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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. JensenZ

    Covid 4th shot?

    I'm in my 60's and yet to be vaxxed. I had 2 bouts of Covid, in 2020 (maybe twice) and in August this year. All I can say is that I've had much worse flues in the past when i was younger. It took 3 and 4 days to recover from both variants. It would be nice to go back to the days when people just got colds and flues without all the fear and panic. After nearly 3 years, Thais are still nearly all wearing masks.
  2. I'm yet to see him suffering from becoming his own enemy. I think he's having a lot of fun. He's a self-made man and one who made his fortune by working hard and expects the same from his staff. Time will tell, but I'm certainly not going to concern myself over his welfare.
  3. Everyone travels differently. There are a lot of tourists that stay in apartments for weeks or months and do regular shopping. Even if they stay in hotels, they'll pick up milk at the local store. When I travel myself, and stay in hotels, I buy milk at the local 7-11. In hotels they usually provide creamer - I prefer milk in my tea/coffee and I like to drink it straight too. 2L does not last long in my fridge.
  4. It might make more sense when you understand how much money $199 billion is (this week's current estimated worth). If he lost $198 billion, he'd still have 1000 x $1 million. At some point, money loses its value if you have too much. He must have been getting a bit bored with Tesla and needed a new hobby. At what point does making more money become mundane. His wealth can fluctuate by 10's of billions in a day. It also suprises me how many people insult the intelligence of the world's richest person. They were really getting stuck into him during the cave rescue drama. It's nothing more than envy.
  5. I stop at a number of different 7Elevens in my area, and I too noticed that the large 2L containers were in short supply. At first I thought it was the time of day/night that I was there, but then noticed the shortage on many occasions. Perhaps the flooding up north is responsible as pastures are under water.
  6. Tourists do buy milk. In Pattaya, a large percentage of tourists live in apartments and buy groceries.
  7. It doesn't matter what you post about, there's also some pod making dumb comments. This is the first time I've ever seen a post on milk in the 16 years I've been active here. Hardly a "main topic of conversation". To think you wasted time replying to a milk thread indicates how exciting your current retirement in Australia must be.
  8. Of course I'm aware of general inflation and that prices will increase over time, and that rising energy costs are a big factor. The cost of energy was not a subject of my post. The statement you isolated from my post was taken out of context. My first thoughts when I walked into Friendship and observed the price of the milk at 112 baht (2L - plain milk) was whether or not this was a general price increase at all outlets. The price had already increased a few weeks earlier. The price of milk at Friendship has always been the same as it was everywhere else so it was a logical assumption that the price had increased by the same everywhere.
  9. Everyone is getting worked up over Trump being reinsated on Twitter. He's never going to Tweet again... yet the people continue to panic. The big problem Musk faces is if Google and Apple pull the app. Then it's game over.
  10. 300 days of rain? You must live in a parallel, very wet universe.
  11. You're the one kidding yourself. What constitutes "good" weather is individual and subjective. My wife feels cold when the temperatures drop below 26C (room temperature). As for me, I prefer rainy and overcast days as the weather is not so hot. I dislike hot and sunny days... which means I've been quite pleased about the weather over the last few months. Of course, when the sun does come out, the humidity rises. Back in 2020, at the start of covid, we had a serious drought, when the water levels in the dams was critically low. We're lucky there were no tourists around at that time. Bottom line - good weather for one person is bad for another. All countries have unseasonable weather periods. It happens - get over it. You can't change it.
  12. Lactose free milk will be sweeter because lactose is broken down by the enzyme lactase into the simple sugars galactose and glucose. You can buy 0%, 2% and full-fat (around 4%) lactose free milk. There are a number of different brands available in Thailand, so try a few. You may find one that you like.
  13. That's a ridiculous argument. If all dairy products increased immediately or after a few weeks, it is irrelevant as I did not offer a period of time over which the increases would be relialized and did not suggst it would be immediate. You have no idea at all about dairy products. They are all made from milk. If milk goes up, all dairy products go up, and almost immediately as milk spoils, whereas petroleum or crude oil can be stored for a much longer time. However, this topic is not about a price increase in milk. It's about one store hiking the price by nearly 20%.
  14. And how would you suggest the tourists, here for a few days or weeks should learn? Another major problem is tourists looking the wrong way when they cross. If you've been driving on the right side of the road all your life, it's a very easy mistake to make. it's hard to re-program instincts if you're on a short vacation. I was riding down the road yesterday when a pedestrian was crossing the road looking the other way, blissfully unaware of the traffic heading in his direction.
  15. I wondered how long it was going to take for someone to come along and ridicule anyone who complains about a price increase. Thank you for being that guy - it's hillarious how predictable your type are. Let me be quite clear. I started this thread to discuss a very unusual price increase. it's 18% higher than anywhere else in town. I'm not complaining about it because I can buy milk at the correct price on every street corner and every other supermarket. Now if milk did geniunely increase by 18% overnight, it would not be a trivial matter as all dairy products would also increase in price by a similar percentage. Cheese, Yogurt, butter, baby forumulas and many other products.
  16. Yes, it appears that only Friendship is charging 112 baht for regular Meiji. It's important to note that Friendship never marked up their milk in the past except rounding 91.75 to 92 baht.
  17. It's actually "Filipinos". They don't learn their current pronunciation from "Yankees". They are taught American English at school by Filipino teachers, giving them their unique Filipino-American English accent. When America colonized the Philippines in 1898, they sent thousands of English teachers over there.... so it is true, a long time ago, they learned from Americans.
  18. It was a survey of non-English (as a first language) countries. South Africa shouldn't have been on the list either.
  19. Don't worry about China. Their population is aging so fast, they will be in serious decline in 20 years. It has already started. They'll be one working-age person for every retired person.
  20. I find most brands taste ok, with the noted exception of Dutch Mill. Chokchai has a slight edge IMO. Most brands have extra creamy formulations, which I like to use for coffee.
  21. They were quite busy yesterday. People don't necessarily run to stores to buy milk, but buy while they are there. I have noticed they sell a lot as the shelves are sometimes quite bare and they don't have the milk I'm looking for - someone is buying it.
  22. Yes, I'm absolutely sure it's the basic Meiji plain milk (blue cap), the low fat (light blue cap), and the zero fat (white cap). I buy a lot of milk so I'm quite familiar with regular milk products and the special creamy formulations. Meiji Barista is 101 baht at Big C and the "Ray" formulation is 99 baht, still well short of the 112 baht that Friendship is currently charging for regular Meiji milk. Sometimes I buy lactose-free milk for my wife, which is quite a bit more expensive.
  23. I'd have to be quite desperate for something to go to Foodmart. I live quite close, but I haven't been there for over a year.
  24. They are definitely a mixed bag. I do get good deals there on many products and they carry items I can't get at other places.
  25. Thanks for the feedback. I didn't know that, but it does explain why price increases have been few and small over the years. Back when I arrived in 2005 it was 70 baht for 2L. Friendship always added 0.25 baht to the mainstream price, which didn't bother me and I purchased milk there, but this increase is insulting. I'll just get my milk at other outlets.
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