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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. It was a long time ago that Stallone was caught with hgh entering Australia. We have no idea if he still uses it, but I doubt it. Stallone is not a big guy and the reason he looks so jacked on the big screen is due to his very low body fat that he maintains when necessary for movie roles. Stallone builds his muscles with testosterone and hard work. Ever wonder why the golden era bodybuilders looked better with no protruding guts? Internal organ growth? Those were the pre-hgh and insulin injecting days. If you ever try hgh, you won't be on it for long - I'll put money on that. Bodybuilders have designed all types of injection protocols to limit the very significant side effects. One was to inject larger doses less frequently as daily doses causes a lot of problems.
  2. He's not going to Japan, he's just trolling.
  3. Have you ever rowed hard for 15 - 30 minutes on a Concept 2 rower? Swimming can get you out of breath quickly, but it doesn't build strength, especially core strength because you're floating. You're only pushing against water. An interesting point to consider with swimming is that most people are out of breath because they aren't getting enough air, rather than from the actual exercise. I've done a lot of swimming - I used to swim with a snorkel so getting sufficient air was never a problem. I'm not saying it's not a good exercise, only that there are limitations and better ways to get fit and strong.
  4. You won't need to test for side effects as the number one, most common side effect is water retention. Extreme water retention which is dangerous. Joint pain in the hands and wrists is another common side effect. Another major problem was sleep apnea, caused by the water retention. Stallone didn't get his physique from growth hormone. I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't used it for many years.
  5. The older you are, the more important resistance work becomes. You lose muscle every year as your testosterone levels decline, and you increase your body fat as your estrogen levels increase. You need resistance work to at least keep what muscle you have. It's not a matter of one or the other. You should be doing both cardio and resistance work. Interesting you mentioned rowing - that's one of the best exercises of all as it works the whole body and keeps the back strong provided you don't overdo it or have a back injury. I have a Concept 2 Rower that I use nearly every day. If you had to do just one exercise, that would be the one if you can handle the boredom of it. I use 4 different types of cardio work throughout the week to keep my interest up, but do resistance work nearly every other day. Heavy lifting is not necessary, but exercises that keep a lot of tension on the working muscles. You can gain more muscle using less weight while reducing the risk of injury. I train muscles to near failure often, but I can achieve that with lighter weights through the use of advanced techniques. As far as how I look - I don't care about that. I'm already old and ugly. It's how I feel that counts. If you feel better you do tend to look better too. One of the important benefits of exercise is the reduction of stress (if that is a problem). TRT is for optimizing health, not building more muscle.
  6. It's no good taking it once a month. You'll have high levels for a few days, and then back to nothing for the rest of the month. The only reason why doctors go along with this nonsense (once every 3-4 weeks) is because people don't enjoy frequent injections. The best way would be tiny doses twice a week, but that would be tough going for many.
  7. Assuming you're referring to testosterone... you need to study up on what TRT is. It's taking enough testosterone to get your levels up to a normal range. You will not become any more aggressive than any younger person with normal levels.
  8. This is absolute nonsense unless you have a very low standard of what you consider "jacked". Assuming most people here are 50 plus (I'm 64), taking testosterone does not automatically make muscles pop. If you want a good physique as an older guy, and you haven't had many years of bodybuilding experience, you will find it very difficult to build muscle even with the addition of exogenous testosterone. I've been training for most of the last 50 years, so even if I take a long time off, I can quickly build up muscle again with a low dose of testosterone... but it is very hard work and a lot harder than when I was young as aging joints and connective tissue invariably slow you down. You really have to know what you're doing as the type of training I do now is very different from how I trained when I was younger. Now, if you want to get really jacked as an old man, it will take a lot more drugs than just testosterone... and that gets very dangerous, and more dangerous the older you get. Thanks for the suggestion of swimming and bike riding to maintain cardiovascular health. More than half of my weekly training is cardio work.
  9. It is easy enough to get hgh, but I wouldn't recommend it though. I had nasty side effects from it when I tried it back in 2009... and no, it wasn't the hgh as that was genuine and high quality and I was using a low dose. That stuff can kill you.
  10. What you probably haven't considered is that most people die from disease or illness which can cause a lengthy period of suffering. If you couldn't care less, then I expect that one day you'll have the courage to end your own life while you're still relatively healthy and able to post here. That way you can have your wish without suffering.
  11. When I first read it, I thought they had dug it up under a mango tree, not inside the tree.
  12. Fortunately, in Thailand, they are shown more respect, and considered to be a "third gender". What this article failed to consider is that katoeys do attract many tourists who prefer them to women or men. There's a market for them. If there wasn't, Pattaya would not have so many. Labeling them all as criminals or potential criminals is extremely unjust.
  13. It's not good to see... police violating the rights of citizens by detaining them without charge due to profiling. I'm sure it's against the law in Thailand too, but they don't expect any of them to contact their lawyers.
  14. Man boobs are a common side effect of aging. If your testosterone levels are too low, you'll get them too. Low testosterone is a side-effect of aging. Aging is not pretty. If men want to look like sh*t when they get old, then don't do TRT. Testosterone aromatizes into Estradiol. Don't take anti-estrogen, or aromatase-inhibiting drugs, just lower the dose of testosterone. It's a bit stupid to take excess testosterone and then other drugs to control the side effects. Men need estrogen and too little is also a problem. The OP is/was using far too much. 125mg or less per week should be adequate for most people to increase testosterone to a normal range (for younger adults). Doing more frequent low-dose injections might help maintain more stable blood levels throughout the week, but that's a problem for people who don't like injecting themselves. You can have it done at a clinic. I don't have a problem with gynecomastia, but hair loss/thinning is a problem and also excess growth of body hair. If you use finasteride to stop hair loss, then you'll have to deal with no sex drive. It kills it. (if you like to pay for it, it'll save you a fortune LOL). I've never had a problem with high blood pressure. I don't know what the OP is doing in the gym, but too much weight training and too little cardio exercise might be his problem. Training twice a day is not a good idea unless one session is cardio and the other is resistance training. You should not have a blood pressure problem caused by sensible TRT doses. (more to the point, it should not cause high blood pressure. There's probably another cause). One of the huge advantages of TRT is it can improve your sugar metabolism if you have high blood sugar.
  15. They are picking on baht buses, not public transport in general. I love public transport in Bangkok, but baht buses stop anywhere and slow down traffic just in the hope of picking up passengers. Frequently they will stop traffic just to tout for passengers. Regular buses have bus stops to pick up and offload passengers. Baht buses slow or stop traffic to pick up or drop off one passenger. They are without doubt the biggest hindrance to traffic flow in Pattaya.
  16. Yes, without amino acids, essential minerals, and vitamins, he would die, no doubt. It would be an interesting experiment to see how long he takes to die. He would become quite sick in less than a week, especially with all that oil sloshing around in his stomach. It will save the Japanese ladies the "pleasure" of meeting him. If I wanted to diet myself to death, I'd rather die by chocolate and ice cream. You'll last longer as they would have the essential amino acids.
  17. The OP is very short on useful information. Which country? If it is not a strong English-speaking country like the UK, Netherlands, or the Scandinavian countries, then the incentive to learn a 3rd language would be understandably low. Learning English as her 2nd language is the most practical as the lingua franca of Europe.
  18. My wife is on her phone all day too - doesn't concern me at all. The OP should have had a good look around while he was in Thailand - EVERYONE is on their phones all day long. When I want to discuss something with my wife, I do insist she puts it down - not an easy task at all LOL
  19. It's an archaic attitude no matter how you want to spin it. What you're suggesting is that the husband and wife are not equals. The OP certainly doesn't think his wife is his equal, and he demands compliance to his wishes.
  20. There's no question in my mind - I believe they are stupid to attempt to retire abroad. It's better off running out of cash in your home country than in Thailand. Please note that my answer is based on the assumption that the home country is Australia or New Zealand. There's a good enough social network (if sought) to at least have a place to stay, food to eat, and medical assistance. I can't comment on the situation in the US or Europe. Jingthing probably thinks we all come from the US.
  21. This comment indicates to me you have control issues. "I have forbidden", you say. This is quite an archaic attitude as these days marriage partners are considered to be equal partners. You need to negotiate, not rule. I think you're expecting your Thai wife to adapt to your lifestyle in Europe, and she feels out of place. Europe is most definitely not one place, but many countries, with many different customs and attitudes. What language is she not learning? Have you considered for a moment that you might be hard work to live with as you want everything done your way and you're not willing to compromise? I might be feeling sorry for your wife.
  22. I disagree. Thailand has been a military dictatorship for most of the last 10 years yet the rest of the world turned a blind eye, other than a few feeble comments here and there. Thailand is unimportant on the world stage, so staying neutral in this conflict will be of no consequence at all. They'll fly under the radar like they always have.
  23. Would you be able to give just one or two examples of how it actually hurts Thailand?
  24. Obviously, there is no Thai Embassy "there" in this case. I would suggest going to the Immigration office and asking them what would be acceptable to prove the authenticity of the marriage certificate. A certification by an appropriate government office in the home country might be acceptable. Possibly even an affidavit from a lawyer in the home country could suffice.
  25. Just for comparative purposes - @ AppleTradin my iPhone13 Pro (256) is worth 14,500 baht. That is the top value offered for this phone in perfect condition.
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