I see these Shopee food delivery guys all around Pattaya...I looked for a app to download from the play store but only saw a app for the drivers....
How does this work? Thanks
I am sure investors will be tripping over each other to invest in the Thai weed market when kilos are selling for 3,000 baht.......lol
Yea I know this is the low end of the market but heck Its only been legal for a few weeks and lots for sale already at this low price...
So 107 grams would be 3.77 oz and at a price of 450 baht would cost 117.80 baht a oz.....119.36 baht % 34 baht to the dollar = 3.51 dollars a oz
Is this right?.... (I might be off by a few cents) but the cost should be around 3.51 dollars for a oz.... Talk about deflation....
To be honest most clinics in Pattaya do pretty good work (I know I have been to many)......It pays to shop for prices.....1,000s can be saved for the same work....
The weather is ideal for growing, but if I understand things right, having the same light/ dark hours all year is a bit of a problem for some strains, as far as flowering goes....
The link only lasted a few hours here before it was pulled...(as I thought)...
I don't think shopee or Lazada links should be posted any more here...
The 100s of baht a gram guys I bet even report the cheap sellers...
Well I use to always go to Tikka center restaurant on Soi Bukow....Been there loads of times......Then I tried a bunch of Indian places of Grab, but did not really like any of them until I tried the Honest Indian....But the Honest Indian always seems to be closed.....So I guess its back to the Tikka center......
Hey I cut restaurants a lot of slack.....But I think Everest is grade C Indian food food....Heck I would rather just go eat at Burger King...lol
The greasy Nan bread can not be overlooked...
I saw this on shopee.....Instead of paying 600 for 1 gram.....Here you pay 600 for 100 grams......Or 6 baht a gram......
Herbs, good mood, briquettes, briquettes, definitely drunk No Ratings Yet 5 Sold ฿600
10 grams 120 50 grams 390 100 grams 600
I don't think there is any debate that its not easy to grow top top of the line weed....
But weed is called weed because it grows like a weed and anyone can grow so-so weed....
And with just a little knowledge anyone can grow modest to pretty ok weed...
Which is why within one years time there will be a flood of cheap weed for sale in Thailand..
I disappointed in the Honest Indian.....The only Indian food I think is worth ordering on Grab and they are closed all the time....I think they are closed much more than open these days....
Look at Alan burgers on Grab.....They are not expensive....I would say they are cheap....Probably the cheapest on Grab....
I am going to try them soon....They look pretty good....