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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. You could say that. I had broken my tibia, femur, ulna and radius in a motorcycle accident, so yes, a lot of swelling and months in hospital to recover. My leg was so swollen after the break (it was in 3 pieces) that I had to wait a week in traction for the swelling to subside for surgery. I tried to have the k-nail removed a few years later, but the surgeon couldn't get it out - he opened me up and tried his best, but decided to leave it in. This was a long time ago (40 years this month), so I'm sure orthopaedic surgery has improved since then. Good luck with your surgery. I did carry an X-ray in my earlier flying days just in case it did set off alarms, but it never did. It's probably too deep, being totally incased inside the femur. Your metal "equipment" will be closer to the surface.
  2. I have a K-Nail in my femur, which has never set off a security scan since it was embedded in 1983. I think it's made of stainless steel, but it is inside the femur bone, in the bone marrow cavity, so probably that is why it can go through scanners undetected.
  3. No, I did mean they read like fairy tales, despite being called hypotheses by some. These hypotheses are right out with the faries. They are just as far from reality as any fairy tale - possibly further.
  4. This thread was started by an atheist, who seems very concerned about what other people think... or he just wanted to insult religious people, suggesting that they can't possibly be intelligent... and that it's a well-known fact.
  5. I'd take a bet that scientiests will never explain how the universe came to exist - but I won't be around collect and even if I was, you'd probably tell me to wait another 100 years. God might be an explanation, but then people will ask, where did God come from. There is no answer to this question, either by science or religion. You certainly have a lot of faith in science. That could be thought of as a religion too. The problem is the physical reality might only be the tip of the iceberg. That's all you can see and experience - the physical dimension. It's the box we all live in.
  6. One thing is certain, the existence of the universe will never be explained by science, and most of the theories read like fairy tales. However, what an atheist is is well established. They doesn't believe in the existence of a supernatural being. As to what God people believe in... billions of people are touting the existence of one type of God or another, and wars have been fought over it for millenia. There's even a branch of religion called "theistic evolution".
  7. I only made the distinction because you used the term "religious God", suggesting more than one type of God. Perhaps it is best if you explain what you mean by the term "religious God". I'll just stick to an accepted definition of God or Deity. "A deity or god is a supernatural being who is considered divine or sacred". There is no need to delve into what a particular God did or whether they created anything, as different Gods did different things, depending on personal beliefs.
  8. What makes it even more twisted is that he asks it as a quesion, therefore suggesting it's already an established fact. He clears up the confusion later on in his first post, by stating (quote): "It is a well known fact that ALL (sic) scientists are atheists" The "almost" has disappeared, so now it is not only a fact, but a well known one, and note that ALL was capatilized to remove any doubt.
  9. I count over 50 in the main list, and over a 100 in the other lists. Most of these scientists were born in the modern era of science, from 1900 onwards. "Religious God" or a non-religious God, if there's a belief in either, then you're not an Athiest. The word does not distinguish what kind of God people don't believe in.
  10. Unfortunately not in Thailand this year. March - May was the hottest ever, and the driest... not to mention really dirty air.
  11. One more... I sailed on SS Galileo Galilei in 1976, from Durban, SA to Auckland, NZ It sank in the Strait of Malacca (renamed Sun Vista) in 1999 (no casualties), near Penang.
  12. I had to come back with a lighthearted post about something I discovered while reseaching for this thread. Einstein's birthday, March 14 Steve Hawking died on March 14, 2018 Both died at age 76. March 14 is rounded value of Pi = 3.14 Steve Hawking's birthday, Jan 8, 1942 Galileo died 300 years before on Jan 8, 1642. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/worlds-two-greatest-theoretical-physicists-albert-einstein-fenzel/
  13. Banks are businesses and if I go into a bank to open an account, and I'm told I need to buy insurance in order to open an account, that is the requirement for me at that bank. It has nothing to do with legalities. It's that bank branch's policy. What are you going to do? Threaten legal action? The insurance was useful (can't remember how much it was as this was 4 years ago) as my wife had none at the time. It's not always a waste of money. Recently a friend paid 2500 at a Bangkok Bank branch. I did mention in my last post that I'm in Pattaya and I'm sure banks in other towns and cities will have different policies. My wife did not need a residence certificate to open her K-Bank account. Just the Non-O visa.
  14. Maybe in older times, but these days probably most don't use the word and just say "I don't believe in God"...but your position was that agnostic and atheist are interchangeable. I don't mean to be rude, but I think I've commented enough in your thread, at least for the day, and will take my leave - have a good day!
  15. I can't name any, but here is a long list that was easily found: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_modern_Arab_scientists_and_engineers The list of scientists in medieval Islamic world (Islamic Golden Age - 8th to 14th centuries) is even longer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_scientists_in_medieval_Islamic_world
  16. Let's try it your way: Everybody knows that in difficult times, more people turn to religion. That's an invariable fact. I'm surprised you didn't know that.
  17. You should have a baseline comparison of the not super-smart general population to show that the increase in atheists is related to intelligence or not. You're suggesting that atheist = super-smart. The survey will probably mimmick the general population, making it a worthless comparison. You might want to conduct an IQ test of all the people in the survey to determine their smartness.
  18. You're doing it again. "as everybody knows", to add to your previous "it's a well-known fact" and "invariably"...and another new one "but of course, we know their true position". Talk about arrogance. Speak for yourself and not for me and everyone else, please. Just because you think it does not make it a universal truth. Also, neither do your limited surveys that you presented here. Surveys or polls can be biased to prove a desired point of view. No, everybody doesn't know. There is a huge difference between an atheist and an agnostic. An atheist has made up their mind - there is no God - they are certain. An agnostic doesn't know if there is one or not and it cannot be proven either way. They are in doubt.
  19. I don't suppose you considered the survey dates, did you? 1914 - the start of WW1 1933 - Great depression, the rise of Hitler, Persecution of the Jews started in 1933. Usually religion takes a back seat when the world political scene is more settled. That's when arrogant scientists start kicking religion to the curb. In fact, if you surveyed the general population, you'll likely get very similar numbers. Perhaps you could find a survey of the general population to compare results.
  20. Well, Einstein considered himself Agnostic, meaning, as you explained, he didn't know, but was rather annoyed when people labelled him incorrectly as atheist... However, the OP has been rather antagnostic to non-atheists, and that is the problem. He is suggesting that smart people cannot be religious, and taking it further, that only smart people are atheists. Apart from that, he is making false statements and suggesting they are fact. When proven wrong, he ignores the evidence.
  21. Your personal opinion is duly noted. I don't need a personal opinion on this because the list of famous scientists who were Christians is long and many were responsible for ground breaking scientific discoveries. In fact if you scrubbed some names off the list, we probably wouldn't be sitting in our homes using computers.
  22. You could help out and mention which banks don't require insurance payments, because many banks in Pattaya do, and all the ones I've been to. (Bangkok & Kasikorn). Personally I don't think 2500 baht for some insurance is a big problem and shopping around to save it would be a waste of time... but for the people who don't want to pay it, help them out.
  23. The purpose of my reply was to prove that you are wrong in saying that all scientists are atheists and provided a very long list of Christian scientists over many centuries including scientists still living. You said, (quote): "It is a well known fact that ALL scientists are atheists". In this debate it is irrelevant what the scientist you are quoting has to say about religion as I will gladly concede that many scientists are indeed atheists. Anyway, let's hear what one of the greatest scientific minds of the 20th century had to say about God and religion: For Einstein, "science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."[44][45] He told William Hermanns in an interview that "God is a mystery. But a comprehensible mystery. I have nothing but awe when I observe the laws of nature. There are not laws without a lawgiver, but how does this lawgiver look?... Einstein devised a theology for the cosmic religion, wherein the rational discovery of the secrets of nature is a religious act.[45] His religion and his philosophy were integral parts of the same package as his scientific discoveries.[45] Einstein stated, "I am not an Atheist."[9] According to Prince Hubertus, Einstein said, "In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views."[27] Accordingly a religious person is devout in the sense that he has no doubt of the significance of those super-personal objects and goals which neither require nor are capable of rational foundation ... In this sense religion is the age-old endeavor of mankind to become clearly and completely conscious of these values and goals and constantly to strengthen and extend their effect. If one conceives of religion and science according to these definitions then a conflict between them appears impossible. For science can only ascertain what is, but not what should be...[38] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_and_philosophical_views_of_Albert_Einstein#:~:text=Einstein said people can call,god is a childlike one.
  24. "a well known fact". "Almost INVARIABLY". Who told you this? You have been mislead by some dishonest atheists. They want you believe this, but it's nonsense. You can't prove something just by calling it a "well known fact" and not backing it up. It's easier to prove you wrong than you proving yourself right because... The list of religious scientists is long. Have a read of this long list of famous and/or well known Christian scientists. It's well researched with 463 references, so that should keep you busy for awhile. We are fortunate to have people to do exhaustive research on this to dispell the stereotype of all scientists being atheists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christians_in_science_and_technology This list only covers Christian scientists. If you we include other religions, the list would grow much longer.
  25. This is not true at all at the branches I visited. The requirements were that we had a non-O visa and needed to pay the insurance. There was no suggestion that the insurance payment was a deal-sweetener. It was quite simple - pay it, open an account. Don't pay it - no account. The K-Bank was the main branch near the Jomtien Immigration office.
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