in insurance is a jump of almost 10Xs... Yes folks I said Ten as in a increase of 10 times as much in one year...... Does this concern any one ?....... I have some alarm bells ringing....
  8. Maybe these cookies are meant to be smoked... (warning...Do not eat the cookies)
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis I didn't quite realize how few countries in the world had a wide open weed market... Thailand is now in a very small group of only 5 countries where people can grow buy and sell weed with very few restrictions...... I would go so far to say at the present time in Thailand, Thailand has about the most relaxed weed market in the world..... Countries that have legalized recreational use of cannabis are...... And under what conditions..... Canada.....Legal to grow buy and sell Malta,....Legal to grow buy and sell USA..19, States....Legal to grow buy and sell Netherlands...Legal (Almost) to grow buy and sell Thailand...Legal to grow buy and sell Georgia..Legal for possession and consumption but not for sale Mexico....Legal for possession and consumption and growing but not for sale South Africa....Legal for possession, consumption and growing but not for sale.. Uruguay...Legal for possession consumption and growing but not for sale to tourist or foreigners... Australian Capital Territory....Legal for possession, consumption and growing but not for sale...
  10. I don't think many people have interest in booster shots, just by the lack of posts in this thread.....I bet there is no line to get one too...
  11. I took Kratom once....In my opinion it's not all that interesting...The buzz was pretty strong, but it did not do much for me.... If others like it that's fine by me..
  12. You are kind of correct.....A little weed will not hurt most people....But long term everyday use will kill many people's motivation to do much of anything with their life....
  13. Sir its our job to try and keep, them there, strange foreigners out of Thailand and especially Pattaya and especially Soi Bokaow... We want tourist who eat a English breakfast and watch footy in sports bars and root for Manchester United.........And any one who is wearing a Chang wife beater shirt and cargo shorts gets high marks from me... Some of ,them there ,foreigners have strange ways and it frightens me...
  14. I remember reading stories of people having to wait and wait and wait for these buses while loads of baht buses went past them...These buses ended up running empty all the time......Loads of money was spent on the city bus system.....
  15. I think I am liking the shopee food app more...Its pretty cool you can see how many people have bought a certain food.....And you can see which restaurants have been the best sellers on the app...
  16. I only said its not all that hard to grow weed of modest quality...And yes I agree 100% for a top quality grow, it takes a whole lot of skill... I would say a very large number of Thais have a family plot of land some where.....And they have been growing rice and other food since forever... Even if only a small percentage of farmers decide to grow weed the supply side will explode....Sure there will be failures, sure plenty will make a mess of things till they learn the proper way to grow outdoors.... But it will not matter because plenty will get it right with the first grow.... The point here is the supply of modest to midrange quality of weed is going to be absolutely enormous with in 1 to 2 years.....After the farmers get more education on how to grow weed...
  17. The problem with high weed prices is ANYONE can grow fairly ok weed... You don't need a lab, or chemicals.. Not much effort or special knowledge needed.... Just look at weed prices in the USA....Falling falling falling lower every year..... Unless some new weed control laws are enacted the price is only headed one way....Down down down.....Except for maybe a small super premium market..... Hey people still buy Mercedes when they could save a bundle by buying a Toyota.....
  18. I don't think there is any other product for sale where you even have the option of paying one hundredth the price.... Has anyone seen 100 baht hamburgers selling for 1 baht? or 500 baht steaks selling for 5 baht? I have not seen anyone in this thread say the the weed quality is 100 times better for the primo stuff, to justify the price....
  19. Not a bad app....In some ways better than Grab....But not as good as Hungry Now...Hungry Now was the best, I used them 90% of the time...
  20. I got the shopee food to work now after updating the app......
  21. For some reason? Lazada seems to mostly ban any dried flower listings but has loads of listings for seeds and starter plants,, Where as shopee seems to be playing ( whack a mole) on and off with the dried flower listings...(but in a half ass way).... Either weed is legal or its not....Why all these delisting games? Honey Cannabis Juice..... https://www.lazada.co.th/products/dek-420-250ml-thc-16-mg-i3742749685-s14206353779.html?clickTrackInfo=query%3A%25E0%25B8%2581%25E0%25B8%25B1%25E0%25B8%258D%3Bnid%3A3742749685%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A13246fc8ed302149f59cac7433856e13%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A3742749685_TH%3Bprice%3A79.00%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A1000065938%3Basc_category_id%3A13654%3Bitem_id%3A3742749685%3Bsku_id%3A14206353779%3Bshop_id%3A310948&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.56a04de6xHtcG1
  22. People are happy to pay top dollar, to buy from a well known seller and for convenience....... Look no further than Starbucks.....Heck Amazon coffee sells for half the price and are often nearby...And the local hole in the wall shop sells coffee for 15-20% of Starbucks price.... And guess what? Starbucks is always busy...lol So I expect the big weed sellers to do very well..
  23. 1 Rai = 1600 meters... Enough room to build a modest house and maybe squeeze a small swimming pool in.....But that's about it...
  24. I did this and I still don't see food delivery....No mention of food anywhere on shopee ....
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