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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. by rich scam artists you mean google, right?
  2. skunk was common parlance in BC 25-30 years ago.
  3. For the love of god, Thaiger, stop with the tortured puns. as for this remark, why? What point would that serve?
  4. Ain't this a bit of a laugh.
  5. Either fulfill the requirement or find another visa.
  6. I really do not understand why folks keep insisting that this type of behavior is uniquely Thai.
  7. Kaboom. a ship without a rudder.
  8. Oh, and here's me thinking it was a senseless crime
  9. pothead here. we dont want him.
  10. Fancy that.
  11. I have told you what to google, there are even videos showing it done. how helpless are you?
  12. for the love of god, the back panel slldes down away from the USB end. took me less than a minute to type 4g USB modem and click on the first shopee link to figure that out.
  13. I generally couldn't give a <deleted> how great and inexpensive pork or chicken are in Thailand or what other people prefer to eat when I ask a specific question like where to buy beef in Thailand.
  14. I'd be pissed if I had to sleep with Elon. And its musth or must, a Persian word.
  15. then there is the issue that elephants are bloody expensive to support. In many cases they need to be put to work to help cover costs. the only way to stop the problem is to make every elephant a ward of the state and provide sanctuaries where they can exist in peace.
  16. land giveaways and cash donations via digital wallet. and the hook is simply the same old populist policies that characterize any Thaksin government. This however is a fine example of placating interests on both ends of the specturum.
  17. Right. lets remember that next time you encounter misfortune, perhaps falling off a hooker. Should have known better, yeah uh. because a lifetime of health issues is just compensation for a lapse in judgement.
  18. we always did know how many pills we could carry before it became a trafficking charge.
  19. as the video story clearly establishes, yes the elphant stopmed on him and beat him with it's trunk after he jumped.
  20. I recall when elephants used to tour soi 11, Cowboy and Nana, walking up and down Sukhumvit at night with old CDs tied to their tails to act as relectors. One was an old bull so tall the minders carried a pole to move powerlines out of his way. obviously they didn't deserve what they got, but it was ignorant to try an elephant ride in the first place
  21. Twaddle mixed with judgement and assumptions. Thanks
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