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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. I agree with the I dont give a Hoot 100%......Except you will see me on the Skytrain and in Movie theaters with NO mask......And like you said I dont give a hoot....
  2. Through the last 2 years I made a point to NEVER wear a mask,take my temperature,or wash my hands , and I do mean never and I don't plan to start now...
  3. I use to buy these really quality steaks at Big C Extra for 360 a kilo for many years.....
  4. I agree the meat looks great but the prices sure don't look great......I think the ground beef is around 600 baht a kilo...And the steaks are $$$$........
  5. Why are the T.V newscasters still wearing the masks? Come on its time to take the stupid things off..
  6. The only way loads of Thais will quit wearing masks is under threat of arrest....Many Thais are now married to the masks until death do them part....
  7. Correct.......All you non thinking cheerleaders for this , do realize this is a death sentence for most pharmacy's...
  8. I have been to Big C Extra I think 3 times in the last few months and the gill there always says out of order... I mean come on if they cant fix it in 2 months, I don't really think they want a grill anymore..... I guess its about par for the new lousy, overpriced, unpopular Big C extra meat department..... In the old days that meat department was quite busy, when the prices were reasonable..... I had many a good steak cooked on their grill......Now I have just about given-up on buying beef at Big C...
  9. The Thais use the word drunk often (at least that's what google translate says) when the Thai is translated when they are selling weed.........Maybe this is not the correct translation? I don't know.. But I agree it's not a very insightful word....
  10. redwood1

    Pattaya Gyms

    I think Tony is/was selling some treadmills cheap..
  11. redwood1


    Look at the Home Pro website......Some good ones for around 10,000 or so...
  12. O Delices in Jomtien is the best bakery around....No bloody soy mixed in with the bread.....Its great...
  13. I tell you, almost every day I see a new weed shop in Pattaya that I had not seen a few days before opening.....They are breeding like rabbits... Someone had said before there were now like 50 weed shops in Pattaya....As fast as they are opening I bet there will be 100 weed shops in Pattaya by next year....... I don't quite understand why there are so many... .Late middle aged men are not exactly known for being big consumers of weed...And the Thai I bet are not paying retail prices...Its all kind of a mystery to me.....
  14. Thanks for confirming the games are pointless...
  15. Chart support and resistance levels.....Pull backs are needed for more upside...
  16. Does anyone care about these games?... They have I guess been going on for 32 years,and I know virtually zero about them.....I doubt many people know more than me...
  17. The party will be over for this leg up about 40.50 I think....Then a pull back and next year very possibly more upside...
  18. 850/950 gm. In and out in 3 minutes. Who would pay these prices?.....This is nuts.... That's like 700 dollars a ounce..
  19. Little Amsterdam https://www.facebook.com/LittleAPattaya
  20. Well 41 is the first real resistance on the dollar baht chart....Expect a pull back at 41...
  21. And what chance some were meth users too? If you take meth you almost for sure smoke weed...
  22. For crying out loud....How hard is it to boil a potato and mash it... Slice the potato before boiling, and it might take 10 minutes...
  23. Except for all the endless layers of free shipping nonsense both Lazada and Shopee are fine.....They can be much much cheaper than Amazon or Ebay depending on what you are looking for..... Its actually bloody fantastic...Lazada and Shopee sellers have vicious cut throat competition to try and under price each other.. Giving the smart shopper big savings...
  24. These is some really FREE shipping to be found....I have had free shipping a number of times.....But not often, its pretty rare really.. Best bet is to forget free shipping...... To save on shipping just find the vendor with the lowest shipping rates.....Many times Shopee has lower shipping rates.....Not big savings maybe 5,10,15,20,25,30 baht.....But hey every bit of savings helps...
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