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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. Well, he's on the Yale track team, so I suppose he was required to wear the uniform to compete. When I played sports in university they also made me wear a uniform. It helped the quarterback find me in the endzone, and the point guard to find me on the baseline for a jumper.
  2. The list of attacks and threats against Dems and 45 critics is growing by the day. This low life depape was a QAnon guy and maga cultist. ... ALL who attacked the Capitol on 6 Jan 2021 were driven by the lies of loser 45, and the evidence is showing it was intended. Of course sane people know there was no possible reason those cultists should march to the Capitol as ... 45 told them. They were going to buy souvenirs in the Capitol gift shop? No, the sole reason 45 sent them was to overthrow democracy. This nonsense will continue until 45 is indicted for Sedition (6 Jan) and Conspiracy to Commit Espionage (stealing highly classified documents from the White House), tried, convicted, and executed if found guilty, per the law.
  3. Who is spreading fake news about this heinous attack inspired by low life repubs and right wing media? Answer: Fascists and lunatics, which is to say repubs and maga
  4. Same. Both are damaged individuals who did horrific crimes. To make light of either is in poor taste. Halloween is originally about ghosts and goblins and letting loose, not heinous real crimes.
  5. "My" biggest mistake or "THE" biggest mistake? I think the biggest mistake most people make is choosing the wrong parents. Of course we cannot choose them, so I'm being facetious, but I think winning the Birth Lottery is the best thing that can happen to anyone, so losing it must the worst. It certainly makes life much more difficult. The Universe is quite random at that level, and by human objective standards, incredibly unfair. So much is inherited, and so much a function of where, when, and how one is born. Intellect, physical appearance, height, athleticism....those are largely inherited. Then if one was born, say, as a white male in a developed country, especially if sometime between 1950 and 1980, success in life is almost guaranteed. A person almost has to go out of one's way to fail if given those birth circumstances. Toss in decent intellect, a pleasing enough appearance, being an athlete....and one is going to be a success by late 20s at most. Once one has independent wealth (if wealth is a goal), life is pretty damn easy, and also pretty damn fun. So mistakes? I have come to the belief that life is about 95% dumb luck and 5% conscious effort. I was lucky enough to not make the mistake of being born to the wrong parents. Things just fell into place after that, so what I have 'achieved' are things for which I can hardly take credit. I'm the first to admit I didn't really earn much of what I have achieved. I'm just extra lucky I didn't <deleted> it up, because the ability to <deleted> up may well be my one independently developed skill that I've been able to sublimate.
  6. Don't know what your country is Frits, but I bet it has lots and lots of blood on its hands.
  7. Mental illness is on the rise around the world. It was exacerbated by the Covid restrictions, but it has been rising since the adoption of mobile phones and social media. It gets even worse when economic times are tough, and then in some countries additionally bad when Autumn and Winter come and sunlight is limited. In Thailand all the young people I know are obsessed with their various accounts on FB, TikTok, Insta, LINE, etc. Their posts are schizophrenic....one style trying to portray a hi-so life of constant partying with friends or shopping at fancy malls, eating at fine restaurants, etc., while the other kind of posts scream about how nobody understands them or why do they bother going on living, etc. At first I thought I knew lots of outliers, but that most people were likely well-adjusted. Nope. It's ubiquitous among young people who only know a life with social media and smartphones. The smiles you see on all the faces walking through Siam Paragon or Emporium are fake; those same folks are posting desperate messages on LINE or elsewhere. When I go back home and meet nieces and nephews, it's the same. Buried in the phone, living a Potemkin life on the one hand, then being full of angst on the other. Oddly, despite hearing or seeing the same angst in their friends, they all think they, alone, are the ones suffering. Perhaps this is a result of self-absorption: they cannot see what's right in front of them, because all they do is navel gaze. We've all grown use to seeing groups of 'friends' sitting at a table together, each buried in his/her phone, oblivious to the friends they are with, posting on their own social media or looking at their 'friends' sm posts and comparing. When I'm on the BTS, it is not uncommon for me to be the sole person in the car not gazing at a phone. I do not think any good could come from this addiction. I used to joke that folks older than Millennials and Gen Z never took 'selfies', because despite not having 6,752 FB 'friends' or 25,000 TikTok followers, we always had someone who could take a photo of us if needed. Thailand might have it worse than many---despite data indicating it is mid-range---because of its social system: an incompetent junta combined with one of the world's worst qini coefficient, plus the filial piety demanded by many elders who, frankly, are undeserving of the 'respect' (read: money) they demand from their progeny. Where does it all go? I suspect downhill for the foreseeable future, as economic times are unlikely to improve. Maybe this partial solution is too simple, but I suspect if everyone tossed their smartphone and deleted 90% of their social media---and began talking face to face again---depression and mental illness rates would drop dramatically. Of course, that 'ain't gonna' happen, because the addiction is too strong. So what's bad now is going to get worse. Have a nice day.
  8. "Globalist Agenda" is a buzzterm those without a coherent argument, and those susceptible to the silliest conspiracy theories, embrace. I suspect we're only moments away from Ten Foot Shape-Shifting Lizard People from the rogue planet Nibiru shooting mind-controlling chemtrails over our heads so we'll buy illicit drugs run from Afghanistan by the CIA and a company headed by Queen Elizabeth, the Rockefellas, the Rothschilds and George Soros, because one conspiracy is never enough. Oh, and then admonish us to 'do your research'. which is to say goal seek on the internet.
  9. I know that it is a self-appointed govt where a few factions battle each other for control, the people be damned. 1.3 billion Chinese people have ZERO say in how they are governed. Bo Xilai was in the wrong faction and paid the price in the power struggle with xi's faction. (Aside: Bo Xilai had a "map of China" on his office wall. The map included HK, Taiwan and---get this---Myanmar. This was told to me by an very old, very short, former roving diplomat with a distinctive accent. One guess as to his name.) I also know they are all wildly corrupt on a scale that would make the typical Western politician in a democracy look like a mere posseur. You probably think the democratic nation of Taipei is a 'renegade province', when the [Chinese] haven't controlled it for even one second in their entire sordid reign.
  10. There are only two possibilities at play here, and one is conspiratorial. The [Chinese] are doing this simply because they are control freaks and feel corralling people like people are just cattle makes [them] feel all masculine. Xi is not so stupid to think he can control a virus that began in Wuhan and spread to every country on Earth and infected more than half of humanity. Also, the [Chinese] are so insecure they were way to slow to tell the world what was happening, and that prevented the world from taking quick precautions, probably resulting in millions of unnecessary deaths. Of course pride is more important than outsiders. The second possibility---conspiratorial---is that Covid is a bio weapon that slipped out of the lab and they know it will keep mutating until it becomes especially virulent. of course, if that's true, it will still spread unless China 100% closes its own borders. Nobody in or out. Of the two, I'm 99% on the side of Control Freaks and 1% grand conspiracy.
  11. Yes. There's nothing like a self-appointed govt, answerable to no one, corralling 1.3 billion people into doing exactly what control freaks demand. Humans are not meant to be free and have any say in their governance. 1.3 billion Chinese exist merely to feed the ego and power fetishes of a guy who periodically gets dipped into a vat of Black hair dye. Who are those 1.3 billion who think they have any right whatsoever to decide how to live their lives ! The audacity of the minions !
  12. There isn't necessarily a connection between talent and wealth...or fame. I cannot think of a talent or skill I have (though I was a pretty good amateur athlete, just not pro level), but I got rich because society pays for the obscure thing I could do well. Some little guy named Justin Bieber made millions singing a song "Baby, baby, baby, ooooh" that must have taken five seconds to write. Damien Hirst is worth a few hundred million, yet there must be ten million 'artists' with as much skill (but inferior marketing). The Universe isn't fair. There are a range of tastes in terms of entertainment. What I might consider pedestrian and banal is another's artistic treasure. What I enjoy is likely pure ennui to others. If what one produces makes one sinfully rich, one is a superstar; if one fails, call your production "Indy". In a free market cream doesn't necessarily rise to the top. The collective preference does. Lots of people think Kanye speaks for them...or at least they did. I'll never understand, but for those who can exploit society's preferences and deliver what the masses want, good on them.
  13. Cannabis is helping refill the coffers of the property class. All of the ma&pa shops, Family Marts, etc., shut down because of Covid are now Cannabis Dispensaries. From 100 meters down Soi 4 to a similar distance down Soi 8 in BKK, there are now 10 shops selling weed. That's 10 recently empty properties now pulling in rent again.
  14. You have to appreciate Prayut's honesty. Other world leaders pretend they give a hoot about their citizens, and a few might actually care. Prayut has no pretense. He couldn't care less about anyone who doesn't fill his coffers. Boon Rawd and Thai Bev likely keep him in silk, so he does their bidding, the people be damned.
  15. Reserves are not some big box of money sitting idle. It is held in various currencies and invested in debt instruments in those currencies. It serves as a kind of collateral when the govt issues new debt, which the Thai govt has been doing in spades. When the current account goes negative, some reserve assets may be sold off to cover holes in domestic sovereign financing.
  16. The dollar isn't the reserve currency because of oil. It's the reserve currency because it has the largest and most liquid markets...fixed income and equity. Virtually any amount of funds can be moved in and out with no difficulty. Even if Saudi and China move to price oil in yuan, it will make no difference. The yuan is never going to be a reserve currency so long as the CP is in power. Capital restrictions make the yuan almost meaningless. People who are not economists or traders have been barking about the end of the petrodollar for years. It shows a total lack of understanding of international finance.
  17. Mostly I agree, but not 100%. The fellow is just starting out. He may not even know what questions to ask, and certainly doesn't want to show ignorance in front of potential partners. If he gets started by asking on a Forum, he gets some idea of issues he hasn't even considered. If he gets more serious, he will have some idea of what he should then ask a lawyer. Even a lawyer might forget to mention a thing or two, so if an issue has been raised on a Forum, the guy will remember to ask. The Learning Curve has to begin somewhere. There are many negative comments in this thread (not yours; yours is practical advice). There are many people who did start a business in Thailand and who have done very well. I bought a business early on in Covid time. I had never run such a business, though as a former hedge fund manager I have analyzed a thousand companies (and even govts) and kind of know what to look for.....even where fraud takes place. My business is profitable and profits are growing by the month. It's entertaining and I know I am providing gainful employment for some hard-working Thai people. I know other business owners who have done similar things, even in businesses in which they had no previous experience. Knowing other owners is good because we share both ideas and potential dangers we might have run across. One major thing I have learned is that there is a massive advantage being an American, because you can own 100%. No need for a Thai partner. That alone cuts out many possible problems. Navigating Thai laws and even idiosyncrasies is quite possible. Perhaps surprising to some, not all Thais are thieves just looking for an opportunity to rip off some foreigner. I bought in order to have a new challenge, as I'm already set financially. It's fun, and with the proper precautions and care, I recommend it.
  18. The OP gave me the impression he was not planning to be a silent partner, so that is why I shared my experience. Yes, if he's in Thailand on a Marriage or Retirement Visa, and never plans to get a Non-B, then he would not need to WP. In fact, legally he would have to remain 100% silent, as any input would equate to 'work'. Because I own via the Treaty of Amity, which means I am sole shareholder, I was required to obtain a Non-B. I don't know the OP's nationality, but if he is from the US, he can be a 100% owner, and thus would need a Non-B. I don't see why so many get their panties in a twist when posters with experience offer advice.
  19. As can be seen from my above post, there are differing opinions on what is required. I suggest you ask your lawyer, because the last thing you want to do early on is violate a Thai law/requirement. My Work Permit has a notation stating I am a Director. Work Permits I have seen from foreign employees of other companies lack that notation. The poster who took exception to me either knows everything or suffers from Dunning-Kreuger Effect. As expert as he may be, I still suggest asking your lawyer. Everyone in a position of authority in the Thai govt told me I needed one, so there's that. Perhaps if you are entirely hands off---just the owner, maybe even residing outside of Thailand---there is a way around it, but from the OP post, it seems you will have some input into how your restaurant/business is run. When the bank accounts for my business were opened, each bank needed me, as Director, to come in and sign a few dozen documents, plus I had to have a company stamp to stamp them. The banks also needed my Work permit, even though they knew full well I wasn't working. Again, just be certain what you need or do not need. Lacking a necessity would cost you a lot, so if a Work Permit is not required, make sure you have an official Thai Govt document that states that.
  20. That 'nonsense' was told to me by an Immigration Officer and my Thai accounting firm. Each time I go to renew my Non-B Business Visa, the IO ALWAYS asks for my Work Permit, even though I do not work and am just the owner of the company. When I first went to Imm for my Non-B, I explained the entire situation to them....I was the buyer/owner of a company, I would be the sole shareholder, and I would not be working. They then told me, "You still need a Work Permit", which is an entirely different Ministry (Labor). So off to Bang Na I went and got it. Maybe you know something the Immigration Officers do not. You should head straight to Chaengwatthana and let them know.
  21. Depending on who you are and what you do, it is wise to avoid Kaspersky. If there is nothing you do that would be of any interest to the SVR/FSB/GRU, then there is nothing to worry about. I always laugh when people fear being bugged or monitored by CIA or NSA. Those orgs couldn't care less most people exist. Terrorists or adversaries like russians, chinese, iranians or north koreans maybe, but everybody else is irrelevant to them. The irony is that most people give away all of their personal information without even being asked. Companies build profiles of folks who use their services, run algorithms on sites visited/comments made/purchases made/etc., and can pretty much tell what time in the morning someone takes a dump. Facebook is altruistic, just trying to bring people together? Ha!
  22. If you are an owner or director of a Thai business, you do need a work permit, as well as a Non-B Business Visa. If you are American, you can own 100% of the company, owing to the Treaty of Amity. If non-American, 49% is your limit. You need trustworthy Thai partners and a good point-of-sales system. You need CCTV cameras for obvious reasons, including insurance. You need to be on top of all supplier issues, and link orders with incoming supplies. There are many licenses required for any business, so look it up depending on what sort of business you intend to run. You say 'restaurant', so that would mean alcohol, food and music license. There is also a sign tax, but if the sign contains any Thai characters, the tax is less. Good idea to get SHA+ approval, too, as you never know when the next epidemic will arrive. For every non-Thai employed or who is a director, you must have at least 4 Thai employees. There is some slack granted if any employee is from an ASEAN country. You need to register at DBD, provide a shareholder list, at least pretend to hold shareholder meetings, register for VAT payments, make sure your staff is on Social Security, and keep every possible receipt and record (giving copies to your accountant). To open a bank account, you will need lots of documents. Best to just ask the bank. Having more than one bank is also wise. There is lots of bureaucracy, but not many legal issues if you follow the rules. Maybe you will get shaken down from time to time, but a payment usually suffices.
  23. I looked up 'curmudgeon' in Merriam-Webster, and it linked to his Facebook page.
  24. I don't mean to be flippant or harsh, but the way to 'find yourself' is to forget yourself. Be for other people and everything you worried about "you" disappears. I'm assuming you have no major health issue or no major biological issue with your brain, like depression, bipolar, etc. I never saw anyone who engaged in navel gazing come out better. People either become even more self-absorbed or else become victim to a 'guru' who preys off people in search of 'something'. Thinking of 'you' is not going to solve the problem of thinking about 'you' too much. That's like trying to cure your lung cancer by smoking more. I'm not a believer in anything, so going off with monks or gurus would bore me to tears listening to that nonsense and banal drivel.....no matter the faith. They have no non obvious answers to anything, just gibberish. After 2000 or so years they have their shtick down, but it's still gibberish. A recent post by a member suffering, as I do, from prolixity mentions being forever curious. Focus on something outside of yourself. Give yourself to others. Be a friend. Lend an ear. Be a buddy. Compliment somebody. Give something to someone in need. All that creates 'meaning' and takes focus off one's self. We humans are primarily social creatures. Unless one is trying to solve a riddle or produce the Unified Field Theory, going off by one's self just makes people worse. The world becomes all about "Me", and that is the road to perdition. Forget "You" to find you.
  25. I assume you actually know this answer. Consider lines of force on a spinning sphere. Get a top, make it spin, then spray colored water above and below its equator. See the lines the ink leaves. Then imagine yourself standing atop the top, and absent gravity, then standing on the bottom of the top looking up. Note the direction of the flow top and bottom. If you want perpetual curiosity and sporadic impishness, then you would like to be, or have been, Richard Feynman. His brilliance and curiosity are well known, but did you know he used to sit on the roof of a building at Caltech, buck naked, and play the bongos? That might qualify as impish. He was also the sort of man who had the kind of passions that would find joy in the agogos of Walking Street in Pattaya or Nana Plaza in Bangkok. Sadly, longevity wasn't to be for him, nor he for us. Cancer took him relatively young.
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