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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. I agree. My last a***e landlord charged me 3000 baht to clean an already clean place after 6.5 years of all rent paid. It would have cost no more than 500 baht to clean it to perfection. This is the problem with security bonds - the landlord holds all the cards. In that appartment in the OP, it could have been cleaned for free by trash hunters.... at least had all the stuff cleared out.
  2. That's no way to reply to a post. I suppose with a name like "Meat Pie", civil conversation would be impossible. Your observation about the North of Australia is totally irrelevant 1. Population of Far North Queensland (Cairns and up, Northern Territory and the north of Western Australia) is a drop in the ocean compared to Thailand. 300k vs 70 million. Just so you know, that's 70 million living in a country with the highest average temperatures in Asia. Nearly 3x the population of Australia. I have spent quite a few years living in Cairns so I personally know how hot it is and how difficult it is to do hard work there. You don't actually have to visit any area on earth to check the weather... it's all available online. Darwin probably has more alcoholics living on the dole than anywhere else in Australia... so from that point of view, it's an observation that hot climates do make people more lazy. 2. You don't have to work in Australia, and many don't. You can't find a job, you get the dole. You're sick, you get sickness benefits. Everyone get subsidised medicine (health care). You're old, you get the government pension. Covid-19 ruins your life - there are government hand outs. It's a nanny state and irrelevant in this conversation about countries where people need to work to survive.
  3. Workers are considered slaves to the weathy. They will never be well off and burn themselves out to age prematurely. Why should they work harder? You don't get anywhere doing a Job = just over broke.
  4. My point was mainly focused on hard labour jobs. There is no exact comparision to Western countries. They don't have the extreme heat and sunshine all year round that Thailand has. I used to be a hard worker in my younger years, but there is no way I would be able to work hard for long in this climate, even if I was 40 years younger. The climate is absolutely brutal. It saps strength and energy. I reckon they deserve more holidays. I'm amazed how the beat cops survive in those very snug, dark uniforms all day in the sun.
  5. How can you make a judgement about how many are too many? What metric do you use? More holidays can increase productivity too as people working sh*t jobs don't burn out as quick.
  6. Good points on the other two, but who cares about shaving or not. The wife saves on makeup, and that's very expensive LOL... and of course I benefit too as she can be ready to leave the house in 10 minutes.
  7. What is the point of this comment? People are already wearing face mask outside, are they not? Now we get 2 in 1 benefit to wear them. It's a bargain.
  8. Just a point that some may consider interesting. My wife used to eat a lot of street cart food. She regularly got canker sores, sometimes extremely severe where she needed to visit a doctor. Canker sores that could last weeks and make it very difficult to eat (good for weight loss LOL). Now that street cart food is taboo, she never gets canker sores. We only eat at very clean restaurants now, or at home.
  9. You thank someone for their reply, then proceed to insult them. You asked for opinions, so there's no need to be insulting. It's a good thing you're not building rockets. Had you bought In April or November, 2021, you could have blown half your money. Using bitcoin (BTCUSD) as a general barometer as they all move the same... look at the weekly chart. The weekly candles average around $10,000. This last week's price range was nearly 25% of its worth. You will never know the right time to buy and sell as the volatitly is crazy. It's not investment - it's gambling. At best, it's very high risk speculation. You only "invest" in crypto with money you can afford to lose. A bit of praying on the side might come in handy too. Crypto trading is FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) driven. You say it's here to stay. That's not a certainly either. You don't think regulating crypto is high on the list of most government's agendas. Cash is already considered dirty and so is crypto. The world's 2nd biggest economy has alread banned it along with other countries, and the list grows. Here's a January 2022 article from a well respected publication: Fortune: https://fortune.com/2022/01/04/crypto-banned-china-other-countries/#:~:text=Some governments that have banned,could destabilize their financial systems.
  10. It wouldn't matter if he showed his face or not. The agent knows where the money came from - they are not stupid. Whether the house is a cash sale or a bank loan makes a big difference too.
  11. It wouldn't matter if he showed his face or not. He knows where the money came from - they are not stupid. Whether the house is a cash sale or a bank loan makes a big difference too.
  12. She probably still paid a million or more too much. There is a new condo building near where I live where the list prices are prosposterous. I would consider half of the listed prices still too much.
  13. Call me foolish then. Based on this incident you're suggesting there is no regard for life in Thailand? That's blatant Thai bashing at it's finist (and lots of people liked your comment even?). Do you watch the news to see what goes on in other countries?
  14. If only that were true. There are as many as there ever were. All the bitches are always pregnant, having 2-3 litters a year. A dog roundup has hardly any impact at all.
  15. They love to call them stray dogs. There might be the occasional stray, but most are feral animals born in empty lots and parks. Every street has some areas where they breed. They stray nowhere, but live close to where they were born. In the empty lots where I live, there are about 20 of them... about 3-4 generations born there since I arrived 4 years ago. They are fed every morning and afternoon by a well meaning Thai lady. Of course the Thai lady who fees them lives streets away and doesn't need to put up with the barking and howling at night, or cleaning up their feces. In the park on the hill, you had better watch where you walk for exercise as there are some areas where the dogs don't take kindly to humans walking around in what they consider their territory. The City Council are not too concerned about safety and rabies, that's for sure. They condone the continuous feeding of dogs in a public park where humans like to exercise. If you complained, they would just tell you to walk somewhere else, or carry a stick. It doesn't make a huge difference if they have rabies or not because if you're bitten the recommendation is to immediately take a course of rabies shots. It's too risky not to.
  16. That's why he posted here. He couldn't wait to tell everyone how popular he is LOL. All these girls with no business during covid willing to drop their standards....
  17. Yet 15 months ago, mid-pandemic you did leave? That was pre-vax days. How did you get on last time?
  18. Simplistic? It's totally false, no question about it. There are good an bad in both camps. "Farang" (all foreigners? - this is vague) are vigorously and frequently bashed on this forum by other foreigners... suggesting of course that they think they are better. I suppose when posting anonymously on a forum one can pretend.
  19. I haven't read the whole thread, but haven't read any mention of the attack possibly being just a mugging. A lot of people seem to be in denial of the possiblity that some Thais might mug people at night along the beach. Muggings have been reported on this forum many times over the years. Some Thai thugs want/need money. They see a lonely old man on the beach, it's night time - no one around - an easy target for some cash. Much as it disturbs Thai apologists, there are bad Thais in Thailand doing bad things - just as there is in every country... however before anyone gets too upset about my suggestion, I still consider Pattaya to be a fairly safe place to live.
  20. The often used excuse again... I have never seen anything, therefore it can not happen. It can only happen when I'm watching, and due to the fact I've never seen anything like this happen before, that's a guarantee it must be the tourist's fault. It is impossible that Thais would ever do such a thing.
  21. Yes, there could be head lice problem, or some form of fungus or bacteria if you frequently used these share helmets. If you suddently start losing your hair..... LOL wearing a baseball cap might be the best option.
  22. Personally I'm more concerned about what's in the helmets than it's crash intregrity. On the rare occasions I do take a motorbike taxi, I bring my own helmet.
  23. The negative sentiment among foreigners is quite justified if you consider the time he labelled foreigners as "dirty" when he was giving out face mask in Bangkok at the start of it all. Most of us are not going to have the honour to meet this good guy in person to be able to assess his wonderful personality.
  24. This is what we were debating, Mr Sungod... that we could not hire well maintained cars with good drivers in Pattaya (or Thailand), then out of desperation you started going on about how unsafe motorcycles are. That topic had already been covered extensively before you came to the party and I even admitted in an earlier post that there's no doubt that in general they are (a riskier form of transport). Then you just started your silly, sarcastic baiting, when in actual fact you were just preaching to the choir. I have had plates on my tibia and left forearm and still have a K-nail in my left femur from a serious accident in my 20's. I have a bunged up knee from an altercation with a car door too. This all happened before I arrived in Thailand. I don't need an eduction from you about the dangers of balancing on 2 wheels. One reason why I am so careful is that I've felt the pain of hitting the tarmac and one time the dirt on a dirt road. This was only a short list of all the accidents I have had and here you are lecturing me about the safety of motorcycles as if I need a reminder from you. At the same time I also owned cars. One time I had an accident at 120 km/h and the car landed on its roof. That wasn't fun. That was a case of trying to get to the next town on a long rural run in Australia as I was starting to getting sleepy. I nearly made it. The things we did when we were young and stupid.
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