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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. They are confident that no matter what, tourists are still going to come.
  2. Seems that Thai people are happy to wear maskes. At 10pm, on top of a hill, in Chaloem Prakiat Park, I see Thais fully masked (tight around the nose). They are sitting alone in an isolated area, far from other people. This amazes me. Also, many would rather wear face mask on motorcycles than helmets.
  3. The beaches in Pattaya were never controlled by foreigners - they were controlled by Thai beach vendors.
  4. Or maybe you're just too sensitive about what other people think of you. Relax... the public (in Thailand) don't really care and will have forgotten about it in 5 minutes.
  5. I had a read of the article you linked. It was desinged to be an easier way to administer it, not a more effective way. I don't see any problems with sticking a needle in the but or ventro glute, but some people might find it difficult. At the end of the day, whichever way you chose, it will be the level of serum testosterone that shuts you down. The lower your dose, the longer it might take, but you'll be travelling the same road. The same level of testosterone absorbed will result in the same blood work. Your body detects a certain level of testerone and adjusts its own production down, until it stops producing it. It's called a "negative feedback loop" for anyone that wants to understand the process in more detail.
  6. I agree. I never wear a mask while walking in my local park for exercise (I walk 8 - 10k), and most Thai people don't either. It's hilarious to see someone sitting alone, late at night in the park wearing a face mask. Seeing people on motorcycles with face masks and no helmets is even funnier.
  7. It's a huge problem. For starters, if you supplement with exogenous testosterone, the chances are you are already very low or you wouldn't have needed it in the first place. You'll shut down your own production, and the longer you were using it, the harder it will be to produce your own again if you stop and your testicals will atrophy (shrink). At some point, it will be impossible. 6 months is a long course. Call it chemical castration, because that's what it really is. Unless you're using it for hormone replacement after you've been tested to be low, don't start. If you start, don't stop. Younger people who use it for sporting purposes can get their own levels back if they take certain other hormones, and use other hormones while they use it, but it's complicated. I think most athletes don't bother going off these days. The problem with 1 ml ampules is that it's a big dose (250 mg) and it's enough to cause hair loss and excess estrogen. I would recommend smaller doses more frequently, but diving a 1 ml amupule is not so easy, but it can be done.
  8. You could try to "follow along" yourself. There is only one Department Store in Pattaya, namely Central Festival Department Store. There is only one liquor outlet at Central Mall, which is downstairs in Tops Central supermarket. The liquor could only have been purchased at Tops Supermarket. No, definitely not my opinion as it is absurd. The law was introduced to cut down on plastic bag use, and had nothing to do with free bags. Any store has the right to offer recycleable carry bags. What about softly spoken customers who don't wish to buy a bag? At what volume will a customer be assessed as "loudmouthed"? Some people don't talk, just walk away if they are not happy about something. They don't argue. My wife is like that - non confrontational. No, everyone is different. Please refer to the above comment. That's a lazy way to try to prove your point. I did not read the 12 pages of this thread. Considering you might have, how many people agree with you here? I will explain that if you state what your comment was. As has been explained, 7-11's offer free bags for purchases over 150 baht, and charge 1.50 baht per bag below that threshhold. You would want to follow customers like me at checkouts. I'm about the fastest person to move through a checkout you've ever seen. At Big-C (for example), I toss my shopping into a cart as fast as the checkout person can scan my items... then I pack it into my own recycled plastic bags after I've paid. I reuse bags until they fall apart. I have plastic bags that date to before the ban, along with many fabric bags. The 7-11 bags last many months until they tear.
  9. The plastic bag rule is not a problem. Non-plastic, recycleable bags are quite easy to find. They can offer carry bag without breaking any rules.
  10. You missed my point. Irrespective of whether you are a customer that is happy to pay for a bag, or a customer who doesn't like to pay for a bag because they feel entitled after spending a large sum, the point was about the business model. The big loser is the store, not the customer. They don't only lose one sale, but all sales to this customer in the future, which could be quite substantial. It's more petty for a store to not offer a free bad to a good customer. The customer still has his cash - cash is king - he can use it at many other places. Even if he carries a shopping next time he shops, he won't return to that store. I also made a point about how a disgruntled customer, no matter how petty you feel they might be, will cause negative advertising, by spreading the word. This is not about me, or you. I personally would pay for the bag if I had none and not complain. I always carry bags with me when I shop. I recycle bags until they fall apart. This is not MY problem, but an assessment of a stupid business model by a retailer that probably cannot afford to turn away customers over the price of a bag.
  11. I thanked your comment, but will praise it again in a reply: WELL SAID! (my sentiments exactly)
  12. I'm not vaxed and don't wish to be, but that doesn't mean I'm an "anti-vaxxer". People should be free to do what they want with their bodies. You keep using these terms to try to control people who don't agree with your narrative by suggesting they are fools for not being vaxxed. When I leave Thailand, it's one-way. I'm not going to get 3 jabs to get back in. I believe the requirements to have a vax passport to get in will be dropped eventually when they discover people aren't flocking to Thailand in the numbers they predicted. Other countries will have softer entry requirements in the battle to attract tourists.
  13. Just treat covid as we have colds and flues all of our lives? That's not a bad idea. You might think it's over, but I see people wearing face masks while walking or running in a deserted park early in the morning or late at night.
  14. Every shopping mall in Pattaya, and most supermarkets. This is a big sale for consumable goods. Obviously you're trying to give the impression you're a big spender, who regularly spends over 8000 baht. How much must one spend on consumable goods to be considered a big spender, by your standards? You don't know that everyone has to pay. Would a Thai customer get a free bag? Possibly. In this case, the customer spent a lot and did deserve a free bag. You're entitled to your opinion. It was not worth losing a sale over the cost of a free bag. That would be a lousy bet and you'd lose. You're welcome to prove your point and conduct a survey. What if this and what if that? You could dream up a thousand scenarios in which you think the customer is wrong. The problem is you're taking this expression literally. It means that the store should make a concerted effort to keep customers happy. Even so, your example about gay customers was very lame considering how liberal Thai people are toward sexuality, especially in Pattaya. I had no idea that fabric bags were circumvening the no plastic bag rule? What about a "big-spending", quiet and repectful customer who kindly asked for something to carry his purchase in? Please explain what your comment has to do with what I said about 7Eleven bag policy? You use the word "loudmouth" a lot. Perhaps you are one of those yourself as it seems you're typing faster than you think. Yet another use of "loudmouthed piker". Next time, try quoting the whole post instead of wasting your time seperating it into sentences that generally has achieved little more than allowing you to practice typing "loudmouthed piker" over and over in an expression of rage.
  15. You're wrong there (your last point). 7Elevens, which combined would probably be the biggest retailer in Thailand, give out free bags when you spend over 150 baht. Actually, they charge you for the bag and offer the 1.50 baht as a discount. You do realise the bags do not have to be plastic, but some biodegradable alternative. A person who spends 10,000 in a store is not a "cry baby", but an important customer. How much money will these people spend in a year? Probably the owner, or shareholders would be pretty upset if they heard about this, and might even fire the staff incolved for not exercising common sense. Communication to the lower staff is the problem. Going by your arrogant response, I would say the only person with the "superior attitude" here is you.
  16. Something in their business model was seriously flawed. They lost out 3 ways: 1. Lost out on a big sale. 2. Lost out on all future sales to the disgruntled customer. 3. Suffered from social media advertising of this incident. Perhaps the store wasn't named here, but it will be named by Thai people if the same happens to them. It's irrelevant what people think about the attitude of the disgruntled customer because customers are always right. They could have had a few discreet bags tucked away for big spenders. Some 7Elevens did this in the early days of the ban on plastic bags. They could have have non-plastic (fabric) bags to use in such situations. They've had 2 years to think about it.
  17. This is folly from the early days. Every store has plastic bags you can purchase for a few baht. Faced with the same problem back then I too would have walked out. They probably learnt their lesson quickly.
  18. 150 baht as they do in 7/11 stores. 1.50 for the bag if you're under.... and a heads-up for 7/11 bags - they are the strongest bags I have ever come across. They last months. I use them for all my shopping until they break, then get free replacements.
  19. You're too "hansum" for your own good LOL Perhaps the sex is an insurance policy just in case customers try to get out of paying.
  20. LOL... another theory that Pattaya is doomed. There might be a temporary lull in finding girls, but there aren't many customers so they are not currently needed. It will take time, but it will happen... however, from a person who actually lives in Pattaya... take a ride around the beer bar areas - there are plenty of girls standing around doing nothing. There seems to be no shortage of girls. If you're looking for girls, they are not hard to find. The funniest part of this 'article of nonsense' was the suggestion that bar girls went back to the province to find regular jobs in factories etc. They are not working in factories or getting dirty planting rice LOL. They will come back if they haven't already.
  21. It can only be done at the Austrailian Embassy in Bangkok. https://thailand.embassy.gov.au/bkok/Notarial_Services.html#:~:text=We provide notarial services at,Fees apply. Currently $76 AUD = 1770 THB
  22. NO, I would not. I won't travel again until the covid insanity is well and truly over and no vaccination for me.
  23. This is what the world hopes for, but I suspect he planned well for this, considering all possible scenarios.
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