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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. Sarcasm aside, I've lived in Philippines and Thailand for a combined 20 plus years, so I've seen a bit.
  2. In most of these cases, you're not spreading your genes at all. You're borrowing the young girl for sexual services, afterwhich she cannot wait to get back to her young Thai boyfriend, or perhaps her female partner. She might put up a good show, but don't kid yourself. Boom-boom with a guy as old as her grandfather is not pleasureable, and she's cringing inside. I'm cringing even thinking about it. You need to stop pretending it's ok and trying to justify it.
  3. It's not a matter of your desire, but a matter of nature. Perhaps you desire to have sexual relations with women in their 20's when you're 60s, 70s or older, but do you think she desires you? Is that not a consideration? Do you only think of it from your own point of view? I find younger females beautiful and desireable, but that doesn't mean I need to defile them. I am a man, that's why in my 60's I do not wish to have sexual relations with females 40 years younger. Being a man is restraining yourself from unnatural acts. You would expect that a man of 60's or older has finally managed to control themselves. If you don't, that is a fairly good definition of a "dirty old man". I don't enjoy having sexual relations which are obviously one sided. A lot of these men use sexual aids too. When I ask myself, is this female sexually attracted to me and the answer is no, I won't go there. All you need is a mirror. Now, if you're paying for sexual services, that's another matter where mutual attraction is not a consideration.
  4. Is there not a point though, where you start feeling like you're a dirty old man? Even if you don't feel that way, putting your comments into persepctive, you are.
  5. And that was the point... but Thailand is a country where class is a big consideration within relationships.
  6. The Thai men want the ones that stay out of the sun, but they are not so easy to get, so they might settle for your type LOL
  7. Yes, it's all about availability. On average, if you consider the beauty pageant winners over the last 70 years, Latinos are the most beautiful. It's the Spanish/South American genes, the magic combination. (this is light hearted banter, so don't take it too seriously. There's beauty in every country)
  8. You miss the point of why Thai men prefer lighter skin. It's about class, not looks. Farm girls are dark, girls of richer families are not (clue: they stay out of the sun and spend a fortune on skin whitening products). If the fair girls spend a few days in the sun, they too will be dark.
  9. A bit like the family of 4 I saw on a motorscooter yesterday, all wearning masks, but no helmets.
  10. There's an easy way to test if the problem is an allergy. If it is, then antihistamines will stop or reduce the itch. If they don't work, there's another cause. If it is an allergy, it's more likely to cause hives, redness or some other skin reaction other than just dryness.
  11. Due to the liver blockage causing bilirubin accumulation in the skin, it's a good idea to eliminate this as a cause. A liver function test is about 350 baht from memory. I've had an itch develop once after taking some tylenol. I got a liver function test and discovered my bilirubin levels were a bit high. Drugs are broken down in the liver, so they can have a dramatic effect on liver function. Some people are more sensitive to elevated bilirubin levels than others. If mine go just a bit higher than normal, I can get itchy... and all over the torso and arms too.
  12. Why should insurance companies pay for hospitalization of perfectly healthy people. Would you want to go to hospital just because of a positive test when you're feeling fine? It's probably the last place you'd want to go whether the insurance company pays or not. The only solution is for the government to set up quarantine hotels and put them in there. Thailand is desperate for tourists so they need to put up with the good and the bad.
  13. Does all your skin itch, everywhere on your body, or just in some areas. Is the dryness caused by scratching? The reason why I'm asking is because an accumulation of bilirubin in your skin can cause intense itching, so severe that you might want to kill yourself (no joke). This is an indication of a liver blockage (cholestasis). Certain types of medicine (drugs) can casue this. Even something as inconspicuous as tylenol can cause it. I've been through this - it was living hell. It is usually accompanied by jaundice, but the itching can start before you notice your eyes and skin turning yellow. A liver function test can quickly eliminate this as a cause. In this case of pruritis, the itch is more intense in certain areas, especially the back of the hands.
  14. I'll try to keep this brief. Science is not anti-religion and vice versa. What is classed as supernatural is only something that cannot be explained by science at this point in time. Imagine trying to explain gravity, electromagnetic attraction and many other "things" which cannot be seen to a person living 1000 years ago. Many scientists have religious beliefs. Being a scientist does not mean the person is anti-theist. (Hitchens preferred to use the term "anti-theist" rather than "atheist").
  15. It creates a problem when you put labels on people and by doing so have virtuatlly said they are "nutty". For example, you state that people who don't want to get vaccinated are "antivaxxers". You say you "cant understand anitvaxxers", but you might have well have said these people are "crazy" as that is how it comes across. You've already made up your mind what these people are and put them into a box. To back up your statement you give the impression you are an expert on the human immune system, and further insult "anitvaxxers" by putting them in the same box as "flat earthers" etc. Further debate with you on the topic of vaccination is impossible as you have made up your mind and closed it. There are degrees of "antivaxxers". It's not a binary decision that you're either one of them or not. I don't want to be vaccinated for many reasons, but will submit to one if I am forced to (by regulations). I'm confident I will survive a covid infection and believe I have already had a mild dose of it on 2 occassions. I take good care of my body. The long term effects of a rushed vaccination program are unknown. For all we know, the world is creating a vast number of immune compromised people. Let's see in 10 years. There are reasons why vaccinations took many years to develop in the past, and testing also took many years. There are a lot of people who don't won't to be vaccinated, and the number of Thai people not wanting to is growing fast as news of negative effects grows.
  16. I understand where you are coming from, but once any discussion becomes a discussion about evolution and/or religion, it becomes one of the broadest topics in existence. I spent too many of my younger years debating these topics, and still read material on this topic from time to time. Coincidentally I just finished watching "The God debate: Hichens vs. D'Souza, and "Does God Exist? William Craig vs Christopher Hitchens" last week. I also disagree with the method of debating whereby a person, to support their position, links very long articles to back up their claims. Thank you for not doing that. The problem is, to address your post as it deserves to be addressed would be a lengthy process, as you introduced a lot of new material, and as you say, most people are into one liners and would not appreciate having to wade through it. My suggestions that nature takes care of bad genes (mutations) naturally and that modern science and medicine has distored this natural process was not intended to be evidence or proof of evolution. I'm a creationist myself, but that doesn't prevent natural selection from occuring. Natural selection has been working hard since man was first created.
  17. You've gone out of your way this time to explain your reasoning for disagreeing with me. Thank you for that. There's so much of what you've just offered that I disagree with, I'll just play it your way earlier and say I disagree (to most of it). To start debating religion and evolution here would be more time consuming than I have the energy for at the moment and also a bit off topic.
  18. Do you think anti-vaxers are conspiracy theorists? I don't want to vaccinated, but I still believe the earth is a globe and that man landed on the moon. It's a bit much putting them in the same basket. There's a whole range of beliefs on many subjects, but you call them nutters because you have different beliefs? That's nutty. Science has no definitive answers for many theories. Science can be used to mislead people too. They call it "blinded by science" and it's a real problem for people who believe everything that claims to be science. Like anything science needs to be fact checked, but who's going to fact check the fact checkers?
  19. It's definitely more than 5 minutes and K-Bank security on the issue of new cards is very strict (what bank are you referring to). They are not ATM cards, they are VISA debit cards. I tried twice to change my phone number to use with Internet banking, and twice they refused. The signature was not close enough as determined by the person who approves these changes. Thai script is very precise and accurate. I have lousy hand writing and a signature that looks a bit different every time I sign. That's not acceptable in Thailand. I cannot use my VISA debit card at any store without entering a 6 digit PIN number (it has changed from 4 digits), and when used online I need to receive a OTP on my phone for a transaction to be approved. What is the security issue? It's as good or better than any of my foreign bank cards.
  20. Coincidentally the couple I was referring to is now in the UK, utilizing your health services.
  21. People are getting upset when I use the term "inferior genes". I"m not talking about intelligence genes, or beauty genes, but survival genes. In the absence of science nature takes care of it, as it does in all natural habitats that currently exist that aren't being destroyed by humans. There's no need for anyone to get worked up over this. I'm not suggesting gene cleansing. What did you actually disagree with and why did you invoke Darwin's name?
  22. I'd venture to say a large number of us older folk would not be here if not for medical intervention. My motorcycle accident would have wiped me out in my early 20's and no one would have had to endure my posting on Thaivisa LOL... but then again, I would have not been riding a motorcycle in the first place, if not for science.
  23. Yet, it's a good indication that that particular branch is not foreigner-friendly and not a good option. It's good to find branches with a lot of foreign customers. In Pattaya, the branches near the Immigration office are a good option, and branches in major shopping malls. I think it's a similar deal when I wanted to apply for a 7Eleven member card awhile back. They just told me it's only for Thai people. They couldn't be bothered with the communication problems (I don't get around with a Thai speaker in tow) - they don't get paid enough to care.
  24. Maybe they do open them at different times, but they do open them and I'm sure it's late afternoon, to refill them, and to perform general maintenance, and they gave me a certain time to return to pick up my card. I would say they probably have a competent security team present when ATMs are opened.
  25. Yes, I do, and I expected some woke individual would pick up the batton. I'm surprised it was only you. I'm not talking about cleansing an already trarnished gene pool, but how things would have progressed in the absense of modern medicine and science in general, in the context of the question. Bear in mind this is the topic: Has Science Been Beneficial or Detrimental to Humanity?
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